General Health & Mindset

8 Basic Habits Guide & Checklist
Health & fitness advice can be confusing. Which techniques will help you lose weight safely? Which things should I be doing on a daily basis? Which habits are best for maintaining my health and mobility as I age?
If you’ve ever gotten overwhelmed with all of the health advice, and just want to get back to basics, you need the 8 Basic Things that Healthy People Do.
In this guide, I’ve boiled down all of the health advice to 8 simple, easy to do habits. If you make these habits, you will be certain that you’re becoming healthier by the day!
Health is a continuum. It shouldn’t be complicated or difficult. With this guide and checklist, you’ll have a great foundation of health & weight loss AND you’ll be able to lean into your new lifestyle – which is a better, longer lasting, and sustainable strategy.
Get the Guide & Join the Free Facebook Community!
7 Mistakes I Made in My Weight Loss Journey
Whether losing weight is a new thing for you, or you’re an ole pro, we all make mistakes. Sometimes, we can learn from others, and avoid making those same mistakes ourselves! In this 7 page PDF, I detail each of the mistakes I made in my journey to everlasting weight management, why they were a mistake, and what I learned as a result. Learn from my mistakes! And hopefully, your journey will be much smoother than mine was!
Download your copy HERE.


Skinny Cocktails Recipe Guide
Too often, we think we need to choose between having cocktails with our girlfriends, and our goal weight. And it’s true that alcohol is pretty calorie dense – but many times it’s the mixers and other stuff bartenders add *to* the cocktails that leads to cocktails that break the calorie bank.
Recipe Guide includes swaps for your favorites:
- Margaritas
- Sangria
- Pina Coladas
- Moscow Mules
- And More . . .
Download my FREE Recipe Guide with your favorite cocktails MINUS the caloric load.
Mindlessly Eat Less Cheat Sheet
We’ve all done it: Looked down at our bowl or plate, and wondered, ‘Where did it all go?’ Although it’s preferable to actually taste your food, in this 2 page PDF, I give you solutions on how to cut down on the damage, by setting up your environment in a way that allows you to eat less – without even thinking about it! Strategies that go beyond eating off of smaller plates.
Check it out HERE.


Active Anywhere:
The Traveling Girls Guide to Working Out on the Road
For the Leader Who Won’t Let her Busy Schedule Get in the Way of Being Amazing!
This FREE Workout bundle includes:
- Over 20 minimal equipment workouts included
- 1/3 Bodyweight
- 1/3 Bands
- 1/3 Dumbbells
- All Workouts 20-30 minutes in duration
- Exercise Library included (100+ exercise demonstrations) with modifications for common injuries
Whether you’re a road warrior, or just don’t have time/desire/whatever to dedicate tons of time to getting fit, this series is amazing!!
Click Here to get the workouts sent to your inbox.
20 Minute Weight Loss Workouts
Lose Weight in Just 20 Minutes a Day! You don’t have to spend hours in the gym to see results. In fact, for many folks, the amount of time you spend exercising past 30 minutes, you get diminishing results!
These workouts include Strength Training and Cardio to get you Done and Out the Door in Half The Time!
Get your Workouts HERE!

Resolution Reboot Challenge
Although the Resolution Reboot Challenge was held during February 2017, the workouts are still amazing!
I created this series after I injured my back, and needed something ‘lighter’ to re-enter strength training. I challenged my friends and followers to join me on the journey of working out for 10 days in a row – 20 minutes at a time. It was tons of fun.
When you sign up for this series, you’ll receive all 10 workouts, demonstrations of each of the exercises, as well as full length video workouts that you can do right along with me!
Join the Resolution Reboot Challenge by clicking this link.