Relieve Menopause Symptoms with These Simple Tips

Are menopause symptoms taking a toll on your life? Discover how to manage them holistically with practical tips and personalized strategies. From understanding weight gain and reducing hot flashes to overcoming brain fog and boosting energy levels, our comprehensive guide covers it all. Learn how to break free from diet culture and embrace a balanced approach that truly works for your body. Ready to take control of your health? Read More . . .

Understanding Midlife Weight Gain: Causes and Solutions

Struggling with midlife weight gain? You’re not alone. Many women in their 40s to 60s face this challenge, but it doesn’t have to be a losing battle. In this post, we explore the common causes of weight gain during menopause, debunk myths, and offer practical, holistic solutions. Learn how balanced nutrition, enjoyable exercise, stress management, and better sleep can help you regain control of your health. Plus, download our free guide, ‘8 Basic Habits that Healthy People Do,’ to kickstart your journey to a healthier, happier you. Read More . . .

Midlife Weight Loss: Myths vs. Facts

Are you struggling with weight management as you navigate through midlife? Discover why traditional weight loss methods fall short and learn how to adapt your approach to suit the unique needs of your changing body. In this enlightening post, we delve into the realities of hormonal changes, the importance of stress management, and the benefits of a holistic health perspective. Join us as we debunk common myths and empower you with sustainable strategies for a healthier, more fulfilling midlife. Read More . . .

Achieving Optimal Health in Midlife

Dive into the world of personalized wellness and discover how achieving optimal health in midlife is not just a dream but a tangible reality. Through the power of health coaching and a holistic approach to well-being, learn how to craft a health journey that respects your individuality, embraces life’s changes, and guides you towards sustainable, fulfilling health habits. This journey is about finding balance, vitality, and joy in your wellness journey, tailored exclusively for you. Read More . . .

Transform Your Health Game – No Dieting Required!

Embark on a transformative journey with our exclusive guide to sustainable weight loss for women over 50. Say goodbye to fleeting diet trends and hello to a life brimming with vitality and health. Dive into our holistic approach, where drinking water, eating nutritious foods, and managing stress lay the foundation for a vibrant lifestyle. Discover the power of movement, the importance of sleep, and the balance of enjoying life’s treats—all tailored to the unique needs of women in their golden years. Join our empowering community and start your path to a healthier, happier you today Read More . . .

Is it Self-Sabotage? Or People Pleasing?

Unravel the hidden impact of people-pleasing on your health and wellness in this insightful exploration. Discover how the desire to always say ‘yes’ can lead to stress, emotional eating, and neglect of personal health. Learn actionable strategies to break free from approval-seeking behaviors, embrace self-care, and reclaim your self-worth. This guide offers a compassionate look at setting boundaries, improving mental wellness, and fostering healthy eating habits for a more empowered and fulfilling life. Read More . . .

How to Stop Food Logging

Step away from the food log and into a world of mindful eating and intuitive nourishment. In this enlightening post, we explore the transformative journey from strict food tracking to embracing food freedom. Discover the joy of eating without guilt, the benefits of listening to your body, and practical strategies for maintaining a healthy relationship with food. Say goodbye to the stress of diet diaries and hello to a life filled with balance, pleasure, and health. Join me on the path to dietary freedom and unlock the secrets to a happier, healthier you. Read More . . .

Your Health Isn’t Your Fault

Embark on a journey from feeling trapped by health myths to embracing empowerment and responsibility in your wellness journey. This guide reveals how shifting your mindset and adopting healthy habits can lead to a profound personal health transformation. Uncover the steps to break free from the victim mentality and take control of your health, laying the foundation for a life filled with energy, confidence, and self-acceptance. Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #130: The Power of Community

Are you ready to transform your life and embrace the power of community and coaching? In this uplifting episode, I’m sharing how the Feel Good Sisterhood works; an extraordinary year-long group coaching program designed specifically for women in midlife. Discover how this program fosters healthier relationships with food, exercise, and ourselves, with an emphasis on sustainable habits and skills that last a lifetime. I’ll explore the incredible benefits of group coaching, including community building, accountability, diverse perspectives, and shared wisdom. Learn how the Feel Good Sisterhood’s weekly calls, targeted pieces of training, and reflective prompts can revolutionize your relationship with food, your body, and your health.  Connect with a vibrant community of women who are committed to their growth, success, and evolution, and share vulnerabilities as we navigate midlife shifts and menopausal changes together. Don’t miss this opportunity to embark on a liberating journey with the support of the Feel Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #128: Are You An “Almond Mom?”

Are you stuck in the “almond mom” cycle, struggling with your relationship with food, your body, and the impact it has on your children? This heartfelt episode dives deep into recognizing the signs of a disordered relationship with food and body image, sharing valuable insights on breaking free from these harmful patterns. I open up about my own journey and the stories of my clients, highlighting the importance of cultivating healthier relationships with ourselves and our bodies for our well-being and that of our children. Learn about the transformative benefits of developing a healthier relationship with food and body, including increased body confidence, boosted self-esteem, and an overall sense of peace and self-acceptance.  Discover practical tools and strategies such as intuitive eating, body acceptance, self-care, and positive self-talk to help you on your journey toward a more fulfilling and content life. Let’s break the “almond mom” cycle together and create Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #119: Success is Hard

In episode 119 of the Done with Dieting podcast, I delve into why success is hard, especially regarding our health journeys. I discuss the importance of taking responsibility for our actions and avoiding placing blame on others or circumstances. Through my own experiences, I’ve learned that success is quite simple when we focus on one thing at a time and determine whether it works for us.  Understanding your health and adopting healthy habits are essential stepping stones in the journey toward greater well-being. It is the responsibility of each person to recognize when something is working or not working for their body, assess their own needs, and make the necessary changes for optimal health.  The real challenge lies in our willingness to make the necessary sacrifices and prioritize our own needs. By addressing emotional baggage and developing the right mindset, we can create optimal health for ourselves instead of trying Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #63: Listener Questions

Elizabeth Answers Listener Questions We’re diving into a listener Q&A episode this week, and we’re going to be covering topics on eating, exercising, mindset and more. A lot of these questions are linked to one another, so we’re covering a lot of ground today. I’ve received questions on nutrition and what your diet should look like, what we should be doing for exercise, and how to start, as well as ways that we want to get through a plateau. We plan on doing more listener Q&A episodes, and I believe this one will be useful to all you ladies in midlife out there who want to cut through all of the clutter, feel better & live a healthier life. My own journey has involved all of these topics, so tune in today! What you’ll Learn from this Episode Does coffee count towards my water consumption? Does the taste for sweets Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #62: Why we Eat What we Eat

When we buy food, we vote with our dollars. Which foods do you want to vote for? Why do we eat the foods that we eat? Have you ever asked yourself that question? Probably not – but you might think about it when you observe other people eating. In this episode, I’m talking about the very unconscious decisions that we make when we decide to eat one food over another. What’s super important in this episode is to become aware of WHY we DO make the decisions that we do and then decide if we want to keep making those decisions. This episode has the potential to be a game changer when it comes to your eating habits. What you’ll Learn from this Episode Why it’s important to decide what we value when we eat How when we purchase food, we vote for the type of food that we want Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #60: Diet vs Just the Way I Eat

What is the difference between a Diet with a Big D vs a Diet with a Small D? What is the difference between a DIET – a way of eating that we follow from a book – and the idea that ‘this is just the way that I eat?’ If you pay attention to social media, you’ll learn pretty quickly that diet is a four-letter word. That we should not be dieting, and that weight loss is bad. But is it? Are all diets bad? The vegetarian way of eating can be considered just the way someone eats, while someone else may look at it as a diet. How can we tell the difference between a good diet and a bad diet? Or is there such a thing? Listen in to episode 60 to learn how to know if what you’re doing is subscribing to looking at food in an Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #57: Women’s Hormones & Weight Loss with Jade Teta

How to work with your body in menopause and perimenopause instead of against it. If you’re a woman in midlife, it can feel frustrating when your habits haven’t changed, yet your body does. All of the things that we used to do to feel good in our bodies no longer work. As our bodies change to move out of the childbearing years, the habits and behaviors that we do to stay healthy have to change too. As we move out of childbearing years, our body’s hormones shift to support the different needs of our body. As a result, we need to learn how to work WITH our body as opposed to against it. No one likes change. Changing the way we approach our healthy habits takes effort, organization, and planning. But the good news is that through the techniques that you’ll learn in this podcast, you’ll be able to adapt Read More . . .