Done with Dieting Episode #97: ADHD in Women with Paula Engebretson

What if you found out that alllll of the stories that you tell yourself about what you’re not good at, and all of the negative internal dialog that you have about why you’re not good enough was explained away by a diagnosis? That it wasn’t your fault? I am so thrilled to have Paula Engebretson on the podcast today to talk about ADHD & how it presents in women, why women in midlife are getting diagnosed at alarming rates, and what some of the common signs and symptoms are. Having her on the show was so enlightening & explained so much of the way that my brain works. I can’t wait to share her expertise with you. Tune in to learn more about ADHD, how it affects women differently than men, how it differs from what you might think, and then what to do if you want to explore the Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #95: What Are You Willing To Do?

We know that (for the most part) we are the size that we are because of the habits and behaviors that we do most of the time. And so when we start changing our behavior to get the ideal shape that we desire, it’s easy to think that “if I just keep doing what I’m doing, I’ll eventually get to where I want to go.” But then the Plateau Police show up & say “Not so fast!” Along our journey to get to our ideal shape, we’re going to be confronted with the question, “What are you willing to do to get to the next level?” Tune in to learn how to answer that question. What You’ll Learn from this Episode Listen to the Full Episode: Featured on the Show: Full Episode Transcript: We know that weight loss isn’t linear, and that in order to change our results, we’re going Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #94: Listener Questions Volume 2

I looooove getting questions from my listeners and clients. It really helps me to understand what info you are looking for, where you need help, and how I can serve my community of amazing women! So, today I’m answering listener questions. Your questions that you’ve asked me through email or via direct message. I love answering your questions, so keep them coming. What You’ll Learn from this Episode Listen to the Full Episode: Featured on the Show: Full Episode Transcript: On today’s podcast, I am answering listener questions. So, if you submitted a question, I might be answering it. Let’s get started. You are listening to the done with dieting podcast. The podcast for women in midlife, who are done with dieting, but still want to lose weight and feel good in your clothes. You know that diets don’t work long term. But you feel like there’s this secret that Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #91: What Type of Eater Are You?

Over the past 17 years of working with women, I’ve noticed that when it comes to how we look at food, and eat, that there are 3 different eating styles. What’s super interesting, is looking at these eating styles, are unique to women, because we’ve been socialized to take care of others at the expense of our own health, look at food as good or bad, never say no, not have boundaries, take responsibility for other people’s emotional health, and more. Depending on which messages that you received as a  young woman, will influence how you eat and care for yourself. Tune in to this episode to understand what type of eater you are, find solace in knowing that you’re not alone, and how to move forward. What You’ll Learn from this Episode Listen to the Full Episode: Featured on the Show: Full Episode Transcript: Are you a Monica, or Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #89: An Example of What’s Possible

Client Success Story: Stephanie’s Journey to Self-Care Prepare to be inspired in this episode because I’m interviewing a former client.  Stephanie came to me unsure of what she needed, but she knew that a diet or fitness program wasn’t it. She took a leap of faith & it paid off. As a result, she not only lost the weight that she desired, but in the process discovered the missing piece that she didn’t even know that she needed. Stephanie shares how her life has transformed and what she learned about herself as a result of coaching. You’ll learn Stephanie’s biggest takeaways, the skills that she learned, and how her identity has shifted – that she couldn’t have achieved through simply following a diet or exercise program to lose weight. What You’ll Learn from this Episode Listen to the Full Episode: Featured on the Show: Full Episode Transcript: Stephani: Let’s say, Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #87: Style Masterclass with Judith Gaton

No, you don’t have to wait until you lose the weight before you look good in your clothes! How would you describe your style? When you go clothes shopping, do you find it a chore? Or is it something that you love? For many of us, the clothes that we choose have a very personal meaning – even if it’s the pajamas that you throw on at the end of the night. We want them to feel soft against our skin, not dig in or ride up – and just FIT! So when we’re uncomfortable in our clothes or don’t feel like our clothes truly reflect who we are inside, we can spend a lot of unnecessary spin cycles in our brain focusing on things that are unhelpful, and not useful, and not spending time on the things that we want to be thinking about. That’s why my guest on Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #85: Confidence Made Easy with Xena Jones

Feminism & Weight Loss Coaching We’re flipping the script on today’s episode & Elizabeth is getting interviewed by host of the Confidence Made Easy Podcast and former guest, Xena Jones. In this episode, Xena interviews Elizabeth about the intersection between weight loss and feminism, how weight stigma and body image is different for women of different races, and how that impacts you. But also, Xena shares her big take always in working with Elizabeth as her weight loss coach; the simple shifts that she made (without dieting) greatly impacted her results. About Xena Jones: Xena is a certified life coach with the Life Coach School and is the host of the Confidence Made Easy podcast.She helps her clients to have their own backs & do whatever the f*ck they want, without all the doubt, fear & drama that gets in the way.She coaches clients all over the world from her Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #75: Pivoting

How to go with it when life sends you a curveball. It’s natural for us to jump to “the How” when we’re talking about our goals – we’ve been conditioned to think that way: Me: I’m going to make a million dollars. Dad: Great! How are you going to do that? Me: I want to take a gap year & travel Europe. Mom: That’s fantastic. How are you going to pay for it? And those questions are good intentioned, but they limit us in our ability – because we believe that we can’t DO the thing until we have the perfect plan laid out from beginning to end. AND THEN, when things don’t go as planned, it blocks us from getting scrappy & figuring it out. But the truth is, that if you’ve ever set out towards a goal, that when you reach it, there were lots of turns, plot Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #74: Mothers and Daughters with Karen CL Anderson

How shame is passed down generationally. When we think about mothers and daughters, we think of a Norman Rockwell painting, don’t we? We think of mothers and daughters who have a close relationship, where the mother teaches the daughter how to become a woman, teaches her valuable life skills from the perspective of “I remember my mom teaching me this too & it’s all normal.” But because mothers and grandmothers are humans, they perpetuate the same stories generation after generation because of their human-ness and make mistakes. If you want to heal your relationship with your mother, this episode is a must listen. Listeners can sign up to receive karen’s weekly Love Notes and when they do they get her Definitive Guide to Setting Healthy, Mature Boundaries With Your Mother About Karen CL Anderson: Karen C.L. Anderson is a master-certified life coach and author. Difficult mother-daughter relationships are her jam. Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #73: Mental Fitness

Like Physical Fitness, but for your brain Can we talk about mental fitness? We talk a lot about physics fitness, but what does it mean to be mentally or emotionally fit? When we become physically fit, we perform repetitions of physical exercises, where we build up the strength of our physical muscles.  When we talk about mental fitness, we talk about the mental work where we build up the strength of our mental muscles. In other words, doing what we want MOST over what we want in the MOMENT. How would it feel to make a commitment to yourself & then follow through with it? The thing is that many of us start out with weights that are too heavy for us. Just like a personal trainer would never start their client out squatting 225 lbs, we don’t want to commit to setting and following through with goals that are Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #71: Why We Moved to Mexico

A personal episode about our decision to expatriate from the US. One of the most common questions I get has nothing to do with health and fitness, but rather all the details about how my husband and I got to Mexico? And why? When I tell people that I live in Mexico, they’ll often ask me, “The state? Or the country?!?” And then all the curious questions that folks have – like, how is life different since you moved? How do you eat differently? What do you do for fun? Do you speak Spanish? How is that going? So in today’s podcast episode, I’m dishing all the details. Moving to Mexico was probably the hardest thing that I have ever done. But I would do it all over in a heartbeat.. What’s different since I moved to Mexico & how I’ve changed as a result. Want to get personal? Tune Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #70: River of Misery

How to get through the hard part of changing your behaviors. There’s a point when we set out to make a change in our lives where things get really difficult. It happens to all of us. Sometimes it happens when we realize that this new way of doing things is our new normal, and we experience a grieving process for the way things used to be. This new way of doing things feels difficult, like we’re failing, and like it’s never going to get easier. But it will. Things will get easier. In this episode of the Done with Dieting Podcast, you’ll learn to expect the river of misery, and have a plan for how to deal with it when it arrives. What you’ll Learn from this Episode What the River of Misery is & why it’s a very common part of changing your behavior. How expecting that you’ll go Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #64: Creating Adult Friendships with Xena Jones

How to ask other adults, “Do you want to be my friend?” without feeling creepy. Many folks in midlife start to notice that their life circumstances change rapidly. As their children leave the house, they also notice that their relationships in general are also changing at the same time. Some of us realize that we have more time on our hands, or that the friendships that we cultivated with other parents aren’t fully meeting our needs.  We want more meaningful relationships in our lives – ones that support the same positive habits that we’re trying to cultivate ourselves. My guest on this episode of the Done with Dieting Podcast recently went on a “Friendsperiment” where she actively went out and made new friends as an adult. When I learned about it, I had to have her on the show so that she could share her insight with you and help Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #63: Listener Questions

Elizabeth Answers Listener Questions We’re diving into a listener Q&A episode this week, and we’re going to be covering topics on eating, exercising, mindset and more. A lot of these questions are linked to one another, so we’re covering a lot of ground today. I’ve received questions on nutrition and what your diet should look like, what we should be doing for exercise, and how to start, as well as ways that we want to get through a plateau. We plan on doing more listener Q&A episodes, and I believe this one will be useful to all you ladies in midlife out there who want to cut through all of the clutter, feel better & live a healthier life. My own journey has involved all of these topics, so tune in today! What you’ll Learn from this Episode Does coffee count towards my water consumption? Does the taste for sweets Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #62: Why we Eat What we Eat

When we buy food, we vote with our dollars. Which foods do you want to vote for? Why do we eat the foods that we eat? Have you ever asked yourself that question? Probably not – but you might think about it when you observe other people eating. In this episode, I’m talking about the very unconscious decisions that we make when we decide to eat one food over another. What’s super important in this episode is to become aware of WHY we DO make the decisions that we do and then decide if we want to keep making those decisions. This episode has the potential to be a game changer when it comes to your eating habits. What you’ll Learn from this Episode Why it’s important to decide what we value when we eat How when we purchase food, we vote for the type of food that we want Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #60: Diet vs Just the Way I Eat

What is the difference between a Diet with a Big D vs a Diet with a Small D? What is the difference between a DIET – a way of eating that we follow from a book – and the idea that ‘this is just the way that I eat?’ If you pay attention to social media, you’ll learn pretty quickly that diet is a four-letter word. That we should not be dieting, and that weight loss is bad. But is it? Are all diets bad? The vegetarian way of eating can be considered just the way someone eats, while someone else may look at it as a diet. How can we tell the difference between a good diet and a bad diet? Or is there such a thing? Listen in to episode 60 to learn how to know if what you’re doing is subscribing to looking at food in an Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #58: How to Become More Fit

What does it mean to become more fit? Does it mean that we look a certain way? That we have visible muscles? Does it mean that we can run a 10-minute mile? Or touch your toes? I think that when we set goals “to become more fit” we all have ideas of what that means TO US. But there’s actually a definition of fitness.  When we improve our fitness, what exactly does that mean? And how do we go about doing that?  Tune in to this podcast episode to learn not only what it means to improve your fitness level and how to measure that, but also how to increase your fitness level regardless of what you like to do to perform an exercise. What you’ll Learn from this Episode Do you need to ‘confuse the body’? And how to do it. How you can measure your fitness level. What Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #54: Maintaining Success

When we sabotage ourselves & are unable to maintain our success. Why is it that so many folks are unable to maintain their weight loss? Is it that diets truly don’t work? Or could there be another culprit at play? For many of us, we’ve been thinking like a dieter for such a long period of time that it has become a way of being, thinking & living. So, when we finally get to our goal, we don’t know how to relish it. On this podcast, tune in to learn the biggest obstacle when it comes to being successful with weight loss – and why this is so much bigger than following a diet or exercise routine. What You’ll Learn from this Episode Listen to the Full Episode: Featured on the Show: Full Episode Transcript: All of those mistakes that we hate making when we are in the process of Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #53: Measuring Progress

Do you use the scale to measure your progress? Using the scale to measure progress towards a weight loss goal seems to be the gold standard that we use. But there are so many factors that go into scale weight – our body’s gravitational pull towards the earth – that we don’t have control over and really mask what we’re using the scale for letting us know how we’re doing towards our goal. In this episode, you’ll learn other methods that you can use to determine the progress that doesn’t leave you feeling frustrated & that you’re not progressing. Because sometimes, scale is the last thing to move when we want it to. What You’ll Learn from this Episode Listen to the Full Episode: Featured on the Show: Full Episode Transcript: I tell my clients this all the time that I really don’t care how much I weigh. In fact, Read More . . .