Achieving Optimal Health in Midlife

Dive into the world of personalized wellness and discover how achieving optimal health in midlife is not just a dream but a tangible reality. Through the power of health coaching and a holistic approach to well-being, learn how to craft a health journey that respects your individuality, embraces life’s changes, and guides you towards sustainable, fulfilling health habits. This journey is about finding balance, vitality, and joy in your wellness journey, tailored exclusively for you. Read More . . .

Redefining Failure: 3 Steps to Overcoming Fear

I was a young bride. 24 years old. And ‘Everyday Cooking’ by Dr. Dean Ornish was all the rage. I mean, Everyday cooking? That means it’s something that I can do. Right? I don’t recall why – maybe it was because I desired to be healthier, or if I felt like it was my role as a wife to cook – but I chose a recipe from the book, bought all of the ingredients, and started following the recipe. That was 1/2 of my lifetime ago – but I still recall standing in that kitchen, looking in the pot of food, wondering where I went wrong?!? It did not look like the picture. And as the end result started to get more and more away from the picture in the cookbook, I started course correcting, however as a new cook, I ended up with a soupy mess that tasted just Read More . . .

Your Future-Self Thinks Your Body is AMAZING!

I recently volunteered to host a screening for a movie about women’s body image. It started innocently enough; I heard about the movie; it sounded great! But it wasn’t being shown in general theaters. The only way to see it was if someone volunteered to host a screening. I hopped on to the web to see if it was showing anywhere locally, and it was, but it was a bit of a drive – which was a bummer. I didn’t want to do it. So I got all mopey for about 2 minutes, until I decided that I could host a screening! I knew enough women around town who were interested in their health – why couldn’t I do it?!? The movie Embrace is great! It covers a huge breadth of topics that all influence women’s body image – and the media, societal, and other messages that we receive about Read More . . .