Total Health in Midlife Episode #190: Breaking the Midlife Exercise Myths

When my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer, it was a wake-up call that changed my entire approach to fitness. I went from someone who was inconsistent at best, to someone who now sees it as a non-negotiable part of life.  This episode of Total Health in Midlife is a deep dive into why traditional fitness rules no longer apply as we age, particularly for women. I share my personal journey and the transformative power of strength training in fighting osteoporosis and frailty. We shift the conversation from viewing exercise as a chore to seeing it as an investment in our future health and independence. We also tackle the critical risks that come with aging, such as falls, brittle bones, and muscle loss, which all threaten our independence. We debunk common myths around weight management, highlighting why the “calories in versus calories out” mantra may not work for us anymore Read More . . .

Relieve Menopause Symptoms with These Simple Tips

Are menopause symptoms taking a toll on your life? Discover how to manage them holistically with practical tips and personalized strategies. From understanding weight gain and reducing hot flashes to overcoming brain fog and boosting energy levels, our comprehensive guide covers it all. Learn how to break free from diet culture and embrace a balanced approach that truly works for your body. Ready to take control of your health? Read More . . .

4 things I learned from logging my food & exercise

At some point along my weight loss journey, I realized that I wasn’t going achieve my goals and have them be life long habits if I was implementing radical and quick fix solutions. I needed to think about sustainable habits. What were those things that I could do and keep doing for years and years, and still be successful? AND if I was going to do something that wasn’t sustainable, I would acknowledge it, but if it could get me to a goal and then I could safely transition off of it, the technique would be worth a try. An example of this is food logging and wearable fitness trackers. In my guide, 7 Mistakes I made in my Fat-Loss Journey, one of the 7 mistakes that I made was being too dependent on the calories in versus calories out approach. And that’s true. I used my fitness trackers and Read More . . .

Should you exercise while you’re on vacation?

I live in a tourist town on the eastern coast of Mexico. We’re near Cancun & Playa del Carmen. We have a high season where we get an influx of visitors, and a low season where, we still get some visitors – just not as many. When I talk to folks who are visiting, or even my clients who will be traveling here on vacation, I hear the same fear all the time –  they think that they’re going to gain weight while they’re here. But I’ve found that while living here, it’s been really easy to maintain my weight without any scales, and feel good about my diet (of course, you can be healthy and unhealthy pretty much anywhere! It’s all about our choices.) What’s the difference? For one, the restaurant portions aren’t nearly the size that they are in the states. And because imported food is more expensive, Read More . . .

3 Tips for Staying Fit When You’re On the Road

For folks who love traveling, or who travel for their job, it’s one of the downfalls that goes along with the luxury of going to wonderful new places: traveling is disruptive to even the best intentioned person, when it comes to their health. I recall when I started my first job where I would be traveling 100% of my time; I knew that business travelers often gained weight. I was already bigger than I felt comfortable with, and didn’t want to gain more. I was young – in my late 20’s. I had never exercised before in my life and my diet was sh*t. I knew my diet was bad. I loved bloomin’ onions, burgers, fries, and beer. I knew that I should be eating more vegetables, but I didn’t know how to do that – so I did it the only way I knew how – I became a Read More . . .

How to prevent your diet (or exercise routine) from derailing

Life gets in the way. Doesn’t it? How often do you plan to do something, but then, something else comes up? And then that thing that you wanted to do gets put on the back burner?   I always kind-of laugh to myself when I make a big ‘life decision’ because it always seems like the universe conspires against me to make it not happen. What typically happens is that I’ll decide to make a change, and then 3 or 4 other events happen at the same time that make my situation that much more stressful.   The best example of this I can give is when I moved from Chicago to Austin to live with my husband, Gary.   Granted, moving across the country is already a HUGE, stressful event. But the reason I was moving was to be with my husband because we were in a long distance Read More . . .

General Tips & Info

Weight Loss Lingo Perhaps it’s time for us to stop focusing on “weight”, and start focusing on “reducing body fat”. Experts say our percentage of body fat is generally a better measure of our fitness and health status than our weight. And, in fact, the scale can be quite misleading. For example, through exercise and a healthy diet, we can build muscle and become leaner yet be discouraged by a scale that suggests we haven’t made much progress. Likewise, the scale can fool us into believing we’ve made strides with lost pounds, when in reality we’ve simply lost important muscle mass. The words we use make a big difference in how we perceive our goals. “Reducing bodyfat percentage” may not exactly roll off the tongue, but it could give us a sounder perspective on what it really means to be fit. Want the truth about cellulite? It isn’t a mysterious Read More . . .

Health “E” Tips

Exercise Tips Nutrition Tips General Tips For Beginners Nutrition Guidelines for Reducing Body Fat Exercise Guidelines for Beginners Read More . . .

3 Tips for Increasing Activity

Part 3 in the Runtex University Bucky & Bob Speaking Series In the ongoing debate of whether someone can be overweight and be healthy, one thing is clear: Being active and incorporating intentional exercise into your lifestyle is going to positively contribute to your quality of life as you age. It may or may not help you live longer, but then who wants to live until the age of 150 if you’re strapped to a wheelchair and feeding tube? The body and mind are so tightly inter-connected that regular, intentional exercise improves mood, quality of sleep, decreases stress and the risk of disease. What I have also found intriguing is that as individuals become more active, their bodies start to crave healthier options. Don’t be surprised if you start craving broccoli or salmon once you incorporate activity into your day. Your body was meant to move; treat your body well Read More . . .

3 Tips for Maintaining Motivation

Part 2 in the Runtex University Bucky & Bob Speaking Series We’ve all done it; whether it’s a New Year’s Resolution, or disliking the way you look in pictures, or even wanting to fit into a cute pair of pants again that have gotten a little too snug. We start off with a vengeance; vowing to change our life this time for good. Then, about 6 weeks later (maybe sooner, maybe later) our stick-to-it-iveness begins to wane. What strategies can you use so that you maintain your motivation & make those behavior changes that you desire? 1) Set Goals Goals are SO important in life in general. Goals allow you to be proactive in your life instead of re-active. When I think about life without goals, I think about the song Once In a Lifetime by the Talking Heads. The tips I’m outlining here can be applied to health, personal, Read More . . .

Transform Your Health Game – No Dieting Required!

Embark on a transformative journey with our exclusive guide to sustainable weight loss for women over 50. Say goodbye to fleeting diet trends and hello to a life brimming with vitality and health. Dive into our holistic approach, where drinking water, eating nutritious foods, and managing stress lay the foundation for a vibrant lifestyle. Discover the power of movement, the importance of sleep, and the balance of enjoying life’s treats—all tailored to the unique needs of women in their golden years. Join our empowering community and start your path to a healthier, happier you today Read More . . .

Total Health in Midlife Episode #196: Listener Q&A: Deciding Ahead of Time

In this powerful episode, I answer listener questions, including how to set realistic health goals when your schedule is packed, what to do when unexpected events throw you off course, and how to build the self-trust and confidence needed to follow through on your health commitments. I share my personal experiences and the strategies that have helped me and my clients break free from the cycle of self-sabotage and start making lasting, meaningful changes in their health.  The episode also explores the power of planning ahead, even for those who don’t consider themselves naturally inclined to organize or plan. I provide practical tips for incorporating planning into daily routines and discuss the benefits of doing so, such as reduced stress and increased likelihood of following through on health commitments. Throughout the episode, I emphasize the importance of taking responsibility for one’s health and encourage listeners to seek the support they Read More . . .

Total Health in Midlife Episode #189: How to Stop Overeating

What if I told you that your struggle with overeating has nothing to do with willpower? In this episode of the Total Health and Midlife Podcast, I dive deep into the real reasons behind overeating, unraveling the myth that it’s simply about being “good” with food. Through personal stories and expert insights, I reveal why diets often fail and why we keep falling into the same patterns, despite our best efforts. But this isn’t just another episode about dieting—I introduce a radically different approach that doesn’t involve giving up the foods you love. Instead, I challenge listeners to rethink their relationship with food, focusing on understanding and unlearning the habits that have been setting them up for failure. If you’re tired of the constant battle with food and looking for a sustainable way to change your eating habits without guilt or shame, this episode offers a breakthrough perspective that could Read More . . .

Total Health in Midlife Episode #187: The Ultimate Guide to Protein for Midlife Women

Discover the secret to maintaining your vitality in your 40s, 50s, and after, as I uncover the transformative power of protein for women.  In today’s episode of the Total Health in Midlife podcast, we’ll explore why protein is essential for muscle maintenance and healthy bones, skin, hair, and brain function. Learn how to combat the effects of sarcopenia, a common issue as we age, by ensuring adequate protein intake. I also emphasize the importance of animal-based proteins for their complete amino acid profiles and offer practical advice for those relying on plant-based sources to make mindful combinations. Packed with personal anecdotes and real-life success stories, this episode is brimming with actionable tips to boost your protein intake. I share strategies like meal planning, batch cooking, and making protein the star of every meal to help you stay energized and in control of your health. Take advantage of this opportunity to Read More . . .

Total Health in Midlife Episode #184: The Cure for Low Energy & Fatigue in Midlife

Could over-exercising and poor sleep habits be the hidden saboteurs of your energy levels?  This episode uncovers the myriad factors that could be draining your vitality, with a special focus on midlife women. I dive into personal experiences and share actionable insights on how to identify root causes like low iron levels, inadequate calorie intake, and even over-exercising.  We kick off by emphasizing the critical role of sleep, explaining how stress, anxiety, and blue light exposure can wreak havoc on your nightly rest. Along the way, I provide practical tips to improve your sleep hygiene and create a more restful environment, setting the stage for reclaiming your energy and improving your overall well-being. From recognizing the signs of over-exercising to addressing poor dietary habits, this episode covers it all. I highlight how consuming processed foods and lacking essential nutrients can leave you feeling fatigued, emphasizing the importance of listening to Read More . . .

Total Health in Midlife Episode #181: Reducing Friction

Ever find yourself struggling to stick to healthy habits despite knowing their benefits?  In this episode, I uncover the secrets to making healthier choices with less effort by focusing on the concept of reducing friction. Listen in as I explore the small obstacles that make sticking to health plans challenging and share practical strategies to remove these barriers.  I’ll discuss the motivational triad and how our brains are wired to seek immediate pleasure, making habit formation difficult. By addressing our internal dialogue and the simple reasons behind our resistance—like convenience, time constraints, and discomfort—we can create a smoother path to achieving our health goals. I also tackle common hurdles in maintaining healthy habits such as staying hydrated and meal prepping. Learn how keeping water accessible and using partial prep techniques can simplify cooking and make healthy eating more manageable.  Additionally, discover how making healthy snacks more visible and accessible can Read More . . .

Total Health in Midlife Episode #180: Overcoming Binge Eating: Brenda’s Story

In this inspiring episode of the Total Health in Midlife Podcast, Elizabeth interviews Brenda, a dedicated client who shares her journey to overcoming health challenges in her late 60s. Brenda’s story is a testament to the power of personalized coaching and mindset shifts. She discusses her struggles with weight gain, and binge eating, and how Elizabeth’s coaching helped her develop a healthier relationship with food and regain control of her health. Tune in to learn about the transformative journey Brenda embarked on and the valuable lessons she learned along the way. Chapter Summaries: Transformation Through Resilience and Mindful Eating (0:00:04) Brenda shares her journey from farm life to retirement, discussing weight gain during menopause, binge eating, and embracing mindful eating. Active Retirement and Coaching Program (0:16:10)  Retirement, American Dream, group coaching, shared experiences, and sidecar coaching are discussed in this episode. Understanding and Overcoming Binging Behavior (0:21:45)  Breaking free from Read More . . .

Understanding Midlife Weight Gain: Causes and Solutions

Struggling with midlife weight gain? You’re not alone. Many women in their 40s to 60s face this challenge, but it doesn’t have to be a losing battle. In this post, we explore the common causes of weight gain during menopause, debunk myths, and offer practical, holistic solutions. Learn how balanced nutrition, enjoyable exercise, stress management, and better sleep can help you regain control of your health. Plus, download our free guide, ‘8 Basic Habits that Healthy People Do,’ to kickstart your journey to a healthier, happier you. Read More . . .

Total Health in Midlife Episode #176: Health, Wealth & Time

In this episode of the Total Health in Midlife podcast, Elizabeth Sherman explores the relationship between health, wealth, and time across different stages of life. She emphasizes how these three elements are interconnected and impact each other, shaping our life experiences from youth through retirement.  The discussion highlights the common tendency to neglect health in pursuit of wealth and time, and how this oversight can diminish the quality of life in later years. Underscores the importance of not postponing health-oriented decisions and advocates for integrating small, manageable health habits into daily life. She encourages listeners to reflect on how they’re balancing these three critical aspects and to take action toward a healthier, more fulfilling future.  The episode serves as a wake-up call to reevaluate priorities, with a focus on health as a foundation for enjoying wealth and time, presenting practical advice and resources for listeners to make meaningful changes towards Read More . . .

Total Health in Midlife Episode #174: The Foundation v2.0

Unlock the secrets to your best health as I, Elizabeth Sherman, guide you through the eight basic habits that form the cornerstone of lifelong vitality. I’ve honed these practices through years of dedicated coaching, and now I’m bringing them straight to your ears with fresh insights and hands-on advice.  Today’s episode is crammed with personal stories, like my own protein-packed journey during my bodybuilding days, and inspiring successes from women like Renee and Stephanie, who reshaped their relationship with food and their bodies by adhering to these foundational habits. Discover how subtle changes, like adjusting portion sizes and integrating movement into your routine, can have monumental effects on your physical and mental well-being.  We wrap up with a heartfelt invitation to join a community that celebrates every step forward, where your smallest progress is met with the loudest cheers. This podcast isn’t just about listening—it’s about sparking action, embracing change, Read More . . .