Done with Dieting Episode #45: Bare Minimums

Why sometimes do we need to live in the “Good Enough?” I am a huge fan of doing the minimum effective dose. Who wants to spend more time in the gym & not get results? The minimum effective dose answers the question: What’s the least amount of work that I need to do & still feel like I’m moving forward?  Yes, this approach might take longer than, let’s say if I did things “perfectly”, but more often than not, when we try to be ‘perfect’ we can’t sustain it for very long, and then we go off the plan because we feel like we’ve failed. What many folks feel like they need, is rules – just tell me what to do so that I can (fill in the blank): be healthy, lose weight, stop these cravings, get off my meds, sleep through the night, or make my joints stop hurting. Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #44: Self-Doubt

Overthinking it? Get rid of the inner critic that’s telling you that you can’t. Self-doubt shows up in us in a few different ways. Second-guessing ourselves, over-thinking a problem, or imposter syndrome. Through the years, what I’ve learned is that self-doubt shows up when I’m on the edge of my comfort zone – and typically when I’m in a situation where I’m trying to improve or grow. In these situations, self-doubt is normal. We all experience it. What determines whether we grow or shrink is whether we listen to it, believe it, and allow it to influence our behavior. The more we do, the smaller our life gets. The less we listen – yes, of course, it’s scary, but – the more comfortable we get ignoring it, and the fuller our life becomes as a result. What You’ll Learn from this Episode Listen to the Full Episode: Featured on the Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #43: Amanda Ryan – Fear

Ever wonder why women are so obsessed with weight loss when it isn’t something that men really struggle with? Why is that? Or feel resentful because you have to watch every single thing that goes into your mouth?  Ever had hyper-critical thoughts about what other people are thinking about you and/or your appearance? In today’s podcast, we’re going to dig into some of the messages that we’ve received as women including: I am super excited to introduce you to Dr. Amanda Ryan-Fear – Women’s Leadership & Feminist Coach as we explore the reasons why so many women are dissatisfied with their bodies & pursue weight loss as the means that will help us feel better about them. Listen in as we approach weight loss from a different angle than we have before. About Dr. Amanda Ryan-Fear Dr. Amanda Ryan Fear is a life coach for high-achieving women who are ready Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #42: Boundaries

Setting boundaries is easy. It’s enforcing them that can be challenging. And it may not make sense why we’re talking about boundaries when we’re talking about our health, especially in the context of our weight loss goals.  However, in the process of growing into the person who finds maintaining her weight effortless, establishing boundaries is a crucial skill so that other people’s needs and wants don’t get in the way of our success. We don’t think about boundaries when it comes to prioritizing our health, however, when we’re in the process of establishing our new behaviors, the tug of not wanting to disappoint others will be a strong deterrent. What we do next makes all the difference. What You’ll Learn from this Episode Listen to the Full Episode: Featured on the Show: Full Episode Transcript: You are listening to the Done with Dieting Podcast Episode number 42. Hi, I’m Elizabeth Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #41: Self-love with Renee Suzanne

Self-love is where dating and health intersect. If you want to be inspired by a woman’s story of how things were not going in the right direction, but how she was able to create the life of her dreams, you are going to want to tune into this interview with Dating Coach, Renee Suzanne. Renee is such an inspiration in grit, determination, and realizing that she deserved more than what she had been allowing herself. Even if you aren’t in the dating pool right now, it was even a surprise to me how much overlap there is when it comes to dating, weight loss, and self-care. This episode is a great example of how when we change our perspective around, how when we change our perspective on an experience, it changes the experience and potentially helps us create the result that we’re looking for more quickly. About Renee Suzanne Renée Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #40: Stages of Awareness

You can’t change what you don’t acknowledge. One of the widely accepted suggestions for changing habits is to do them slowly. Don’t make radical changes to what you’re currently doing – lean into – it so that you don’t create too much discomfort, get overwhelmed & quit. But far too often, we think we’re further along than we actually are, and in the process inadvertently bite off more than we can chew. Whenever we want to change a bad habit into a better one – what that requires is a certain level of paying attention – especially if the old habit is one that we do automatically. When we’re changing our behaviors, it’s easier for our brains to fall into the unconsciousness that automatically happens when we follow the habit loop. Changing our behavior requires paying attention and focus. So it’s super common if we default to old patterns that Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #39: Abstinence versus Moderation

Learn how to manage shades of gray in a world where only black & white exist. Lots of diets talk about completely eliminating certain foods from your diet. And these techniques work for a while – until they don’t. And when we really think about it, unless we have a food intolerance, do we really see ourselves wanting to give up entire food groups forever?  No – of course not. So, how do we straddle the line between all or nothing to the very gray area of how to have some without diving into “too much?” Listen in on this episode and start the process of getting out of all-or-nothing thinking and establishing the self-trust that it takes to learn how to moderate yourself. What You’ll Learn from this Episode Listen to the Full Episode: Featured on the Show: Full Episode Transcript: You are listening to the Done with Dieting Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #38: Stages of Change

The process of creating a habit takes more than 21 days &  is way more complex than we think Whenever we want to create a new habit, we THINK that it’s just as easy as knowing what to do & doing it.  In fact, there’s a myth out there that all we have to do to change our behavior is do the thing for 21 days & we’re fixed! LOL! Anyone who has tried to quit smoking, start exercising, or decided that they’re going to quit junk food knows that the 21-day thing is a bunch of bunk. The truth is that creating new behaviors (or quitting established ones) is a lot more complex than we realize. In fact, there are 6 stages of change. AND we move through them fluidly. Not linearly – meaning that we will revert back to a previous stage or stages & that’s totally normal. Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #37: Belonging With Emily Gough

In a world where we’re connected more than ever, why do we feel more disconnected? We are more hyper-connected than ever. Yet, many of us report feeling lonelier than we did before we had social media & all these different ways we had to connect with each other. In this episode, you’ll learn the different aspects of belonging and connection – how they relate to trust, vulnerability, authenticity, and self. If you want more connections in your relationships, you won’t want to miss this episode. Emily Gough Bio: Emily Gough is a human connection & transformational coach, speaker, mental health advocate, and host of the top 200 Room to Grow™ podcasts. With years of coaching experience, connection & compassion as superpowers, and a tendency to bring a sense of humor to tough topics, Emily’s warm, genuine, down-to-earth, and direct approach encompasses the full mind/body. It will give you the guidance, Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode 36: Managing Menopause

Menopause is no joke. But there are things that you can do to manage your symptoms. Menopause is something that ½ of our population will go through, is going through, or has gone through that no one is talking about. And because we’re not talking about it, many of us feel like we need to ‘put up or shut up’ – that there isn’t a lot that we can do to manage the symptoms of our changing bodies. But there are lots of things that we can do to manage our symptoms: insomnia, night sweats or hot flashes, cravings, energy dips, brain fog, and that extra weight that magically appears around our midsection. And it really doesn’t have to be difficult. Tune in to this episode to learn a few tips & techniques that you can use to manage your symptoms & feel like yourself again. What You’ll Learn from Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #35: Other People’s Opinions

Byline: What to do when other people offer their opinions about what you should do? It’s hard to avoid it – other people commenting on or having opinions about what we eat, our body, and/or what we should do. This can be an especially sensitive topic when we’re starting something new, and we want them to support us, but they’re not totally on board & have tons of questions that make it feel like they’re challenging us. We just want them to get on board. Why can’t they just support us? Right? People are always going to have opinions. It’s a given. I’ll bet YOU have lots of opinions. I know that I do. So, what do you do when the people around you are offering their unsolicited opinions about what you’re doing with your body? Tune in to this week’s podcast episode: Other People’s Opinions What you’ll Learn from Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #34: When Motivation Fades

We all go through periods where we’re just not motivated to do the thing that we either want to do or that we think we should be doing. Something that was inspiring last week – that we couldn’t imagine not doing, suddenly, we have no desire to do it. What’s happening? Why don’t we want to do it? In this episode, we’ll explore why we don’t always feel motivated, but then more importantly, how do we get ourselves to do the things we want, and how do we become motivated again? What you’ll Learn from this Episode Listen to the Full Episode: Featured on the Show: Full Episode Transcript: You are listening to the Done with Dieting Podcast Episode number 34. Hi, I’m Elizabeth Sherman, former corporate high tech executive turn life and weight loss coach. But it wasn’t that long ago that I was searching for that perfect diet, Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #33: Jennifer Richey

The Sandwich Generation: It’s a term used for folks in mid-life who are trying to fulfill the needs not only of their children but also the growing needs of aging parents. Even if you’re not a caregiver now, the idea that caregiving could be in your future is an absolute responsibility. Jennifer Richey works with caregivers to help them manage all of the logistical and emotional demands that are unique to folks in this role and has solutions for all the worries, problems, and questions that pop up. Jennifer has created an amazing tool to help us organize our own (or others’) information. Things like passwords, bank accounts, insurance policies, and all those other aspects of our lives that need to be tied up when we’re no longer around. So, whether you’re currently a caretaker, or you want to make caretaking easier for those who will eventually take care of Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #32: How To Make Good Decisions

We are always making decisions. One of the roles that I serve my clients with is helping them to make decisions. See, we THINK that there’s a right decision and a wrong decision: Should I change jobs? Or not? Should we go to Florida for our vacation? Or California? Should I go to this movie? Or that one? Should I cut my hair? Or keep it the same? In a world where so much importance is put on us making the ‘right decision’ regarding vaccines and choosing political leaders, there’s no doubt that so many of us suffer from analysis paralysis. We see this all the time when it comes to deciding which gym to join, which fitness class to go to, or which dietary guidelines to follow. We get so in the weeds of gathering information that it keeps us from taking action – which then ironically just delays Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #31: Sarah D’Andrea

This episode is sooooo gooood! I wanted to have Sarah on the show because as women, we’ve been socialized to believe that pleasure is bad – let alone S E X.  When you look at the ways that certain products are marketed towards us, for example, foods are often sold as ‘guilty pleasures’ – which means that it’s off limits. And we know when something is forbidden, we want it more, and then instantly feel shame when we do get it. One of the topics that I address with my clients is the idea of diversifying joy – which presents itself when the only thing that we have to look forward to is food – and so we eat because we NEED joy and pleasure in our lives. So, by adding other pleasurable things, we can reduce our need to eat all the things. Yes, of course, we talk about Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #30: It All Adds Up

If you have an all-or-nothing thinking about eating & exercising, you already probably know that it doesn’t serve you. You know what I’m talking about – when we feel like we need to be all in, and if we’re not all in, we’re all out. Either we’re eating organic vegetables & homemade meals, or we’re ordering takeout. Why is it so hard for us humans to moderate? Especially, when it comes to our health habits. We think it should be easy – and at the beginning it is. But when life becomes stressful, or conditions are less than ideal, and we can’t live up to the expectations that we’ve set for ourselves, we feel like we’ve failed. One of the keys to success is to become resilient – to catch failure, correct our response, & move past it without making it mean that we’ve failed – that WE are a Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #29: Brittany Deer

I was raised that it was gauche to talk about money, politics, or religion in polite company. As a result, so many of us find money to be a taboo topic; not having a good relationship with money, or the idea that we want money to be shameful. The truth is that regardless of income level, we still have problems. However, when we change our relationship with money, that problem goes away. Tune in to this interview with Brittany Deer to start understanding how your thoughts about money influence your capacity to have and retain money, and then what steps you can take to improve your relationship with it. About Brittany Deer: Brittany helps coaches change their relationship with money. Over three years, Brittany went from almost losing her home to foreclosure, almost losing her marriage due to financial strain, to hiring her first coach with money from a side Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #28: How Accountability Helps Weight Loss

In episode 28 of the Done with Dieting Podcast, I’m talking all about accountability; specifically, the difference between internal and external accountability – Gretchen Rubin differentiates Upholders from Obligers in her book, The Four Tendencies. As women, we’re socialized to put other people’s wants and needs before our own. So of course it makes sense that most of us can keep commitments to others, but not ourselves. But this quality is changeable. I know because *I* used to not be able to keep commitments to myself. But now I can. And if we ever want to be able to ‘get consistent’, or ‘be disciplined’, putting ourselves and our needs on the list of priorities, is a MUST. What You’ll Learn from this Episode Listen to the Full Episode: Featured on the Show: Full Episode Transcript: You are listening to the Done with Dieting Podcast Episode number 28. Hi, I’m Elizabeth Read More . . .

Done with Dieting BONUS Episode: Feel Good Sisterhood Announcement

The Feel Good Sisterhood is a small group coaching program for women who want to lose weight but are done with dieting. The program takes all of my teachings, tools, and resources from my 1:1 coaching & puts them together in a sequential format. We will be addressing diet, physical activity, and other topics as they pertain to caring for ourselves and the person we desire to be in the future. The program will have 3 different aspects: weekly coaching calls, a community space for support and accountability between calls, as well as weekly teachings and resources to support your goals. Learn More about the Feel Good Sisterhood at Listen to the Full Episode: Featured on the Show: Full Episode Transcript: Hey everyone, welcome to today’s episode. So, I wanted to create a short episode about the feel good sisterhood because the program will be open for enrollment soon. Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #27: How to Make Habits Stick

It’s so frustrating when we want to cultivate a new habit – we see other people doing it seamlessly – and yet, for us, it seems elusive.  Whether it’s consistently exercising, going to bed on time, or eating a healthful diet, for all of us, there are just some habits that just don’t seem to stick. Why is that? Many of us think that we’re just not trying hard enough. Or that we’re just wired this way. But what if it’s neither of those things and something that we can change? In this episode, I’ll explain the Neuro Linguistic Programming Logical Levels of Change, and how it applies to your health behaviors – and what to do to finally figure out how to get ourselves to stick to those behaviors that we KNOW are good for us. What You’ll Learn from this Episode Listen to the Full Episode: Featured on Read More . . .