Done with Dieting Episode #65: Forgiveness

What does it mean to forgive someone? Forgiveness – we know its good for us, but sometimes we just can’t take that step. It feels like a betrayal.  And what makes it difficult is that other people who are tangentially involved will urge us to forgive so that we can all ‘just go back to normal’. But when we really feel wronged, how CAN things ever go back to normal? What does that even mean? In this episode of the Done with Dieting Podcast, we’re going to reframe how you think about forgiveness. What’s the process, and how you can do it from a space that makes it NOT feel like you’re betraying yourself, and validating the other person’s actions. We will also be diving into how to forgive yourself and your body following the same protocol. Tune in to episode 65 on forgiveness to learn how to reframe forgiveness Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #64: Creating Adult Friendships with Xena Jones

How to ask other adults, “Do you want to be my friend?” without feeling creepy. Many folks in midlife start to notice that their life circumstances change rapidly. As their children leave the house, they also notice that their relationships in general are also changing at the same time. Some of us realize that we have more time on our hands, or that the friendships that we cultivated with other parents aren’t fully meeting our needs.  We want more meaningful relationships in our lives – ones that support the same positive habits that we’re trying to cultivate ourselves. My guest on this episode of the Done with Dieting Podcast recently went on a “Friendsperiment” where she actively went out and made new friends as an adult. When I learned about it, I had to have her on the show so that she could share her insight with you and help Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #63: Listener Questions

Elizabeth Answers Listener Questions We’re diving into a listener Q&A episode this week, and we’re going to be covering topics on eating, exercising, mindset and more. A lot of these questions are linked to one another, so we’re covering a lot of ground today. I’ve received questions on nutrition and what your diet should look like, what we should be doing for exercise, and how to start, as well as ways that we want to get through a plateau. We plan on doing more listener Q&A episodes, and I believe this one will be useful to all you ladies in midlife out there who want to cut through all of the clutter, feel better & live a healthier life. My own journey has involved all of these topics, so tune in today! What you’ll Learn from this Episode Does coffee count towards my water consumption? Does the taste for sweets Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #62: Why we Eat What we Eat

When we buy food, we vote with our dollars. Which foods do you want to vote for? Why do we eat the foods that we eat? Have you ever asked yourself that question? Probably not – but you might think about it when you observe other people eating. In this episode, I’m talking about the very unconscious decisions that we make when we decide to eat one food over another. What’s super important in this episode is to become aware of WHY we DO make the decisions that we do and then decide if we want to keep making those decisions. This episode has the potential to be a game changer when it comes to your eating habits. What you’ll Learn from this Episode Why it’s important to decide what we value when we eat How when we purchase food, we vote for the type of food that we want Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #61: Surviving Blended Families with Mindy Neal

Joining 2 families can be a challenge! Learn how to do it successfully. They say that something like 70% of second marriages end in divorce. And when you think about it, it kind of makes sense. Not from the point of view that people who get divorced are more likely to get divorced, but rather that when you bring 2 families together, there are more personalities, and more challenges because there are more differences – and let’s face it: no one likes change. So in the second marriage, we THINK that we’re marrying this amazing person (and you are) but you’re also marrying their kids, and ex-partners, and ex-in laws as well. That’s a LOT! In this fantastic episode, learn from Mindy Neal, Life Coach for women in blended families how to navigate all the complexities so that you can create the family life that you’ve always desired. About Mindy Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #60: Diet vs Just the Way I Eat

What is the difference between a Diet with a Big D vs a Diet with a Small D? What is the difference between a DIET – a way of eating that we follow from a book – and the idea that ‘this is just the way that I eat?’ If you pay attention to social media, you’ll learn pretty quickly that diet is a four-letter word. That we should not be dieting, and that weight loss is bad. But is it? Are all diets bad? The vegetarian way of eating can be considered just the way someone eats, while someone else may look at it as a diet. How can we tell the difference between a good diet and a bad diet? Or is there such a thing? Listen in to episode 60 to learn how to know if what you’re doing is subscribing to looking at food in an Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #59: How to Sleep Better with Janet Whalen

Learn the surprising thing that you’re NOT doing that can help you overcome insomnia. Anyone who has had a night or two of poor sleep knows the importance of protecting that habit. We know that when we don’t get good sleep we’re a little bit shorter in our reactions to people, everything seems a little bit more stressful, and typically our ability to problem solve and manage our stress is limited. But how do we sleep better? Especially since it seems as though once we move into midlife, our body just naturally wakes up in the middle of the night over thinking of all the things that we’ve forgotten to do during the day. If you google “How do I sleep better?” you’ll get a whole host of articles about sleep hygiene. And sleep hygiene is super important. But if you’ve struggled with sleep, you’ve probably already done all the Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #58: How to Become More Fit

What does it mean to become more fit? Does it mean that we look a certain way? That we have visible muscles? Does it mean that we can run a 10-minute mile? Or touch your toes? I think that when we set goals “to become more fit” we all have ideas of what that means TO US. But there’s actually a definition of fitness.  When we improve our fitness, what exactly does that mean? And how do we go about doing that?  Tune in to this podcast episode to learn not only what it means to improve your fitness level and how to measure that, but also how to increase your fitness level regardless of what you like to do to perform an exercise. What you’ll Learn from this Episode Do you need to ‘confuse the body’? And how to do it. How you can measure your fitness level. What Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #57: Women’s Hormones & Weight Loss with Jade Teta

How to work with your body in menopause and perimenopause instead of against it. If you’re a woman in midlife, it can feel frustrating when your habits haven’t changed, yet your body does. All of the things that we used to do to feel good in our bodies no longer work. As our bodies change to move out of the childbearing years, the habits and behaviors that we do to stay healthy have to change too. As we move out of childbearing years, our body’s hormones shift to support the different needs of our body. As a result, we need to learn how to work WITH our body as opposed to against it. No one likes change. Changing the way we approach our healthy habits takes effort, organization, and planning. But the good news is that through the techniques that you’ll learn in this podcast, you’ll be able to adapt Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #56: Advice to my Beginner Self

Want to know the secrets that I would tell myself – the version of me who was starting out on this journey? Of course, we can’t change our past. But if I were to go through my journey again, this is the advice that I’d share with my beginner self in order to save her a ton of money, mind-drama, and in turn, help her achieve her goal to success faster. Regardless of what journey you’re setting out on, wouldn’t it be valuable to talk to the version of yourself who has actually achieved the goal? What would she say to you? What advice would she give you so that you can get there faster and with fewer mistakes? In this podcast, I’m sharing the advice that I’d give to my beginner self. I want her to succeed. I want you to succeed, get there faster, and avoid the mistakes Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #55: Reducing Belly Fat in Mid-Life

How to get rid of menopausal belly fat What’s Going On? Why do we gain weight in our midsection as we get older? And not only how do we make it stop, but how do we make it go away? You’ve probably noticed that many of the things you did when you were younger aren’t as effective as they used to be for dropping a few lbs. And hours upon hours of crunches don’t make a dent! In this episode, you’ll understand why we gain weight as we move into the perimenopause and menopause years, and what to do about it. What You’ll Learn from This Episode Listen to the Full Episode: Featured on the Show: Full Episode Transcript: So, why is it that we need different information? So, again, most health research is done on men. Men that are much younger than we are. And most diet advice is Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #54: Maintaining Success

When we sabotage ourselves & are unable to maintain our success. Why is it that so many folks are unable to maintain their weight loss? Is it that diets truly don’t work? Or could there be another culprit at play? For many of us, we’ve been thinking like a dieter for such a long period of time that it has become a way of being, thinking & living. So, when we finally get to our goal, we don’t know how to relish it. On this podcast, tune in to learn the biggest obstacle when it comes to being successful with weight loss – and why this is so much bigger than following a diet or exercise routine. What You’ll Learn from this Episode Listen to the Full Episode: Featured on the Show: Full Episode Transcript: All of those mistakes that we hate making when we are in the process of Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #53: Measuring Progress

Do you use the scale to measure your progress? Using the scale to measure progress towards a weight loss goal seems to be the gold standard that we use. But there are so many factors that go into scale weight – our body’s gravitational pull towards the earth – that we don’t have control over and really mask what we’re using the scale for letting us know how we’re doing towards our goal. In this episode, you’ll learn other methods that you can use to determine the progress that doesn’t leave you feeling frustrated & that you’re not progressing. Because sometimes, scale is the last thing to move when we want it to. What You’ll Learn from this Episode Listen to the Full Episode: Featured on the Show: Full Episode Transcript: I tell my clients this all the time that I really don’t care how much I weigh. In fact, Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #52: Is Sugar Addictive?

We hear that sugar is as addictive as cocaine, but is that really true? We see it in the headlines all the time – especially around this time of the year!  That sugar is addictive. Or that sugar is more addictive than cocaine! And if you ate or drank sugary treats over the holidays, and decided to cut back now that the holidays are over, you may be wondering yourself: Am I addicted? In today’s podcast, I’m talking about sugar addiction. Is it real? And what to do if you want to get rid of those intense sugar cravings and withdrawal symptoms. Tune in to Episode 52 of the Done with Dieting Podcast to learn more about sugar and your body. What You’ll Learn from this Episode Listen to the Full Episode: Featured on the Show: Full Episode Transcript: When we have a lack of sleep, we feel that sluggishness, Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #51: The Stages of Grief

How the stages of grief show up in creating better habits. Sometimes grief and resentment show up in relation to how we have to do things in order to accomplish our goals. And the stages of grief that we go through in the process of changing our habits are real. Tune in to learn how we experience the stages of grief when it comes to how we used to do things, and instead become more empowered in our decisions to change our health behaviors. What You’ll Learn from this Episode Listen to the Full Episode: Featured on the Show: Full Episode Transcript: As I looked down at the half steak sitting on the plate with my green beans, saying it out loud, doesn’t make any sense at all. But in my head, I was thinking that it was sad that I wouldn’t get to overeat anymore. And it didn’t make Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #50: Evaluate What Worked

What went well? Often, when we think about setting New Year’s Resolutions, we’re more than happy to look toward the new & throw away the old. We don’t want to look at the past because all too often, we don’t want to look at our failures. It’s too painful. But it’s only too painful if we’re ONLY focused on what we did wrong and have unrealistic expectations for ourselves and how we should be. That’s why in this podcast episode, I’ll teach you the series of steps that you want to take to objectively evaluate how your year went so that you can learn from it, and set yourself up for success in the future. What You’ll Learn from this Episode Listen to the Full Episode: Featured on the Show: Full Episode Transcript: You are listening to the Done with Dieting Podcast Episode number 50. Hi, I’m Elizabeth Sherman, former Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #49: The Long Game

What do you think you could learn about yourself if you were to take a year and focus on your health? We all want fast results. Especially when it comes to weight loss. And as much as we want the weight to be gone yesterday, I suspect what we want more is to never have to go through this lose-the-weight/regain-it cycle ever again. Yes, we want to lose weight quickly, but we also want permanent weight loss. We don’t want to have to deal with this problem over and over and over again. In a time where 30-day Jump Starts, 8-week Challenges, and 13-week detoxes are everywhere, the thought of spending a year focused on one’s weight seems unheard of.  Yet, clearly fast weight loss doesn’t work because if it did, we wouldn’t have the statistic that 97% of folks who lose weight regain it in 3-5 years. Think about Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #48: Starting a Side-Gig with Sindy Warren

What to do when you have a great idea, but that’s it? We hear all the time how Microsoft and Apple were started in a garage. All successful companies start with an idea, and then seemingly overnight the idea grows into a successful business. There’s no doubt that becoming your own boss takes a lot of work. And that the road to success is paved with stories of defeat, disappointment, and failure – which is why I loved talking to Sindy Warren about how she helps budding entrepreneurs start businesses – whether they’re just part-time hustles or ideas that allow women to retire their partners. Whether we’re talking about business or weight loss, there are SO MANY parallels when it comes to the mental game and achieving success in these two different areas. Sindy is such a great coach & person to learn from if you’re someone who has an Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #47: What is Truthful vs Helpful?

How our beliefs color our experience of ourselves and the world around us. Often, when I talk to clients they’ll say things like, “I can’t control myself around sweets,” “I”m lazy,” “I hate to exercise,” “I”m too old,” or “I”m just not disciplined.” And when I ask the question back to them, Is that true? Is it really true? They can give me a whole host of examples & evidence of why that’s true. Sometimes we say things that feel like we’re just reporting the weather – as if we’re just stating the truth. And so in this podcast episode, you’ll learn the difference between thoughts and statements that are truthful, but then the second thing we want to ask ourselves is, but is it helpful? Because when I think the thoughts “I can’t control myself around sweets,” “I”m lazy,” “I hate to exercise,” “I”m too old,” or “I”m just Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #46: Deep Health with Krista Scott-Dixon

The 5 skill sets that you need to become your own coach. Did you know that there’s actually a science to back up why we should treat ourselves with more compassion? Yes! It’s true! Having compassion for others and ourselves is the starting point for Precision Nutrition’s philosophy around coaching. In this podcast, you’ll learn the principles that Krista Scott Dixon uses as the director of curriculum development & how to apply that to your own health and health behaviors. You’ll also learn how what we’ve traditionally thought to be healthy, maybe change as we learn more, and how you can apply these principles to your habits in your quest for health. About Krista Scott Dixon: Dr. Krista Scott-Dixon (also known as KSD) is Director of Curriculum at Precision Nutrition, leading the development of the PN Academy and PN Certifications. She is the author of several books, including Why Me Read More . . .