Question of the Day: Protein Drinks

Today’s Question is from Sarah: "I would also like to get your opinion on protein drinks.  What do you think of them?  Do you recommend them or suggest staying away from them?  I have heard lots of people talking about them, and one even came with my workout program (which I have been taking), but I’m not sure if it’s the best thing to do.  Any suggestions?" Oy! Protein Drinks! Let’s start with some definitions. Supplements are a multi-billion dollar industry. There are lots of "fitness" foods out there: Protein Drinks, Energy Drinks, Meal Replacement Powders (MRPs), Meal Replacement Drinks (MRDs), Protein Bars, Energy Bars, and Meal Replacement Bars. Meal replacements are designed to replace a complete meal, and therefore have a nutrient formula similar to what that manufacturer believes should be the nutrient breakdown of a meal. It will have an adequate supply of protein, carbohydrates, and fats. These Read More . . .

Veggie Burger & Sweet Potato Fries

Ever since I’ve read the Omnivore’s Dilemma & saw the movie Food Inc., I’ve been more aware of the quality of my food, where it’s coming from & also the environmental impact of my diet. With all of that, I went online searching for veggie burger recipes & found a Houston’s copycat version. Houston’s Restaurant has the best veggie burger EVER! It looks like a burger should (not like those lame frozen soy patties that you get in the grocery store), it has a ton of flavor & is just to die for. If you’ve never had a veggie burger, never had a veggie burger that you’ve liked, or haven’t tried Houston’s veggie burger, you need to go there & try it. (Gary even liked it & ordered one!) Anyway, I’m playing around with the recipe. I think the flavor is there, but they’re pretty loose – so I need Read More . . .

Bodybugg Calories Burned

Another Frequently asked question about the bodybugg application is: "Why do I have two different Calories Burned Numbers? I just got my Bodybugg last night. It seems to be working and when I uploaded data from the armband to computer, at the bottom it said I had burned 31 calories-had only been wearing it for a few minutes. The top display for the overall day is completely out of whack says 381 calories burned so far which can’t be done in wearing it a whole ten minutes?" The Red arrows in this screen shot point out the conflicting data. Clearly the numbers are different, but why? The top number shows the total number of calories burned during the entire day. The bottom number shows the number of calories burned during a specific time of day, typically your waking hours, which is illustrated by the darker gray area that the blue Read More . . .

How Do I Edit my Meals in the Bodybugg?

The most common first question I get with the bodybugg application is, "I’ve entered my food, now I want to go back & change it & I cant." As far as editing the food log, yes you can do it & it’s easy; it just happens in a different place  than where you initially log your food. I agree that it’s a little confusing. You click the “Calories Consumed” button when you’re entering in new meals, but not when you’re modifying previously entered meals. Editing Food   Step 1: Using the Date selector, select the date for the food you want to modify. Step 2: Select the “Nutrition” sub-tab just below the “Calories Burned”, “Calories Consumed” buttons & just to the left of the Calories Burned graph. Once you’re on that sub-tab, you can edit any meal by clicking the “EDIT” button associated with the meal you’d like to change. Read More . . .

Consciously Incompetent

When I imagined that I would be skating in rollerderby, I didn’t necessarily imagine that I would be blocking every body hit & skating with the fluid moves of a butterfly: zipping in & out of other girls around me. I guess I thought that it might be a little difficult at first, but with a little time & stick-to-it-ness, I’d be okay. After I invested in all of my equipment, I certainly felt the pressure to make it work. But after 8 weeks of skating 2-3 times per week, neither did I imagine that I would lose my balance & fall when I was just standing on my skates! I’m completely in awe of my coaches, Sparkle Plenty & Devil Grrl. They’re both so at ease on their skates. When Sparkle talks, she “paces” in her skates – backwards, forwards, sideways… it’s as if her skates are part of Read More . . .

Let Your Food Burn Calories For You

You’ve seen the titles of books & magazine headlines: “Fat Burning Foods”; “Eat More to Weigh Less” and it goes on & on. So what are these articles & books trying to teach us? THey’re trying to get us to use the Thermic Effect of Food (TEF) to burn more calories, and yes, it does work. Thermic Effect of Food Defined: “the increment in energy expenditure above resting metabolic rate due to the cost of processing food for storage and use” or, the number of calories our bodies use in eating. Yes, we burn calories by eating. NancySBrandt: I’m thinking this #bodybugg thing might be too good to be true. How can I have 747 calorie deficit after eating fast food for two meals? bodybugg: @NancySBrandt Ucould eat donuts all day &still hv a calorie deficit! it doesn’t mean tht it’s a good thing. Uburn fewr K digesting fast food Read More . . .

Exercising on an Empty Stomach

@dasschus ? for the week: do you burn more calories if you have something to eat first? Went on hike but past lunch & was hungry. on same hike after eating picnic bodybugg said I burned more calories. So does fueling up before exer. burn more calories? This question is a hotly debated topic among the fitness community: do you exercise on an empty stomach or not? The current theory is that when you perform cardiovascular exercise on an empty stomach, you’ll burn more calories from fat than you would if you ate prior to performing the same cardiovascular exercise. The rationalization is that while you’re sleeping, your body uses up all of the reserve energy in your muscles & when you wake, your body has no choice other than to use the body’s fat reserves to create energy. Let’s evaluate the pros & cons. Pros Exercising on an empty Read More . . .

Heart Rate & the Bodybugg

There’s been a TON of discussion recently about Heart Rate Monitors (HRM) & the Bodybugg: The bodybugg should have one… Why doesn’t the bodybugg have one?… an HRM can do the same thing as a bodybugg at a fraction of the cost…  and so on. So, I’d like to address some of the questions about Heart Rate & the Bodybugg. Heart Rate Monitors HRMs can range from $60 – 400. The most basic will tell time & HR. More sophisticated ones may also track GPS location, calories burned, speed, & allow you to upload the data to a website to look at it, and may keep history of several previous "files" (or workouts). I used a HRM for years because it was the only tool available to tell me how many calories I burned when I exercised. However, I tried wearing it the entire day once had no luck as Read More . . .

Bodybugg or No Bodybugg that is the Question?

Yesterday, I posted an article about whether the Bodybugg is useful for fitness pros. It was spurred by a conversation on twitter with another personal trainer, out of Seattle, @Targettraining. He asked if he could post a response. Here it is: Guest Post by Shayne P. Norton In the small article I will discuss why the Bodybugg is not for everyone, and why would you want it. So there are many controversies about calories in versus calories out, fat loss and weight loss. Well I am here to tell you the difference and obsession with the people of today. I have learned in my field of personal training that personal trainers will lie to you at a corporate gym due to the pressure of sales from the management. Trust me I have been there and done that, also if there is a personal trainer that has said that they haven’t Read More . . .

Is the Bodybugg Useful for Fitness Pros?

I mentioned in my last post that I’ve joined Twitter. I have two logins: @esherman that is more personal & I tweet about health stuff that interests me, and @bodybugg where I support the bodybugg twitter community. I’ve gotten to "meet" some great people, and have some interesting conversations. [click here to learn about the bodybugg & what it does] Here’s one that I’m currently having (keep in mind that twitter only allows 140 characters per post) @Targettraining The Bodybugg sucks, it is for those with no discipline and people that focus on the wrong part of fitness. @bodybugg that is absolutely false @Targettraining The BBugg is for trainers that are lazy or don’t know much about nutrition!!! That is how I feel.. @bodybugg As a trainer it’s a HUGELY valuable tool; it allows you to see into your client’s lives outside of the 3 hrs they’re with u @Targettraining Read More . . .

How Quickly Will I See Results?

I received a question on Twitter today that I thought warranted a blog post. @dasschus asked “how long does it take for a surplus of calories to show up as a weight gain? How long until is shows as stored fat? Curious.” The answer to this question is pretty complex & like everything in health & the human body, what may be the answer for one person may not be the solution for all. Therefore, I’m going to answer this question from my own personal experience. The short answer is that it doesn’t happen instantly. That’s good and bad news because just as one day of eating poorly isn’t going to derail your weight loss goals, neither will one day of excessive activity make a noticeable difference either. The body ultimately takes an average of my calories in & calories out over a period of time. I notice a lag Read More . . .

Roller Derby Bad @**

I joined the Texas RollerGirls Recreational Roller Derby League! I don’t know what the heck I was thinking. Actually, I know exactly what I was thinking. I was thinking that summer is approaching in Austin, and since I’ve been running, I enter summer a really strong runner (running 10 – 13 miles on my long runs) & by mid-June, I can barely run for 40 minutes without taking a walk break. So, summer is the time when I start thinking about cross training. I am highly influenced by the power of suggestion, so when someone suggested that I sign up for Roller Derby, I did it. Aaack! After not being on roller skates since I was in high-school (maybe) I googled "how to roller skate", and came up with some good sites. After watching a bunch of videos, I put on my pads, laced up my skates & promptly fell Read More . . .

Yummy Low-Cal Tortilla Chips

Happy Cinco de Mayo Everyone! One of the most common questions I get, is "What do you eat?" Up until now, I’ve omitted this meal. Gary & I probably eat tacos, chips & guacamole at least once per week. BUT WAIT! It’s not what you think. You can do this with relatively little damage to your diet. In honor or Cinco de Mayo, I’m publishing my recipe for tortilla chips & guacamole. Tortilla Chips: About a year ago, I found Mission Extra-Thin Corn Tortillas. The nutritionals on these tortillas are great! Considering that most flour tortillas start at 140 Calories for one, and go up from there, and typically one regular corn tortilla will be around 80 Calories. With the Mission Extra-Thin Corn Tortillas, you get two 6" tortillas for just 80 Calories! That’s fantastic! By dividing the chips into 6 wedges, each chip is ~7 Calories. 6 Mission Extra-Thin Read More . . .

TweetUp + Workout = #TWorkOut

  Everyone is doing it these days; How about you? I'm of course talking about Twitter! Twitter is best described as a micro-blog. Everything must fit within 140 characters or less. Where a blog allows one to express thoughts and opinions, and expand on it, "tweeting" is short & concise & basically what's interesting to you at that minute. Honestly, I didn't get twitter when Gary first introduced it to me; "I don't care that John is going to the grocery store! I don't need to know that." but as I started "following" interesting folks in my industry, I realized that it's a way of connecting with others that is completely unique. Occasionally folks who are on Twitter will have a TweetUp. It's where folks who tweet get together & meet face to face. Stephanie, from Venus Envy Training (@venusenvyaustin) and I (@esherman) have organized a Tweetup with a Workout. Read More . . .

Which Burns More Calories?

I was talking to one of my clients yesterday about what great exercise walking is, when I realized that everyone else might want to know too! Years ago, when I started my quest for fitness, I would walk my neighborhood. Eventually, I got an elliptical machine and a treadmill – I had always wanted to be a runner, and was finally able to make that happen through the help of the treadmill. I spent hours on each of those until I started running outside & the rest is history. I was a gym rat for a really long time, spending countless hours on the cardio machines – even on perfectly beautiful days because I thought that I was burning tons of calories that way. One of the most fun aspects of the bodybugg, is discovering how many calories each of my activities burns. For example: cleaning the house can burn Read More . . .

Sufferin’ Succotash!

I just updated my website with a new recipe. It's kind of an invention, kind of a rip off of Skwigg's Lazy Fiesta Mix. I'm calling it Tex-Mex Zucchini Succotash & I think I've been making it once a week: Gary's probably sick of it. The nutritionals on it are great though; just about 135 calories for 1/4th of the recipe! You can use this recipe as a side dish or as a filling for vegetarian tacos. YUM! Also, the price of the bodybugg is lower! $209 + $26 activation! Read More . . .

There are No Short Cutz

Studies show that one of the keys to losing and maintaining weight loss is a strong social support system. But what if you don’t have a strong social support system? Are you doomed to a future of being overweight? Nope. Not at all. If you know my story, you know that it took me a long time to get where I am today, and I don’t know if I would be where I am without my support family. I don’t really remember when it happened, but Gary had started working out with his trainer, Mike, who was really into bodybuilding. It was through Gary that I learned about the user forums on I started participating in the online forums there, & learned a LOT about lifting weights, eating cleanly, and losing weight. I also learned that although the forums were moderated, any shmoe with a keyboard can write whatever Read More . . .

King Corn

I watched King Corn (free on iTunes) a few months ago & have been meaning to write a blog post on it. I’ve only now gotten re-motivated to write about it now because I’m currently reading the Omnivore’s Dilemma & the two compliment each other beautifully. The movie, King Corn is a documentary about two college buddies who through some random events decide to get their hair analyzed. The results come back that they have an enormous amount of corn byproduct in their bodies. Confused, because corn isn’t a food product that they typically eat, they decide to move to Iowa, plant an acre of corn rented from a farmer, and follow that acre of corn from production to consumption. The two film-makers, Ian Chaney and Curt Ellis do a really good job of explaining how corn gets into our food – through corn-fed beef (not only are we what Read More . . .

Referrals = $ for you

I’ve decided to implement a referral program for current & past clients, anyone who knows me, or knows of me. Here’s the deal: You refer a new, paying client to me & I pay you a referral fee. Bodybugg – $10 cash (price matching guarantee still applies) Personal Training – $50 Gift Card to Total Health by Elizabeth or 10% of initial purchase (lesser of the two)* Nutritional Coaching – $50 Gift Card to Total Health by Elizabeth or 10% of initial purchase (lesser of the two)* Wellness Coaching – $50 Gift Card to Total Health by Elizabeth or 10% of initial purchase (lesser of the two)* Fine Print: No, there’s not a catch – just some details. I’m doing this as a thank you for giving my name out. I have actually been doing this for some time, but have now opened it up to non-clients. There are no Read More . . .

What’s Eating Elizabeth?

I’ve just added 3 fantastic recipes to my website: Ropa Vieja – I make this in the crockpot. I call it Ropa Vieja because it’s inspiration is from a cuban dish that I get that is devine. This recipe is good & it’s also really easy. Make sure that you get a low fat cut of beef. Tabbouleh Salad with Chicken – This recipe makes for a fantastic side dish or light lunch. Inspired by Moraccan Tabbouleh Apple Cobbler – YUM! Enjoy! Read More . . .