Done with Dieting Episode #150: Setting Goals and Missing Marks: A Raw Recap

Here’s a powerful notion to consider: What if falling short of your goal was the best thing that could happen to you?  In this episode, I recount the highs and lows of the past year, celebrating the podcast milestones and embracing the detours, like rebranding and unforeseen setbacks.  If your expectations are tied to societal norms, let’s shake them up a bit. Personal freedom is at the core of our discussion as we wade through the waters of change and personal growth. I reassess my goals and champion the idea of embracing life’s imperfections. So, prepare yourself, the journey to personal growth isn’t about perfection but more about resilience in the face of adversity.  Lastly, I have a heart-to-heart about celebrating small behavioral victories over grand end goals. It’s easy to get disheartened when we don’t meet our lofty goals, but what if we shift our focus to smaller, more Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #145: Discovering What You Want with Stacey Oliver-Knappe

Are you ready to join Stacey on her remarkable journey of self-discovery and personal transformation? This episode is a candid exploration of Stacey’s battle with weight, societal expectations, and her relationship with food. Starting from a young age, Stacey found herself on the exhausting roller coaster of dieting, a ride many of us know all too well. She’s generously sharing her raw and relatable experiences with us, hoping to inspire others to break free from the chains of societal pressures. Stacey’s transformation was not just about changing her diet; it also involved shifting her mindset and behaviors. She learned to listen to her body, becoming curious about her patterns and habits. This process propelled her to set personal goals which led to monumental shifts in her life, including leaving her corporate job to begin a consulting gig. We dive into the power of curiosity and how it can spur personal Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #144: The Upside to Envy

Ever felt a twinge of envy? Have you ever been labeled as jealous when all you did was desire someone’s achievements or possessions?  Let’s pull back the curtain on envy, an emotion often misunderstood and maligned, yet so deeply intertwined with the human condition. I’m turning this conversation on its head, not just acknowledging envy, but reclaiming it as a mirror reflecting our deepest desires.  I explore the societal narratives that paint women as rivals and discuss how envy plays a pivotal role in these portrayals. It’s time to transform this negative emotion into an empowering tool for self-awareness and self-improvement. Now, let’s talk about Schadenfreude – that umbrella term for the complex mix of emotions centered around envy. The satisfaction you feel when someone who seems to have it all stumbles. A destructive force in our relationships and communities, I explore how to recognize its influence, challenge it, and Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #143: Doing It On Your Own

What if the secrets to strength and resilience are hidden in the annals of women’s shared histories?  Today, I am unearthing these stories, illuminating the silent strength of our foremothers, and embracing the power of sisterhood. I dive into the societal perceptions of women through different life stages and tackle the stigma and shame linked to women’s bodies. I recognize the wisdom in seeking help and the freedom in finding our own paths.  Imagine a time when women thrived in multigenerational living, and the guidance of elder women — the crone — was cherished. I traverse through this era, understanding the impact of patriarchy and cultural shifts on women’s communal living. I unveil the repercussions of transitioning from these cohesive communities to isolated nuclear households.  Along this journey, I find solace in the narratives woven in books like The Red Tent and Women Who Run With the Wolves. They serve Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #141: Re-Introducing the Done with Dieting Podcast

Ever thought about what truly healthy means to you? Is it just about the number on the scale or is there more to it?  I am here, Elizabeth Sherman, to guide you through a transformative journey to health and wellness, breaking free from the traditional narrative of dieting. Instead, we aim to develop a healthier relationship with food, exercise, and ourselves.  Walk with me as I share my personal story, transitioning from a size 18-20 to a lifestyle centered on well-being. Listen as we delve into societal pressures, ageism, and how living authentically impacts our health.  What if you could redefine the norms and reclaim the narrative? This episode is about empowering women in midlife, guiding them to live robust, well-rounded lives.  Here, we challenge the status quo, and societal expectations, and redefine what it means to be a healthy woman today. We embrace personal growth over societal expectations, health Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #140: Reversing the Aging Process

There was a time in my life when I viewed my wrinkles and graying hair as embarrassing signs of aging, a flawed depiction that society often perpetuates. It was a journey of self-discovery and unlearning these misconceptions that helped me realize the beauty that comes with aging and every gray hair, wrinkle, and year is a testament to our resilience, wisdom, and beauty.  Today, I’m eager to share with you all what I’ve learned about aging gracefully, challenging societal norms, and debunking myths about aging. Together, we’ll be embracing the aging process as a natural part of our existence, rather than a dreaded inevitability. As we navigate through this journey to redefine aging, we will delve deeper into the importance of health habits and self-care as they play a crucial role in aging gracefully. We’ll explore the significance of nutritional choices, regular exercise, and quality sleep and how these can Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #139: End of History Illusion

What if you could break free from societal expectations and become the architect of your own life? Join me, as I guide you through my personal journey, highlighting how the ‘end of history illusion’ was holding me back and how overcoming it revolutionized my world. By sharing powerful strategies that have worked for me and many women I’ve coached, I aim to help you tackle this illusion that might be sabotaging your growth.  This episode will empower you to own your dreams and evolve into the best version of yourself. Learning to embrace failure, taking charge of your decisions, and setting clear goals can transform your life trajectory. I’ll share tips on how to focus on behavior rather than outcomes, the optional nature of timelines for goals, and the important perspective that obstacles are simply part of your progress.  As we journey together, I’ll invite you to dream big, intentionally Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #137: How Coaching Can Pay for Itself

Feel like investing in your health is a luxury? Let’s hit the pause button and explore the hidden costs of not getting your health in order and the rewards of investing in your well-being.  Together, we’ll unpack the societal pressures that women face regarding money and the pitfalls of quick fixes. More importantly, we’ll shed light on the power of sustainable habits and learning to trust our bodies signals. In the next part of our journey, the transformative power of coaching for health and well-being unfolds. I’ll be sharing my coaching philosophy and the inspiring stories of Susan, Teresa, and Cheryl.  These women bravely embarked on the path of change, learning to trust themselves and their bodies again. Their stories provide valuable insight into how investing in personal health and well-being can create a ripple effect of positivity in our lives.  So, are you ready to join us on this Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #135: Stress and Toxins with Dr. Jannine Krause

Are you ready to thrive in your better years?  Join my enlightening conversation with Dr. Jannine Krause, a Naturopathic Doctor, Acupuncturist, and host of the Health Fix podcast, as we delve into her mission to help women over 35 flourish. We examine the differences between naturopathic doctors and general practitioners, and how naturopaths focus on root causes and counseling, as opposed to just treating symptoms. Additionally, we discuss the role insurance companies may play in perpetuating a more symptom-based approach. Discover the impact of plastics, hormones, and health on your well-being. We discuss the three main estrogens in the body, the sneaky additives used by the plastics industry, and the importance of testing for bisphenol levels. Learn about the dangers of heating up plastics in the microwave and drinking bottled water, as well as helpful tips for assisting your liver to process toxins. Dr. Jannine also recommends nutraceuticals like milk Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #133: Investing in Her Future: Christine’s Story

What if you could transform your life, health, and mindset in the midst of a pandemic, parenthood, and personal challenges? Join me as I talk with Christine, who did just that, and is here to share her inspiring journey of personal growth and self-discovery. Christine faced a whirlwind of stressors – a new baby, a new home, her mother’s cancer diagnosis, and the ongoing pandemic – but she managed to turn her life around, all while working on her health and financial goals.  Together, we discuss the coaching process that helped Christine identify the root of her emotional eating, let go of others’ expectations, and build consistent routines for success. Her commitment to being a better role model for her kids, along with her husband’s unwavering support, played a crucial role in her personal transformation. But the magic doesn’t stop there – Christine also found empowerment and camaraderie in the Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #131: From Start to Success: The Coaching Process

Are you curious about life and health coaching and how it can help transform your life?  In this episode, I’m talking all about coaching and sharing how having a personal navigator on your life’s journey can help you become the best version of yourself. It’s time to turn your curiosity into action and discover the power of having a life and health coach by your side. Listen in as I share my experience as a life and health coach and how coaching goes beyond anything that you know in health and wellness, personal training, or nutrition. I discuss the importance of setting achievable goals, prioritizing self-care, and navigating life’s obstacles. I also explain the coaching consultation process, providing insights into what to expect during your first coaching session and how to prepare for it. If you’re ready to explore the possibilities that life and health coaching can offer, this episode Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #129: Dating After Divorce with Sade Curry

Ever felt trapped in a toxic marriage and wondered how to escape and rebuild your life?  This episode features an empowering conversation with dating coach Sade Curry, who bravely shares her story of breaking free from a harmful marriage and rising above the challenges of dating after divorce. Be prepared to challenge your beliefs about marriage, divorce, and the responsibility of fixing men in relationships. We dive deep into Sade’s journey of getting married at a young age due to societal and religious pressure, and the verbal abuse and psychological manipulation she faced during her marriage. Her inspiring story showcases the courage needed to protect herself and her children while navigating the social stigma of divorce and her family’s disapproval. Sade also touches on the fear of making a wrong choice again in a new relationship and how she learned valuable lessons from her past mistakes. Tune in to explore Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #125: What Can You Accomplish in 6 Months?

Do you ever feel like you’re losing yourself in your people-pleasing tendencies? I’ve been on a journey of self-discovery and personal transformation over the past six months, working to shed these tendencies, love myself through judgment and failures, and have my own back.  Join me as I share the challenges I’ve faced since I declared my goals 6 months ago, like asking people to do things that make me feel uncomfortable and marketing my first retreat, even when self-doubt and fear creep in. I’m excited to share my progress with you. As women in midlife and beyond, it’s crucial to take a holistic approach to our health and well-being. In this episode, we explore the importance of setting goals, reassessing behaviors that may no longer serve us, and taking steps to become the version of ourselves we want to be in the future.  From our eating and drinking habits to Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #121: How to Eat Healthy Without Dieting

Struggling with how to eat healthily without dieting? This episode offers a guide to the eight basic habits of healthy eaters. But finding balance involves more than just what food is on your plate. It involves a mindset shift, allowing you to adopt a healthier lifestyle without the reliance on a number on the scale. With questions such as how we judge what someone is eating, and how we set goals to achieve our desired outcome, I will show you how to create a healthy life without dieting… But will it work for you? If you’re feeling overwhelmed and frustrated by trying to maintain a healthy eating lifestyle while still feeling restricted by dieting rules and not seeing the results you wanted, then you are not alone! I thought I had to be thin to be healthy, but my journey taught me that health comes from so much more. Through Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #120: Menopause at Work with Hatty McCafferty

Supporting Women in Menopause in the Workplace In an ideal workplace, every employee would have the necessary resources and support to comfortably navigate their personal and professional life, including their health and wellness needs. One area where help is vital for many employees is menopause, a natural biological process that often brings about physical and emotional challenges. By addressing the challenges of menopause, companies can help to create a supportive and inclusive environment for everyone. This, in turn, helps to enhance overall productivity, employee satisfaction, and workplace retention rates.  My special guest is Hatty McCafferty a highly experienced certified menopause consultant and coach who has dedicated her career to providing support and guidance for midlife women navigating the challenges of menopause in the workplace. As the host of the popular podcast Real Menopause Talk, Hatty has cultivated a wealth of knowledge and understanding of the complexities surrounding menopause and its Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #119: Success is Hard

In episode 119 of the Done with Dieting podcast, I delve into why success is hard, especially regarding our health journeys. I discuss the importance of taking responsibility for our actions and avoiding placing blame on others or circumstances. Through my own experiences, I’ve learned that success is quite simple when we focus on one thing at a time and determine whether it works for us.  Understanding your health and adopting healthy habits are essential stepping stones in the journey toward greater well-being. It is the responsibility of each person to recognize when something is working or not working for their body, assess their own needs, and make the necessary changes for optimal health.  The real challenge lies in our willingness to make the necessary sacrifices and prioritize our own needs. By addressing emotional baggage and developing the right mindset, we can create optimal health for ourselves instead of trying Read More . . .

Elizabeth Sherman: Life and Health Coach for Women in Midlife

Your Pathway to Optimal Health and Reverse AgingHealth Coaching for Women in Midlife who want to Reclaim the Vibrancy of their Youth. Get Started Does this sound familiar?You don’t like what you see in the mirror.You want to lose that midlife muffin-top, but you just can NOT tolerate the idea of dieting (again).Hormones are messing with your mood and body.At the end of a stressful day, zoning out on the couch with a glass of wine is about all you can muster.Close friends and family are getting diagnosed with serious conditions, and you wonder, “Am I next?”You wake up so exhausted, you wonder, “How am I going to get through the day?”You know you “should” prioritize your health but can’t seem to find the time – and you feel guilt about that.With all the daily challenges you face, you’re feeling like your health has taken a backseat to everything else. Something Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #109: Ozempic & Wegovy: Separating Fact from Fiction

On Episode 109 of the Done with Dieting podcast, we’re talking about the topic of weight loss and how Ozempic can help in the journey, but more importantly, we’re going to be discussing how to make your weight loss journey a lasting one. Ozempic is a type of GLP-1 receptor agonist that is used as a weight loss drug and to help manage type 2 diabetes. My goal for this episode is to help you understand how Ozempic works and give you the tools to make your weight loss journey with Ozempic a successful one. We’ll discuss what Ozempic is and how it works in the body to help with weight loss and diabetes management. We’ll also talk about the science behind Ozempic and why it is effective in aiding weight loss. Then, we’ll discuss how to ensure that your weight loss journey with Ozempic is a lasting one. We’ll Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #108: How Long Before I See Results?

One of the topics that I regularly address with my clients is the inevitability of feeling like we’ve put in the work, and we should be receiving something positive back in validation for the work that we’ve done. Most will look at the number on the scale and feel frustrated that it hasn’t budged. And then, go into a brain spin downward spiral that results in us eating all the things in our path because we rationalize that if we’re not eating & not losing, then it doesn’t matter WHAT I eat. I should be able to eat all the things and not gain weight either. Unfortunately, the body doesn’t work that way. Tune in to episode 108 of the Done with Dieting Podcast to learn about looking for results and what to pay attention to. What You’ll Learn from this Episode Listen to the Full Episode: Featured on the Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #103: How I Apply the Work I Do

On the podcast, and in coaching with my clients, I talk a lot about concepts, tools, and how to use them – sometimes in theoretical situations, or in practical ones that we’ve all encountered.  Some of the concepts and tools overlap, and I think it can be difficult to put it all together. In this episode, I’m sharing my real life with you & how I use and apply the tools I teach.  Listen in! What you’ll Learn from this Episode Listen to the Full Episode: Featured on the Show: Full Episode Transcript: On today’s episode of the Done With Dieting Podcast, I am sharing how I apply some of the concepts that I teach in this podcast. Stay tuned. You are listening to the done with dieting podcast. The podcast for women in midlife, who are done with dieting, but still want to lose weight and feel good in Read More . . .