Midlife Weight Loss: Myths vs. Facts

Are you struggling with weight management as you navigate through midlife? Discover why traditional weight loss methods fall short and learn how to adapt your approach to suit the unique needs of your changing body. In this enlightening post, we delve into the realities of hormonal changes, the importance of stress management, and the benefits of a holistic health perspective. Join us as we debunk common myths and empower you with sustainable strategies for a healthier, more fulfilling midlife. Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #57: Women’s Hormones & Weight Loss with Jade Teta

How to work with your body in menopause and perimenopause instead of against it. If you’re a woman in midlife, it can feel frustrating when your habits haven’t changed, yet your body does. All of the things that we used to do to feel good in our bodies no longer work. As our bodies change to move out of the childbearing years, the habits and behaviors that we do to stay healthy have to change too. As we move out of childbearing years, our body’s hormones shift to support the different needs of our body. As a result, we need to learn how to work WITH our body as opposed to against it. No one likes change. Changing the way we approach our healthy habits takes effort, organization, and planning. But the good news is that through the techniques that you’ll learn in this podcast, you’ll be able to adapt Read More . . .