Done with Dieting Episode #59: How to Sleep Better with Janet Whalen

Learn the surprising thing that you’re NOT doing that can help you overcome insomnia. Anyone who has had a night or two of poor sleep knows the importance of protecting that habit. We know that when we don’t get good sleep we’re a little bit shorter in our reactions to people, everything seems a little bit more stressful, and typically our ability to problem solve and manage our stress is limited. But how do we sleep better? Especially since it seems as though once we move into midlife, our body just naturally wakes up in the middle of the night over thinking of all the things that we’ve forgotten to do during the day. If you google “How do I sleep better?” you’ll get a whole host of articles about sleep hygiene. And sleep hygiene is super important. But if you’ve struggled with sleep, you’ve probably already done all the Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #58: How to Become More Fit

What does it mean to become more fit? Does it mean that we look a certain way? That we have visible muscles? Does it mean that we can run a 10-minute mile? Or touch your toes? I think that when we set goals “to become more fit” we all have ideas of what that means TO US. But there’s actually a definition of fitness.  When we improve our fitness, what exactly does that mean? And how do we go about doing that?  Tune in to this podcast episode to learn not only what it means to improve your fitness level and how to measure that, but also how to increase your fitness level regardless of what you like to do to perform an exercise. What you’ll Learn from this Episode Do you need to ‘confuse the body’? And how to do it. How you can measure your fitness level. What Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #54: Maintaining Success

When we sabotage ourselves & are unable to maintain our success. Why is it that so many folks are unable to maintain their weight loss? Is it that diets truly don’t work? Or could there be another culprit at play? For many of us, we’ve been thinking like a dieter for such a long period of time that it has become a way of being, thinking & living. So, when we finally get to our goal, we don’t know how to relish it. On this podcast, tune in to learn the biggest obstacle when it comes to being successful with weight loss – and why this is so much bigger than following a diet or exercise routine. What You’ll Learn from this Episode Listen to the Full Episode: Featured on the Show: Full Episode Transcript: All of those mistakes that we hate making when we are in the process of Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #51: The Stages of Grief

How the stages of grief show up in creating better habits. Sometimes grief and resentment show up in relation to how we have to do things in order to accomplish our goals. And the stages of grief that we go through in the process of changing our habits are real. Tune in to learn how we experience the stages of grief when it comes to how we used to do things, and instead become more empowered in our decisions to change our health behaviors. What You’ll Learn from this Episode Listen to the Full Episode: Featured on the Show: Full Episode Transcript: As I looked down at the half steak sitting on the plate with my green beans, saying it out loud, doesn’t make any sense at all. But in my head, I was thinking that it was sad that I wouldn’t get to overeat anymore. And it didn’t make Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #48: Starting a Side-Gig with Sindy Warren

What to do when you have a great idea, but that’s it? We hear all the time how Microsoft and Apple were started in a garage. All successful companies start with an idea, and then seemingly overnight the idea grows into a successful business. There’s no doubt that becoming your own boss takes a lot of work. And that the road to success is paved with stories of defeat, disappointment, and failure – which is why I loved talking to Sindy Warren about how she helps budding entrepreneurs start businesses – whether they’re just part-time hustles or ideas that allow women to retire their partners. Whether we’re talking about business or weight loss, there are SO MANY parallels when it comes to the mental game and achieving success in these two different areas. Sindy is such a great coach & person to learn from if you’re someone who has an Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #47: What is Truthful vs Helpful?

How our beliefs color our experience of ourselves and the world around us. Often, when I talk to clients they’ll say things like, “I can’t control myself around sweets,” “I”m lazy,” “I hate to exercise,” “I”m too old,” or “I”m just not disciplined.” And when I ask the question back to them, Is that true? Is it really true? They can give me a whole host of examples & evidence of why that’s true. Sometimes we say things that feel like we’re just reporting the weather – as if we’re just stating the truth. And so in this podcast episode, you’ll learn the difference between thoughts and statements that are truthful, but then the second thing we want to ask ourselves is, but is it helpful? Because when I think the thoughts “I can’t control myself around sweets,” “I”m lazy,” “I hate to exercise,” “I”m too old,” or “I”m just Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #46: Deep Health with Krista Scott-Dixon

The 5 skill sets that you need to become your own coach. Did you know that there’s actually a science to back up why we should treat ourselves with more compassion? Yes! It’s true! Having compassion for others and ourselves is the starting point for Precision Nutrition’s philosophy around coaching. In this podcast, you’ll learn the principles that Krista Scott Dixon uses as the director of curriculum development & how to apply that to your own health and health behaviors. You’ll also learn how what we’ve traditionally thought to be healthy, maybe change as we learn more, and how you can apply these principles to your habits in your quest for health. About Krista Scott Dixon: Dr. Krista Scott-Dixon (also known as KSD) is Director of Curriculum at Precision Nutrition, leading the development of the PN Academy and PN Certifications. She is the author of several books, including Why Me Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #43: Amanda Ryan – Fear

Ever wonder why women are so obsessed with weight loss when it isn’t something that men really struggle with? Why is that? Or feel resentful because you have to watch every single thing that goes into your mouth?  Ever had hyper-critical thoughts about what other people are thinking about you and/or your appearance? In today’s podcast, we’re going to dig into some of the messages that we’ve received as women including: I am super excited to introduce you to Dr. Amanda Ryan-Fear – Women’s Leadership & Feminist Coach as we explore the reasons why so many women are dissatisfied with their bodies & pursue weight loss as the means that will help us feel better about them. Listen in as we approach weight loss from a different angle than we have before. About Dr. Amanda Ryan-Fear Dr. Amanda Ryan Fear is a life coach for high-achieving women who are ready Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #42: Boundaries

Setting boundaries is easy. It’s enforcing them that can be challenging. And it may not make sense why we’re talking about boundaries when we’re talking about our health, especially in the context of our weight loss goals.  However, in the process of growing into the person who finds maintaining her weight effortless, establishing boundaries is a crucial skill so that other people’s needs and wants don’t get in the way of our success. We don’t think about boundaries when it comes to prioritizing our health, however, when we’re in the process of establishing our new behaviors, the tug of not wanting to disappoint others will be a strong deterrent. What we do next makes all the difference. What You’ll Learn from this Episode Listen to the Full Episode: Featured on the Show: Full Episode Transcript: You are listening to the Done with Dieting Podcast Episode number 42. Hi, I’m Elizabeth Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #40: Stages of Awareness

You can’t change what you don’t acknowledge. One of the widely accepted suggestions for changing habits is to do them slowly. Don’t make radical changes to what you’re currently doing – lean into – it so that you don’t create too much discomfort, get overwhelmed & quit. But far too often, we think we’re further along than we actually are, and in the process inadvertently bite off more than we can chew. Whenever we want to change a bad habit into a better one – what that requires is a certain level of paying attention – especially if the old habit is one that we do automatically. When we’re changing our behaviors, it’s easier for our brains to fall into the unconsciousness that automatically happens when we follow the habit loop. Changing our behavior requires paying attention and focus. So it’s super common if we default to old patterns that Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #38: Stages of Change

The process of creating a habit takes more than 21 days &  is way more complex than we think Whenever we want to create a new habit, we THINK that it’s just as easy as knowing what to do & doing it.  In fact, there’s a myth out there that all we have to do to change our behavior is do the thing for 21 days & we’re fixed! LOL! Anyone who has tried to quit smoking, start exercising, or decided that they’re going to quit junk food knows that the 21-day thing is a bunch of bunk. The truth is that creating new behaviors (or quitting established ones) is a lot more complex than we realize. In fact, there are 6 stages of change. AND we move through them fluidly. Not linearly – meaning that we will revert back to a previous stage or stages & that’s totally normal. Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #34: When Motivation Fades

We all go through periods where we’re just not motivated to do the thing that we either want to do or that we think we should be doing. Something that was inspiring last week – that we couldn’t imagine not doing, suddenly, we have no desire to do it. What’s happening? Why don’t we want to do it? In this episode, we’ll explore why we don’t always feel motivated, but then more importantly, how do we get ourselves to do the things we want, and how do we become motivated again? What you’ll Learn from this Episode Listen to the Full Episode: Featured on the Show: Full Episode Transcript: You are listening to the Done with Dieting Podcast Episode number 34. Hi, I’m Elizabeth Sherman, former corporate high tech executive turn life and weight loss coach. But it wasn’t that long ago that I was searching for that perfect diet, Read More . . .

How to Lose Weight Forever

How to Lose Weight ForeverWithout Giving Up Everything that Brings you Joy!Join Me! Learn how to simplify, & be successful! WEDNESDAY, september 29th8pm Et/ 7pm CT/ 5pm PT   2  4 Days :     0  2 Hours :     1  1 Minutes :     1  0 Seconds You missed out! Reserve your spot NOW! Weight Loss doesn’t have to be difficult. Losing Weight is hard!A we get older you can’t deny the fact that the techniques that we used as younger women just don’t work for us anymore! As a result, we feel like our desire to lose weight is a pipe dream, never to be fulfilled. Or Is it?Maybe it’s just that no one has told us that we need to pivot to meet the needs of our changing body – and then how to do that. Does it have to be?My experience with 100’s of women proves that weight loss is not only possible, Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #30: It All Adds Up

If you have an all-or-nothing thinking about eating & exercising, you already probably know that it doesn’t serve you. You know what I’m talking about – when we feel like we need to be all in, and if we’re not all in, we’re all out. Either we’re eating organic vegetables & homemade meals, or we’re ordering takeout. Why is it so hard for us humans to moderate? Especially, when it comes to our health habits. We think it should be easy – and at the beginning it is. But when life becomes stressful, or conditions are less than ideal, and we can’t live up to the expectations that we’ve set for ourselves, we feel like we’ve failed. One of the keys to success is to become resilient – to catch failure, correct our response, & move past it without making it mean that we’ve failed – that WE are a Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #29: Brittany Deer

I was raised that it was gauche to talk about money, politics, or religion in polite company. As a result, so many of us find money to be a taboo topic; not having a good relationship with money, or the idea that we want money to be shameful. The truth is that regardless of income level, we still have problems. However, when we change our relationship with money, that problem goes away. Tune in to this interview with Brittany Deer to start understanding how your thoughts about money influence your capacity to have and retain money, and then what steps you can take to improve your relationship with it. About Brittany Deer: Brittany helps coaches change their relationship with money. Over three years, Brittany went from almost losing her home to foreclosure, almost losing her marriage due to financial strain, to hiring her first coach with money from a side Read More . . .

Feel Good Sisterhood Group Coaching Wait List

The Feel Good SisterhoodGroup Coaching, Accountability & Support Group, Live & Pre-Recorded TrainingsLearn how to work with your body instead of against it to create the result of looking and feeling amazing!Enrollment for the Feel Good Sisterhood is currently closed.If you would like to be notified during the next enrollment period, click the button below to join the wait list.The tentative next enrollment date is January 2022. JOIN THE WAITLIST You’ve tried all the diets and weight loss programs. Nothing works & you know that there has GOT to be a better way.You’re tired of the long list of foods that you can’t eat. The grueling exercises that you don’t have time or even want to do. Or the expensive pre-made meals that you have to buy all in the name of wanting to feel good in your clothes. I mean really – is it too much to ask to have a Read More . . .

Done with Dieting BONUS Episode: Feel Good Sisterhood Announcement

The Feel Good Sisterhood is a small group coaching program for women who want to lose weight but are done with dieting. The program takes all of my teachings, tools, and resources from my 1:1 coaching & puts them together in a sequential format. We will be addressing diet, physical activity, and other topics as they pertain to caring for ourselves and the person we desire to be in the future. The program will have 3 different aspects: weekly coaching calls, a community space for support and accountability between calls, as well as weekly teachings and resources to support your goals. Learn More about the Feel Good Sisterhood at Listen to the Full Episode: Featured on the Show: Full Episode Transcript: Hey everyone, welcome to today’s episode. So, I wanted to create a short episode about the feel good sisterhood because the program will be open for enrollment soon. Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #27: How to Make Habits Stick

It’s so frustrating when we want to cultivate a new habit – we see other people doing it seamlessly – and yet, for us, it seems elusive.  Whether it’s consistently exercising, going to bed on time, or eating a healthful diet, for all of us, there are just some habits that just don’t seem to stick. Why is that? Many of us think that we’re just not trying hard enough. Or that we’re just wired this way. But what if it’s neither of those things and something that we can change? In this episode, I’ll explain the Neuro Linguistic Programming Logical Levels of Change, and how it applies to your health behaviors – and what to do to finally figure out how to get ourselves to stick to those behaviors that we KNOW are good for us. What You’ll Learn from this Episode Listen to the Full Episode: Featured on Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #26: Goal Setting

They say that a goal without a plan is a wish. When we decide that we want to lose weight, run a 5k, or even do something as simple as eating healthier, we know what we want, but often, we don’t spend the time to figure out how it’s going to get done. Sometimes, we think about accomplishing something, and although the idea of having that thing is appealing, we don’t want to do the work to make it happen. But when something IS important, something that we really really want, a little bit of forethought can really help to aid in success. In this episode, you’ll learn how to set goals, and then follow through using the obstacles and barriers that perceive to make us successful. What you’ll Learn from this Episode Listen to the Full Episode: Featured on the Show: Full Episode Transcript: You are listening to the Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #21: Discomfort Now or Later

I used to think that I didn’t have any self-discipline. The desire for whatever it was that I was craving was so strong that I couldn’t get over the immediate gratification.  What I didn’t realize was that by giving in to what it was that I wanted in the moment, so that I could be more comfortable mentally, I was giving up what I really wanted – which was to be more comfortable later physically. See, every decision that we make will cause us to feel pain or discomfort now, or discomfort later. It was a lesson that I learned when I realized why I procrastinated so much as a younger woman. Why was I doing that?  I was procrastinating because I was feeling discomfort about doing the thing that I was avoiding doing. As a result, the longer I procrastinated, the worse my discomfort became – until it was Read More . . .