What do you say to yourself?

Have I mentioned lately how much I love my bodybugg? I also have the display device which, when I originally got it, didn't think it was that useful. After all, I uploaded my information on a pretty consistent basis – twice or three times a day. Since it doesn't take that long to upload the data from the armband, it was really easy for me to keep track of the number of calories I was burning. Well, once I got the digital display, I realized that I didn't need to update as often as I had been doing, because the digital display allows me to see almost real time how many calories I'm burning. Yes, Exactly! It allows me to be even more anal retentive than I had been before! So anyway, I recently set a goal to burn 100 calories per hour, or 2400 calories per day. I burn Read More . . .

The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.

It’s not that people lie on purpose; when it comes to weight loss, the most recent statistics show overweight people underreporting daily food intake by 30-40% while normal weight individuals underreport by 16%. Virtually no one over-reports their food intake. Additionally, they’ll overestimate how much they move. The combination of those two little white lies that folks tell themselves is partially to blame the expanding waistline of the American public. I’m not immune to these lies. I feel like I’ve struggled with my weight for years. Well, wait… let me back up there. For most of my life I ate whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. It wasn’t until I was in my first marriage that I used food to emotionally cope with my problems. Although I wasn’t fit when I got married, I was thin, and when I got divorced,I was definitely fat. Here’s my transformation in case you’ve Read More . . .

I think I might be crazy

I have been trying to make myself a runner for years. I had all but given up hope until about 6 months ago when it really kicked in. I was able to do it and not stop. I set goals for myself and reached them. I really started to like running because it allowed me to clear my  head about whatever was on my mind. I enjoy doing it first thing in the morning so that I can set my day. At first, it was all I could do to not think about running while I was doing it – that made it all the more difficult. But eventually, as I was able to learn from my breathing and heart rate whether I should slow down or if I could step it up, it became more fun. I started driving the routes that I took to see how far I Read More . . .

The Supermarket Diet

I’ll admit that I’m a product of marketing in Magazines. Those headlines are really aluring: “Lose 20 lbs before Christmas” or “Sexy moves he wishes you knew”. And I’m old enough (and have bought enough) to know that the articles in these magazines NEVER live up to the hype. But this time I was intrigued. “The Supermarket Diet” I had to buy it. What could the basis of the Supermarket diet be about? Eating foods from the supermarket will allow you to lose weight as opposed to eating foods at restaurants? Is that only a big DUH to me? or is everyone else clued in on that too? To my surprise, the supermarket diet was more than just “don’t eat out”. It is a diet book written by Good Housekeeping. It has a 2 week initial phase where participants eat a total of 1200 calories spread across 4 “meals”, then Read More . . .

True Equality

I am completely intrigued by the fact that time is the one thing that we are all dealt equally in life. What we choose to do with it is all ours to decide. With money, you can make the excuse that one person is paid more than another, and that the reason for that is that they were born into a wealthy family, or they received inheritance, etc. but time is the one thing that has no discrimination. We all get 60 minutes in an hour, 24 hours in a day, and 7 days in a week. So why is it that some people seem to have loads of time, while others are constantly “bizzy”? Is it efficiency? Priorities? maybe a bit of both? What if we could sleep less? Yes, I enjoy sleeping. I’ve needed 8+ hours of sleep for as long as I can remember, or else I’m Read More . . .