I live in a tourist town on the eastern coast of Mexico. We’re near Cancun & Playa del Carmen. We have a high season where we get an influx of visitors, and a low season where, we still get some visitors – just not as many. When I talk to folks who are visiting, or even my clients who will be traveling here on vacation, I hear the same fear all the time – they think that they’re going to gain weight while they’re here. But I’ve found that while living here, it’s been really easy to maintain my weight without any scales, and feel good about my diet (of course, you can be healthy and unhealthy pretty much anywhere! It’s all about our choices.) What’s the difference? For one, the restaurant portions aren’t nearly the size that they are in the states. And because imported food is more expensive, Read More . . .
Redefining Failure: 3 Steps to Overcoming Fear
I was a young bride. 24 years old. And ‘Everyday Cooking’ by Dr. Dean Ornish was all the rage. I mean, Everyday cooking? That means it’s something that I can do. Right? I don’t recall why – maybe it was because I desired to be healthier, or if I felt like it was my role as a wife to cook – but I chose a recipe from the book, bought all of the ingredients, and started following the recipe. That was 1/2 of my lifetime ago – but I still recall standing in that kitchen, looking in the pot of food, wondering where I went wrong?!? It did not look like the picture. And as the end result started to get more and more away from the picture in the cookbook, I started course correcting, however as a new cook, I ended up with a soupy mess that tasted just Read More . . .
What can Goldilocks teach us?
You know the story of Goldilocks, . Right? A little girl gets lost in the forest, and stumbles upon a house where 3 bears live, but aren’t currently inside. As she wanders through the house, trying out things that belong to the bears, everything that belongs to the Papa Bear is too big; everything that belongs to the Baby Bear is too small; but everything that belongs to the Momma Bear is just right, fits like a glove, and feels good. We can apply the Goldilocks story to our health habits and that can predict whether we’ll have success with the new habits that we decide to adopt. Will they be long term habits that feel like your favorite jeans? or will they soon get discarded like that Snuggie that your cousin gave you for Christmas? See, when we set out to create new habits for ourselves, we want to Read More . . .
We’re on TV!!
This is totally off topic, and personal, but in June 2018 we had the opportunity to be featured on House Hunters International. It was tons of fun, and we’d totally do it again even though the internet trolls came out & told us what horrible people we were because, well, the internet gives everyone a voice – whether we use that voice to spread good or spew hate is up to us. But the truth is that if Gary and I agreed on everything, if we liked everything, it wouldn’t make compelling television now, would it? It would be pretty boring. If you want to follow our treks through Mexico, you can follow us at Tex Mex Expats. Enjoy the show & we’ll see you there! Read More . . .
Weighing yourself: When & How?
Lots of gurus will tell you not to weigh yourself daily, or that you should weigh weekly, monthly, or not weigh at all and just use the mirror as your guide. I think that different people will find success in the different methods. Which one should you do? Read More . . .
Scale going up when you start exercising?
It’s the new year & you’ve started a new exercise routine. You can’t wait to jump on the scale to see all of your hard work pay off. But wait! The scale actually went UP? Well that’s not right! What’s going on?!? Read More . . .
How long until your good habits show up
It’s been a week, and you’re excited to jump on the scale – get validation on all of the hard work that you’ve been putting in with your food and exercise. You must have lost 10 lbs by now! Right? Gah! The scale doesn’t reflect what you thought! What’s going on? Here’s what I’ve learned in observing my own body, and what I’ve seen in my clients. Read More . . .
Avoid these 2 weight loss mistakes
It’s the new year, and everyone wants results yesterday. I get it. But consistency is going to give you the results that you desire. And making too many changes at once is going to lead to discomfort & not continuing with your healthy habits. Read More . . .
How certain ‘off plan’ foods can help you stick to your diet
What you need to know about buffer foods and trigger foods if you want to be able to manage your weight. Read More . . .
Can you lose weight while drinking alcohol?
Sure, alcohol is toxic to our bodies, but it also has a fair number of health benefits. One of the first things people tend to cut out when they’re starting a new way of eating is alcohol – and with good reason: it has almost as many calories as fat, and almost twice the calories of carbohydrates and protein the body can’t digest it, so any food that we take in with it, will be shuttled directly to fat stores while the body burns off the alcohol it lowers our inhabitions, so where you might have had more resolve not to eat that bread before, now it doesn’t seem like that big of a deal. and more But do you have to give it up completely? Read More . . .
How Many Treats Can you Have?
We think that when we start a new resolution, or goal that we need to be perfect. But Consistency beats Perfection any day! When we think that we need to be perfect, and on plan every day, the minute we go off plan, that means that we’ve screwed up. Instead of feeling like we need to adhere to someone else’s plan, what if we created a plan that worked for us long term? That includes adding treats to your daily diet. But how many treats are enough? How much is too much? Read More . . .
Self-Care: Beyond Massages & Manicures
I talk about weight loss on my blog a lot. But, to be honest, the topic of weight loss has become less and less interesting of a topic to me. I’m much more concerned with how my clients think, feel, move, and their general health. However, our weight is a really good barometer for our health, and for that reason, I still think that it’s important to discuss. If we are taking good care of our body, that means feeding it properly and in the proper amounts, exercising it, giving it enough rest, (and since our brain is inside our body) not stressing out, and having a healthy attitude towards our relationships and the world around us. Our weight is a symptom of our lifestyle. Many folks like to manage the symptoms without addressing the root cause. Knee hurts? Get an injection. Can’t sleep? Take a pill. Low energy? Take Read More . . .
The #1 thing that successful people DON’T say that could be screwing you up
I was listening to a business podcast the other day titled, “The ONE thing that successful people don’t say that could be screwing you up.” You want to know what it is? I already know this. Or I’ve heard this already. And there is so much truth in that statement. Do you think? How often do we brush something off and feel like we don’t have to listen because we ‘know it already’? Eat mostly plants Be active every day Eat Just enough – but not too much Get enough sleep Limit foods that are commercially made Are you doing it now? Are you thinking to yourself that you already know this stuff – Yet, you’re still struggling with your health? But just because we know something doesn’t mean that we’re DOING it – and success doesn’t come with information, but rather applying the information to our situation. Until we’re successful Read More . . .
Did you just sabotage yourself?
Have you ever set out a goal for yourself, and then gone and done something that completely goes against that goal? Self-sabotage happens when our sub-conscious mind is at odds with our conscious mind. And we don’t even realize that we’re doing it! It’s only later, when we think, “Why did I do that?!?” And most of us don’t even have that much self-awareness. We just think that it’s something that ‘happened’. Here’s a really common example: You’re on a new eating plan. You have food in your house that supports your new goals, yet you decide to have food delivered – or go out to pick something up that is TOTALLY NOT in alignment with your goals. The food you have on hand is available, there isn’t much prep work needed, and it would be faster to eat what you have (not to mention cheaper) than going out for Read More . . .
The 2 MOST powerful words you can say to yourself
Running seems easy enough. I suppose that’s why so many people do it. All you need is yourself, and a good pair of shoes. But running is hard. Like – really hard. Especially for beginners. I mean, it LOOKS like it’s just fast walking, but after about 5 minutes of this ‘fast walking’, your heart is pounding so hard it feels like it’s going to come out of your chest, and your legs feel like they’re tree trunks, and your brain is asking, is this what dying is like? I think if you were to ask folks, how do I start running, most would say, “you just start running.” And then, they’d think to themselves, “uh – duh!” But that’s not entirely true. You actually can’t just start running at the pace that you want to keep for the entire duration of your run – whether it’s 15 minutes or Read More . . .
Hummus 101
My Friend, Anthony Chalas and I got together to make hummus. I know what you’re asking yourself: Why would I need to know how to make hummus when I can just go buy it? Here’s why: 1) to flavor it as you prefer (make it spicy, add roasted red peppers, more or less garlic) 2) to control the ingredients – on a diet? hummus is great, but can have a lot of fat in it. (yes – it’s good fat, but its still fat) 3) to reduce preservatives in your diet 4) because La Sirena – Puerto Morelos might be closed & you’re really really wanting hummus! … and I’m sure there’s more. Watch the video to learn about how to make hummus, and how to get supple cells! Read More . . .
6 Best Practices For Good Sleep when you Travel
We all know that we feel better when we get good sleep, but yet, sometimes it seems like folks get into a competition for bragging rights to see how little sleep they can get and still function. The thing is that there’s so much that we don’t know about sleep; for example, why we do it. We know that we process information and learn while we sleep, and that our cells regenerate. But when we think about early man, and how much it made him vulnerable to predators, it’s not logical to think that we shut down for 1/3 of our life. Just like amounts of calories, how much alone time we need, or whether we like cilantro, everyone’s ideal amount of sleep differs. Some folks do great on 6 hours, while others need a solid 8. And there are times in our life when we might need more – Read More . . .
3 Tips for Staying Fit When You’re On the Road
For folks who love traveling, or who travel for their job, it’s one of the downfalls that goes along with the luxury of going to wonderful new places: traveling is disruptive to even the best intentioned person, when it comes to their health. I recall when I started my first job where I would be traveling 100% of my time; I knew that business travelers often gained weight. I was already bigger than I felt comfortable with, and didn’t want to gain more. I was young – in my late 20’s. I had never exercised before in my life and my diet was sh*t. I knew my diet was bad. I loved bloomin’ onions, burgers, fries, and beer. I knew that I should be eating more vegetables, but I didn’t know how to do that – so I did it the only way I knew how – I became a Read More . . .
What makes a good sangria? Do you know? Should you use sweet wine? Cheap wine? Expensive wine? What about the fruit? Sweet? Acidic? Crunchy? I know! So many questions. Join Total Health by Elizabeth and Dona Sonia & Chef Marco as they show how to make the perfect sangria. A few things discussed in the video: What type of wine you should use (red or white) What type of fruit will work best Will your Sangria ‘keep’ if you save leftover for tomorrow? Want more tasty cocktail recipes just like this one? Click here for over 10 more fantastic cocktail recipes. Read More . . .
How to cook cactus (aka: nopales)
Join Total Health by Elizabeth and Dona Sonia & Chef Marco as they show how to shop for, clean and prepare cactus pads (leaves/paddles). A few things discussed in the video: How to shop for nopales – what to look for, what to avoid How to clean and store them How to cook them. Read More . . .