3, 4 or 6 Meals a Day?

I grew up learning that we should be eating 3 ‘square’ meals per day. I remember being taught in Home Economics class (6th grade) that a square meal consisted of Meat, Vegetables, Dairy, and Grain. So basically, a cheeseburger could be considered a ‘square meal’; it contains meat, lettuce & tomato make up the veg, cheese would check the dairy box, and the bun is a grain. Huh. As I entered my 30s, we started to get a little more sophisticated with our food. The low-fat craze was in full blown effect, vegetarianism was becoming more mainstream, and the new advice was to eat 6 smaller meals per day – so that you could keep your metabolism ‘revved up’ throughout the day. The thinking was that if you ate often enough, you could use the Thermic Effect of Food to help you burn calories for you (although that’s true, it doesn’t quite Read More . . .


Television House Hunters International We had the opportunity to be on House Hunters International after we moved to Mexico. It was a fun experience, and even though we filmed about 40 hours, and that got boiled down to 22 minutes, we were happy with the result. Click Here to enjoy the show!   Podcasts Unf*ck Your Brain Podcast with Kara Lowentheil Ep# 258: Myths about Women in Midlife: A Conversation with Karen Anderson, Elizabeth Sherman, and Jill Angie Something that breaks my heart is how women who are in midlife, or even younger, start having this thought pattern that their life is over, it’s too late to change things, or that their lot in life is chosen and it’s all downhill from this point onwards. I’ve seen this pattern only get worse over time, but the great news is these thoughts aren’t facts. To declare that your life is over Read More . . .

Is the bodybugg worth it?

It’s true. The bodybugg is a pricey piece of equipment, and ultimately, only you can decide how much money you would be willing to pay to lose the weight you desire. I get asked this question A LOT. Is it worth it? When I started with the bodybugg, I only had 15 lbs to lose & was convinced that I had a slow metabolism. I knew that my workouts were good: I’m a personal trainer & nutritionist, so I knew WHAT I was eating was good too. What the bodybugg immediately exposed was that I was sedentary the 23 hours in the day I WASN’T exercising. We all know that moving burns more calories than not moving. The bodybugg illustrates that fact very clearly. Here’s my activity graph from one day. You can clearly see where I was moving & where I wasn’t. I apparently went for a run & Read More . . .

How to Rock a Strapless Dress

Hey there, I just had a few questions that aren’t derby related. I am getting married in April and have been working out 4-5 times a week on top of derby now. I am concerned about toning my arms (among other things) because my dress is strapless. I have some okay biceps going due to my job but my triceps are pretty squishy. Do you have any tips on focusing on lengthening and toning arm muscles? I have a few small weights and treadmill, as well as doing push ups and working with a resistance band. Any advice to add to my routine would be much appreciated. Thanks! Chelsea Handle Her This is such a great question that I decided to answer it in a blog post because I think it’s a topic that many folks want the answer to: whether getting married, or preparing for a school reunion, getting Read More . . .

bodybugg vs fitbit: Round 3 – Sleep Tracking

<< Previous Round bodybugg vs fitbit: Round 2 – Food Logging According to the National Institutes of Health, 50 to 70 million Americans are affected by chronic sleep disorders, and I am very fortunate that I am not one of them. I didn’t realize this until just a few years back. I have no problems sleeping. Sure, occasionally I’ll have a night where I randomly wake up in the middle of the night, or have trouble falling asleep, but it typically doesn’t last more than one night & the visualization techniques I use will usually work to get me to sleep. The bodybugg armband has the ability to show sleep efficiency, but the web application doesn’t expose it. Sure, you can wear it to bed & you can see in the activity graph if you got up, but overall it doesn’t display anything different if you’re just lying there, awake Read More . . .

Yummy Low-Cal Tortilla Chips

Happy Cinco de Mayo Everyone! One of the most common questions I get, is "What do you eat?" Up until now, I’ve omitted this meal. Gary & I probably eat tacos, chips & guacamole at least once per week. BUT WAIT! It’s not what you think. You can do this with relatively little damage to your diet. In honor or Cinco de Mayo, I’m publishing my recipe for tortilla chips & guacamole. Tortilla Chips: About a year ago, I found Mission Extra-Thin Corn Tortillas. The nutritionals on these tortillas are great! Considering that most flour tortillas start at 140 Calories for one, and go up from there, and typically one regular corn tortilla will be around 80 Calories. With the Mission Extra-Thin Corn Tortillas, you get two 6" tortillas for just 80 Calories! That’s fantastic! By dividing the chips into 6 wedges, each chip is ~7 Calories. 6 Mission Extra-Thin Read More . . .