Goal Setting Series #4: Maintaining Motivation

“Motivation is not merely a fleeting spark but a flame we can tend to.”  Join me as I dive into the intricate realm of sustaining motivation, navigating its fickle nature, and discovering the tools to keep it burning bright even on the darkest days.  Through shared experiences and proven strategies, this episode will empower you to conquer slumps and find delight in the journey. Unpacking the potency of profound emotions and cherishing seemingly small victories, you will learn practical tools to fuel your drive while chasing your aspirations. I also want to give a big shout-out to all of you who have been on this journey with me throughout this goal-setting series. Your continuous drive to push forward, celebrate victories, and believe in yourselves is both inspiring and empowering.  It’s worth remembering that it’s not solely the attainment of your goals that matters, but the joy and fulfillment derived from Read More . . .

Goal Setting Series #3: Navigating Obstacles

What if the hurdles in our lives could become the stepping stones to our ultimate goals?  Buckle up as I explore an enriching dialogue about overcoming challenges in the goal-setting process, specially designed for you. I tackle the universal struggle of managing your time, offering concrete strategies for getting past this obstacle and making time for what it is that you want. In the episode, I offer a comforting reminder of the resources and support available to you.  This isn’t just about overcoming hurdles, it’s about transforming obstacles into sources of growth and resilience.  So, let’s do this together, learning to embrace challenges, remain focused, and ultimately, achieve our goals. Chapter Summaries Navigating Obstacles in Goal Setting (0:00:03)  Nature’s obstacles in goal setting for midlife women, time management, proactive preparation, and staying focused during busy periods. Resources and Support for Overcoming Obstacles (0:18:07) Time management, setting boundaries, and joining a Read More . . .

Goal Setting Series #2: Understanding and Overcoming Myths

What if the major roadblocks hindering your progress are not your capabilities but the myths surrounding goal-setting you’ve subscribed to? Join me, as we debunk common misconceptions about goal setting, especially those that might be wreaking havoc in your midlife transition.  Together, we’ll uncover the truths and reshape our perspective towards setting goals – those that are not only achievable but also fulfilling. Let’s move away from the overwhelming belief of making sweeping changes all at once or solely relying on willpower, and instead, focus on making small yet sustainable changes that harmonize with your current life situation. Are you ready to challenge the widely held beliefs that often trap us in a cycle of frustration and disappointment? Tune in as I share insights and practical strategies for setting goals that align with who you are and the unique circumstances of your life.  I explore the importance of setting realistic Read More . . .

Goal Setting Series #1: Setting Realistic Goals

Are your goals often oversized and unrealistic, leading to feelings of failure and disappointment when you can’t meet them?  Join me as I redefine goal setting in the context of midlife, focusing on the power of achievable, behavior-focused goals that lead to lasting change. I share personal experiences and insights, shedding light on the necessity of meeting ourselves where we currently are in life.  We challenge the norm, demonstrating that it’s entirely okay, and even necessary, to adjust and evolve our goals as we grow, highlighting the importance of flexibility in this process. I also talk about common goal-setting myths, debunking them one by one. I illuminate the value of adaptability and the power of taking small, deliberate steps towards your future.  I invite you to journey with me, transforming your aspirations into attainable realities, and making this year a year of true growth and fulfillment. Get ready to change Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #154: Prioritizing Yourself vs The Virtuous Caregiver

Are you feeling the pressure of creating the perfect holiday experience? Ready to break free from the myth of the virtuous caregiver and the associated holiday stress?  Join me as I debunk this damaging myth and provide practical strategies to simplify your holiday agenda. I address the self-imposed and external pressures that come with the holiday season and how they can impact your health. Discover how your worth isn’t tied to your holiday hustle and why it’s vital to put your well-being back on the priority list. Listen in as I explore the concept of creating peace and connection during the holidays. I help you identify the tasks that truly matter and those that you can strike off your holiday to-do list. Uncover how to create an anchor of desired feelings that will guide your decisions and allow you to genuinely enjoy the season.  I also dive into the importance Read More . . .

What Every Employer Should Know:

The Changing Landscape of Health in Midlife As we approach January, a month synonymous with new beginnings and resolutions, it’s crucial to reexamine our approach to health, especially in the context of midlife. The new year brings with it a sense of endless possibility, a fresh start where transformation feels not just plausible but inevitable. We often set goals with a focus on physical health, envisioning a year where we finally achieve our fitness objectives. Yet, one of the key reasons many of us struggle to stick to our New Year’s resolutions isn’t due to a lack of discipline, willpower, or desire. Rather, it’s because we tend to overlook the fact that our health doesn’t exist in a silo; where physical health isn’t isolated but deeply interconnected with our emotional and mental well-being. Our lives are a blend of various elements – our family, work, and personal aspirations all interconnect, Read More . . .

Investing in Health Today:

The Unseen ROI for Your Retirement What do you imagine your retirement will look like? Do you picture yourself exploring the awe-inspiring vastness of the Grand Canyon, trekking along the historic paths of the Camino de Santiago, or strolling through the quaint cobblestone streets of a Tuscan village? Do you imagine days filled with joy, playing with your grandchildren, picking up new hobbies like pickleball, or rekindling romance with your partner in a home finally quiet from the bustle of family life?  This idyllic future, rich with experiences and vitality, isn’t just a dream—it’s a possibility well within your reach. But there’s a crucial element to making these dreams a reality: your health. In this article, we’ll explore how proactively taking care of your health today isn’t just a choice for well-being; it’s a strategic investment that will pay dividends in your retirement, both financially and in quality of life. Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #153: Holiday Health Bare Minimums

Haven’t we all been there? Trapped in the holiday chaos, stretching ourselves too thin to cater to everyone else’s needs, but ours?  This episode peels back the layers on a game-changing strategy for the holidays – the idea of bare minimums. These are small, easy changes that can keep us sane and healthy amidst the festive frenzy.  I debunk the myth that the holiday season is just another time of the year and expose the invisible workload that often accompanies this special period. I aim to ensure you don’t vanish into the to-do list.  I then dig deeper into the bare minimum concept during the holiday season. These are non-negotiable habits that serve as your health safety net while keeping you grounded amid the holiday whirlwind. I lay out practical tips to establish and maintain these personal habits, no matter how wild things get.  I wrap up the episode and Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #152: Is it Rude? Or Boundaries?

Are you feeling caught between wanting to please others and wanting to prioritize your health and well-being this holiday season?  Listen in as I discuss the often tricky issue of setting boundaries, particularly during social events. Learn about mindset shifts and techniques to help you manage social pressures without sacrificing your well-being. I’ll share relatable stories from some of our clients, Lisa, Sarah, and Amy, who have all grappled with these challenges, offering invaluable lessons for all of us. Join me as I navigate the tricky topic of saying ‘NO’, exploring why society pressures us to always agree and be polite, and the damaging effects this can have on our health and autonomy. I’ll also share insights on how to prioritize your own needs during the holiday season and how to say, NO without guilt.  This episode is all about taking back control and prioritizing your well-being. So, if you’re Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #151: The Mental Offload with Shawna Samuel

Ever feel like you’re constantly bombarded by societal expectations and pressures, especially as a woman? Well, you’re not alone.  I recently had an eye-opening chat with Shawna Samuel, the founder of Mental Offload, and we dove into this hot topic, exploring how imperative it is to subtract these pressures to reclaim our time and energy. Shawna’s insights on shedding the perennial need to please others, to make space for self-care and personal growth, are just the wake-up call we all need. Navigating the labyrinth of household chores and responsibilities often brings its own set of challenges. The talk with Shawna brought to light the concept of weaponized incompetence, and how it’s often entwined with maternal gatekeeping. These patterns can strain relationships, but more importantly, they can impact our ability to trust and allow space for our partners to learn. We dug into how we can shift these dynamics and embrace Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #150: Setting Goals and Missing Marks: A Raw Recap

Here’s a powerful notion to consider: What if falling short of your goal was the best thing that could happen to you?  In this episode, I recount the highs and lows of the past year, celebrating the podcast milestones and embracing the detours, like rebranding and unforeseen setbacks.  If your expectations are tied to societal norms, let’s shake them up a bit. Personal freedom is at the core of our discussion as we wade through the waters of change and personal growth. I reassess my goals and champion the idea of embracing life’s imperfections. So, prepare yourself, the journey to personal growth isn’t about perfection but more about resilience in the face of adversity.  Lastly, I have a heart-to-heart about celebrating small behavioral victories over grand end goals. It’s easy to get disheartened when we don’t meet our lofty goals, but what if we shift our focus to smaller, more Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #149: I Don’t Do It All by Myself

Do you ever feel like you’re hiding parts of yourself for fear of judgment or societal expectations? You’re not alone. In this revealing episode, I share a deeply personal and unexpected secret that has been simmering behind the scenes of my life and career. This secret isn’t just about me; it opens up a hearty discussion about what it means to be a woman in today’s world. It’s about the roles we feel compelled to play, the masks we wear, and the pressure to appear a certain way. What’s the hidden ingredient in my life? Tune in to find out. You’ll discover lessons on authenticity, vulnerability, and the courage to embrace our true selves, even when it feels uncomfortable. It’s an episode that will stir your thoughts and maybe even inspire you to unveil your secrets. Chapter Summaries: Revealing My Secret (0:00:08)  I discuss embracing our true selves, being honest Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #148: Redefine Your Relationship with Alcohol with Molly Watts

Calling all thinkers and social drinkers!  Prepare to reassess your beliefs, confront societal norms, and redefine your relationship with alcohol. My guest, Molly Watts, and I take the lid off the alcohol industry, revealing the disturbing lack of health benefits associated with any level of drinking. Be prepared for a deep dive into the psychological aspects of alcohol consumption and the myths surrounding it that often go unchallenged. In this episode, we dissect the complex relationship between alcohol and anxiety. We shed light on how alcohol disrupts our brain’s homeostasis and potentially induces anxiety in the middle of the night.  Through our conversation, we aim to equip you with crucial insights about habitual drinking, the importance of good sleep hygiene, and the implications of heavy drinking. Here’s where you’ll learn how to address the anxiety that comes with tackling your drinking habits, and why it’s essential to confront it head-on. Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #147: Do You Have Peter-Pan Syndrome?

In today’s upbeat and eye-opening episode, We’re taking a candid look at the “Peter Pan Syndrome,” that tendency we have to cling to youth in ways that actually make our health choices anything but youthful. I’ll take you back to when I was 22, equating fun with a whole lot of unhealthy habits, and lay bare the biases and misconceptions we often have about what being young, ‘edgy,’ or ‘fun’ really means. I’ll also dig into the hidden narratives in food marketing—ever notice how processed, unhealthy options get billed as ‘party foods,’ while anything healthy gets tagged as ‘boring’ or ‘old’? Through stories like a client of mine who was scared of losing her connection with her boyfriend by eating healthier, I’ll unfold the irrational ties we make between overeating, overdrinking, and this idea of defying aging. But here’s the real meat of today’s talk—it’s all about empowerment and self-realization. Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #146: Multi-Tasking & Your Health

In this episode, I’m diving into the often-praised but harmful world of multi-tasking. Living in a society where being “busy” is seen as a badge of honor, many midlife women, like you, find themselves caught up in the relentless cycle of task-switching, never truly being present at the moment. This leads to disconnected relationships, poor self-care, and ultimately, a detrimental impact on your overall well-being. I opened up about my personal experiences with ADHD, sharing my struggle and triumph over the need to multi-task. I’ll reveal why slowing down, focusing on one thing at a time, and breaking free from the productivity culture is vital for our health and true connection with others. With humor, wisdom, and genuine understanding, I’ll guide you to recognize your worth beyond your to-do lists. I’ll provide strategies to delegate, delete, and redefine success in a way that prioritizes self-care and mindfulness. It’s not about Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #145: Discovering What You Want with Stacey Oliver-Knappe

Are you ready to join Stacey on her remarkable journey of self-discovery and personal transformation? This episode is a candid exploration of Stacey’s battle with weight, societal expectations, and her relationship with food. Starting from a young age, Stacey found herself on the exhausting roller coaster of dieting, a ride many of us know all too well. She’s generously sharing her raw and relatable experiences with us, hoping to inspire others to break free from the chains of societal pressures. Stacey’s transformation was not just about changing her diet; it also involved shifting her mindset and behaviors. She learned to listen to her body, becoming curious about her patterns and habits. This process propelled her to set personal goals which led to monumental shifts in her life, including leaving her corporate job to begin a consulting gig. We dive into the power of curiosity and how it can spur personal Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #144: The Upside to Envy

Ever felt a twinge of envy? Have you ever been labeled as jealous when all you did was desire someone’s achievements or possessions?  Let’s pull back the curtain on envy, an emotion often misunderstood and maligned, yet so deeply intertwined with the human condition. I’m turning this conversation on its head, not just acknowledging envy, but reclaiming it as a mirror reflecting our deepest desires.  I explore the societal narratives that paint women as rivals and discuss how envy plays a pivotal role in these portrayals. It’s time to transform this negative emotion into an empowering tool for self-awareness and self-improvement. Now, let’s talk about Schadenfreude – that umbrella term for the complex mix of emotions centered around envy. The satisfaction you feel when someone who seems to have it all stumbles. A destructive force in our relationships and communities, I explore how to recognize its influence, challenge it, and Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #143: Doing It On Your Own

What if the secrets to strength and resilience are hidden in the annals of women’s shared histories?  Today, I am unearthing these stories, illuminating the silent strength of our foremothers, and embracing the power of sisterhood. I dive into the societal perceptions of women through different life stages and tackle the stigma and shame linked to women’s bodies. I recognize the wisdom in seeking help and the freedom in finding our own paths.  Imagine a time when women thrived in multigenerational living, and the guidance of elder women — the crone — was cherished. I traverse through this era, understanding the impact of patriarchy and cultural shifts on women’s communal living. I unveil the repercussions of transitioning from these cohesive communities to isolated nuclear households.  Along this journey, I find solace in the narratives woven in books like The Red Tent and Women Who Run With the Wolves. They serve Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #142: Rock Your Midlife with Dr. Ellen Albertson

Wouldn’t it feel incredible to swap self-criticism for self-compassion? Are you ready to silence your inner critic and live your life authentically?  In this episode, I’m thrilled to welcome Dr. Ellen Albertson, also known as the midlife whisperer. She’s a force to be reckoned with, boasting a plethora of qualifications from journalist to Ph.D. psychologist, and is passionate about helping women navigate midlife with joy, energy, clarity, and confidence. Our discussion unveils Dr., Ellen’s journey, from a journalist to a self-compassion advocate. She shares her insights into how powerful self-compassion can be, with practices such as meditation leading to significant reductions in body shame and dissatisfaction.  But it’s not just about body image; we discuss the crucial role of self-compassion in managing emotions, dealing with depression, and promoting overall well-being. Dr. Ellen’s approach is a holistic one, incorporating the body, mind, heart, and spirit, inspiring us all to embrace ourselves Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #141: Re-Introducing the Done with Dieting Podcast

Ever thought about what truly healthy means to you? Is it just about the number on the scale or is there more to it?  I am here, Elizabeth Sherman, to guide you through a transformative journey to health and wellness, breaking free from the traditional narrative of dieting. Instead, we aim to develop a healthier relationship with food, exercise, and ourselves.  Walk with me as I share my personal story, transitioning from a size 18-20 to a lifestyle centered on well-being. Listen as we delve into societal pressures, ageism, and how living authentically impacts our health.  What if you could redefine the norms and reclaim the narrative? This episode is about empowering women in midlife, guiding them to live robust, well-rounded lives.  Here, we challenge the status quo, and societal expectations, and redefine what it means to be a healthy woman today. We embrace personal growth over societal expectations, health Read More . . .