Done with Dieting Episode #86: Taking Action

The formula on how to get the results you want You know that what we do – the actions that we take – will create your results. And right now, with the end of summer, it’s easy to start thinking about becoming healthier and getting some structure back into your schedule after a summer when we generally like to have less scheduled time. And of course, when we do that, we need to do some planning. However, moving from planning into the action phase can sometimes really feel like a struggle. On episode 86 of the podcast, I’m giving you my best tips and strategies around how to move into action so that you can be successful in developing whatever behaviors you desire – so that you can then accomplish the goals that you desire too. What You’ll Learn from this Episode Listen to the Full Episode: Featured on the Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #72: Learning to Love Running with Jill Angie

An episode for beginner runners. I hear it all the time! “I just don’t like running!” I get it. I used to feel that way too. But if running is available to you and you want to do it, there are huge benefits to developing a running habit: it’s relatively inexpensive to get into; it’s something you can do either by yourself or with a friend or two; you can pretty much do it anywhere; and at any time of the day. My guest on today’s podcast shares such incredible information, like how to keep yourself motivated even if the climate you live in gets in your way of being a year-round runner, what to look for & pay attention to with gear, and how to start your running practice if you’re a complete beginner. About Jill Angie: Jill Angie is the founder and Head Rebel of Not Your Average Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #68: Procrastination

We know when we’re doing it. The question is how do we stop? Some of us believe that procrastination serves us – that we do our best work when we put things off because we “work better under pressure”.  The data shows that this is untrue. And many folks report that procrastination is actually unhelpful because it prevents them from having what they really want, and also feeling good about themselves. If you struggle with procrastination, we’re exploring how it impacts your health, and how to identify when it’s happening, but more importantly, how to get out of it & start taking care of those things that are important to you. What you’ll Learn from this Episode What causes us to procrastinate? The emotions that we experience that lead us to procrastinate. What to do when we find ourselves putting things off. Listen to the Full Episode: Featured on the Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #59: How to Sleep Better with Janet Whalen

Learn the surprising thing that you’re NOT doing that can help you overcome insomnia. Anyone who has had a night or two of poor sleep knows the importance of protecting that habit. We know that when we don’t get good sleep we’re a little bit shorter in our reactions to people, everything seems a little bit more stressful, and typically our ability to problem solve and manage our stress is limited. But how do we sleep better? Especially since it seems as though once we move into midlife, our body just naturally wakes up in the middle of the night over thinking of all the things that we’ve forgotten to do during the day. If you google “How do I sleep better?” you’ll get a whole host of articles about sleep hygiene. And sleep hygiene is super important. But if you’ve struggled with sleep, you’ve probably already done all the Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #47: What is Truthful vs Helpful?

How our beliefs color our experience of ourselves and the world around us. Often, when I talk to clients they’ll say things like, “I can’t control myself around sweets,” “I”m lazy,” “I hate to exercise,” “I”m too old,” or “I”m just not disciplined.” And when I ask the question back to them, Is that true? Is it really true? They can give me a whole host of examples & evidence of why that’s true. Sometimes we say things that feel like we’re just reporting the weather – as if we’re just stating the truth. And so in this podcast episode, you’ll learn the difference between thoughts and statements that are truthful, but then the second thing we want to ask ourselves is, but is it helpful? Because when I think the thoughts “I can’t control myself around sweets,” “I”m lazy,” “I hate to exercise,” “I”m too old,” or “I”m just Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #43: Amanda Ryan – Fear

Ever wonder why women are so obsessed with weight loss when it isn’t something that men really struggle with? Why is that? Or feel resentful because you have to watch every single thing that goes into your mouth?  Ever had hyper-critical thoughts about what other people are thinking about you and/or your appearance? In today’s podcast, we’re going to dig into some of the messages that we’ve received as women including: I am super excited to introduce you to Dr. Amanda Ryan-Fear – Women’s Leadership & Feminist Coach as we explore the reasons why so many women are dissatisfied with their bodies & pursue weight loss as the means that will help us feel better about them. Listen in as we approach weight loss from a different angle than we have before. About Dr. Amanda Ryan-Fear Dr. Amanda Ryan Fear is a life coach for high-achieving women who are ready Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode 36: Managing Menopause

Menopause is no joke. But there are things that you can do to manage your symptoms. Menopause is something that ½ of our population will go through, is going through, or has gone through that no one is talking about. And because we’re not talking about it, many of us feel like we need to ‘put up or shut up’ – that there isn’t a lot that we can do to manage the symptoms of our changing bodies. But there are lots of things that we can do to manage our symptoms: insomnia, night sweats or hot flashes, cravings, energy dips, brain fog, and that extra weight that magically appears around our midsection. And it really doesn’t have to be difficult. Tune in to this episode to learn a few tips & techniques that you can use to manage your symptoms & feel like yourself again. What You’ll Learn from Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #35: Other People’s Opinions

Byline: What to do when other people offer their opinions about what you should do? It’s hard to avoid it – other people commenting on or having opinions about what we eat, our body, and/or what we should do. This can be an especially sensitive topic when we’re starting something new, and we want them to support us, but they’re not totally on board & have tons of questions that make it feel like they’re challenging us. We just want them to get on board. Why can’t they just support us? Right? People are always going to have opinions. It’s a given. I’ll bet YOU have lots of opinions. I know that I do. So, what do you do when the people around you are offering their unsolicited opinions about what you’re doing with your body? Tune in to this week’s podcast episode: Other People’s Opinions What you’ll Learn from Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #34: When Motivation Fades

We all go through periods where we’re just not motivated to do the thing that we either want to do or that we think we should be doing. Something that was inspiring last week – that we couldn’t imagine not doing, suddenly, we have no desire to do it. What’s happening? Why don’t we want to do it? In this episode, we’ll explore why we don’t always feel motivated, but then more importantly, how do we get ourselves to do the things we want, and how do we become motivated again? What you’ll Learn from this Episode Listen to the Full Episode: Featured on the Show: Full Episode Transcript: You are listening to the Done with Dieting Podcast Episode number 34. Hi, I’m Elizabeth Sherman, former corporate high tech executive turn life and weight loss coach. But it wasn’t that long ago that I was searching for that perfect diet, Read More . . .

How to Lose Weight Forever

How to Lose Weight ForeverWithout Giving Up Everything that Brings you Joy!Join Me! Learn how to simplify, & be successful! WEDNESDAY, september 29th8pm Et/ 7pm CT/ 5pm PT   2  4 Days :     0  2 Hours :     1  1 Minutes :     1  0 Seconds You missed out! Reserve your spot NOW! Weight Loss doesn’t have to be difficult. Losing Weight is hard!A we get older you can’t deny the fact that the techniques that we used as younger women just don’t work for us anymore! As a result, we feel like our desire to lose weight is a pipe dream, never to be fulfilled. Or Is it?Maybe it’s just that no one has told us that we need to pivot to meet the needs of our changing body – and then how to do that. Does it have to be?My experience with 100’s of women proves that weight loss is not only possible, Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #33: Jennifer Richey

The Sandwich Generation: It’s a term used for folks in mid-life who are trying to fulfill the needs not only of their children but also the growing needs of aging parents. Even if you’re not a caregiver now, the idea that caregiving could be in your future is an absolute responsibility. Jennifer Richey works with caregivers to help them manage all of the logistical and emotional demands that are unique to folks in this role and has solutions for all the worries, problems, and questions that pop up. Jennifer has created an amazing tool to help us organize our own (or others’) information. Things like passwords, bank accounts, insurance policies, and all those other aspects of our lives that need to be tied up when we’re no longer around. So, whether you’re currently a caretaker, or you want to make caretaking easier for those who will eventually take care of Read More . . .

Feel Good Sisterhood Group Coaching Wait List

The Feel Good SisterhoodGroup Coaching, Accountability & Support Group, Live & Pre-Recorded TrainingsLearn how to work with your body instead of against it to create the result of looking and feeling amazing!Enrollment for the Feel Good Sisterhood is currently closed.If you would like to be notified during the next enrollment period, click the button below to join the wait list.The tentative next enrollment date is January 2022. JOIN THE WAITLIST You’ve tried all the diets and weight loss programs. Nothing works & you know that there has GOT to be a better way.You’re tired of the long list of foods that you can’t eat. The grueling exercises that you don’t have time or even want to do. Or the expensive pre-made meals that you have to buy all in the name of wanting to feel good in your clothes. I mean really – is it too much to ask to have a Read More . . .

Done with Dieting BONUS Episode: Feel Good Sisterhood Announcement

The Feel Good Sisterhood is a small group coaching program for women who want to lose weight but are done with dieting. The program takes all of my teachings, tools, and resources from my 1:1 coaching & puts them together in a sequential format. We will be addressing diet, physical activity, and other topics as they pertain to caring for ourselves and the person we desire to be in the future. The program will have 3 different aspects: weekly coaching calls, a community space for support and accountability between calls, as well as weekly teachings and resources to support your goals. Learn More about the Feel Good Sisterhood at Listen to the Full Episode: Featured on the Show: Full Episode Transcript: Hey everyone, welcome to today’s episode. So, I wanted to create a short episode about the feel good sisterhood because the program will be open for enrollment soon. Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #26: Goal Setting

They say that a goal without a plan is a wish. When we decide that we want to lose weight, run a 5k, or even do something as simple as eating healthier, we know what we want, but often, we don’t spend the time to figure out how it’s going to get done. Sometimes, we think about accomplishing something, and although the idea of having that thing is appealing, we don’t want to do the work to make it happen. But when something IS important, something that we really really want, a little bit of forethought can really help to aid in success. In this episode, you’ll learn how to set goals, and then follow through using the obstacles and barriers that perceive to make us successful. What you’ll Learn from this Episode Listen to the Full Episode: Featured on the Show: Full Episode Transcript: You are listening to the Read More . . .

Feel Good Sisterhood Waitlist (old)

Coming Soon: Mid-July 2021Feel Good SisterhoodGroup Coaching Waitlist Get on the waitlist Please Follow the Next Steps 01 Fill in your details belowBy submitting your contact information on the form below, you’re not committing to anything. You’re just saying “hey! I’m interested in learning more about your group coaching program and want to be notified when more information is available.” That’s it. Nothing sneaky. 02 Check your emailUntil all the t’s are crossed and i’s are dotted, you’ll get weekly updates about other happenings: tips, tricks & techniques. Maybe I’ll ask your opinion about certain aspects of the program. 03 Launch WeekThe week of July 19th, you’ll get first access to sign up for the program before it opens to the public (i.e.: all the people who didn’t sign up for the waitlist.)  The Feel Good Sisterhood:Be the First to Get Notified! Name* Email* Apply now what My clients Say: Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #18: Getting More Cooperation & Appreciation with Michelle Runnels

We women love taking care of others. It’s part of our DNA.  But far too often, we do it so often that we lose sight of who we are as people, what we want, and even what we like to do. We know what everyone else likes, what they want, what their dreams and desires are. But when asked about our own, we seem to be at a loss. Sometimes we take such good care of those folks that we live with, that they become dependent on us – which can feel good until we need some help. And then, when we ask for the help, it doesn’t come. It gets frustrating, and we become resentful. And then we find ourselves yelling about stupid stuff – which isn’t even the real problem. So what is it? In episode 18 of the Done with Dieting Podcast, my guest, Michelle Runnels, shares Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #9: Trust Bank

Are we entitled to lose weight? So many health & fitness gurus tell us that if we want to lose weight, all we need to do is eat less and move more. So, it makes sense that when we do those things – eat salads instead of pizza, or broccoli instead of brownies – and then stand on the scale, and the scale doesn’t reflect what we think it should, that we’d get discouraged. And of course, when we feel discouraged, we’re more likely to give up on whatever plan it is that we’re on. So many of us resentful towards our bodies – that they aren’t holding up to their end of the deal. That our bodies are different. Bad in some way because they don’t look like they should – look like what other people’s bodies look like – or do what they’re ‘supposed to’. What if your Read More . . .

8 Basic Habits

The Exact Steps to Gain Control of Your HealthHealth & fitness advice can be confusing. Which techniques will help you manage your weight safely? Which things should I be doing on a daily basis? Which habits are best for maintaining my health and mobility as I age?Health is a continuum. It shouldn’t be complicated or difficult. With this guide and checklist, you’ll have a great foundation of health & weight loss AND you’ll be able to lean into your new lifestyle – which is a better, longer lasting, and sustainable strategy. Get the Download Now Struggle with Being Consistent?If you’ve ever gotten overwhelmed with all of the health advice, and just want to get back to basics, you need the 8 Basic Habits that Healthy People Do.In this guide, I’ve boiled down all of the health advice to 8 simple, easy to do habits. If you make these habits, you will be certain that Read More . . .

6 Best Practices For Good Sleep when you Travel

We all know that we feel better when we get good sleep, but yet, sometimes it seems like folks get into a competition for bragging rights to see how little sleep they can get and still function. The thing is that there’s so much that we don’t know about sleep; for example, why we do it. We know that we process information and learn while we sleep, and that our cells regenerate. But when we think about early man, and how much it made him vulnerable to predators, it’s not logical to think that we shut down for 1/3 of our life. Just like amounts of calories, how much alone time we need, or whether we like cilantro, everyone’s ideal amount of sleep differs. Some folks do great on 6 hours, while others need a solid 8. And there are times in our life when we might need more – Read More . . .

Active Anywhere TY

Thank You for Signing Up! ​​​​IMPORTANT Your Traveling Girl’s Guide to Working Out on the Road is on it’s way and should be in your inbox within 15 minutes!Please watch the video below for the next step: play You are only one step away from getting access to your FREE workouts!Watch the video above to learn how you can get even more value out of these workouts and finally start getting results from your fitness program.But before you get your FREE workouts . . .What if these amazing workouts were available on Video? Where you could workout along side a Qualified, Certified Personal Trainer, and have FUN at the same time? Love to TravelBut Hate How it Throws You Off YourFitness Game? Here’s How My Clients and I Stay Consistent with our Fitness Routines While Traveling! Have You Ever Thought, “Why is it SO HARD?”You know when you have that fitness groove going. Read More . . .