Done with Dieting Episode #58: How to Become More Fit

What does it mean to become more fit? Does it mean that we look a certain way? That we have visible muscles? Does it mean that we can run a 10-minute mile? Or touch your toes? I think that when we set goals “to become more fit” we all have ideas of what that means TO US. But there’s actually a definition of fitness.  When we improve our fitness, what exactly does that mean? And how do we go about doing that?  Tune in to this podcast episode to learn not only what it means to improve your fitness level and how to measure that, but also how to increase your fitness level regardless of what you like to do to perform an exercise. What you’ll Learn from this Episode Do you need to ‘confuse the body’? And how to do it. How you can measure your fitness level. What Read More . . .