Goal Setting Series #1: Setting Realistic Goals

Are your goals often oversized and unrealistic, leading to feelings of failure and disappointment when you can’t meet them?  Join me as I redefine goal setting in the context of midlife, focusing on the power of achievable, behavior-focused goals that lead to lasting change. I share personal experiences and insights, shedding light on the necessity of meeting ourselves where we currently are in life.  We challenge the norm, demonstrating that it’s entirely okay, and even necessary, to adjust and evolve our goals as we grow, highlighting the importance of flexibility in this process. I also talk about common goal-setting myths, debunking them one by one. I illuminate the value of adaptability and the power of taking small, deliberate steps towards your future.  I invite you to journey with me, transforming your aspirations into attainable realities, and making this year a year of true growth and fulfillment. Get ready to change Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #150: Setting Goals and Missing Marks: A Raw Recap

Here’s a powerful notion to consider: What if falling short of your goal was the best thing that could happen to you?  In this episode, I recount the highs and lows of the past year, celebrating the podcast milestones and embracing the detours, like rebranding and unforeseen setbacks.  If your expectations are tied to societal norms, let’s shake them up a bit. Personal freedom is at the core of our discussion as we wade through the waters of change and personal growth. I reassess my goals and champion the idea of embracing life’s imperfections. So, prepare yourself, the journey to personal growth isn’t about perfection but more about resilience in the face of adversity.  Lastly, I have a heart-to-heart about celebrating small behavioral victories over grand end goals. It’s easy to get disheartened when we don’t meet our lofty goals, but what if we shift our focus to smaller, more Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #130: The Power of Community

Are you ready to transform your life and embrace the power of community and coaching? In this uplifting episode, I’m sharing how the Feel Good Sisterhood works; an extraordinary year-long group coaching program designed specifically for women in midlife. Discover how this program fosters healthier relationships with food, exercise, and ourselves, with an emphasis on sustainable habits and skills that last a lifetime. I’ll explore the incredible benefits of group coaching, including community building, accountability, diverse perspectives, and shared wisdom. Learn how the Feel Good Sisterhood’s weekly calls, targeted pieces of training, and reflective prompts can revolutionize your relationship with food, your body, and your health.  Connect with a vibrant community of women who are committed to their growth, success, and evolution, and share vulnerabilities as we navigate midlife shifts and menopausal changes together. Don’t miss this opportunity to embark on a liberating journey with the support of the Feel Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #22: The Power of Visualization in Weight Loss

Do you use the power of visualization when it comes to achieving your goals? If you’re not, you’re missing out. I’ve talked about visualization on the podcast before, in a few techniques that I use within my coaching practice, but on episode 22 of the Done with DIeting Podcast, we’re talking about the power that visualization has to create your results: Visualizing what’s going to happen BEFORE it even happens. See, we often use our past experiences to determine if we’re capable of doing something in the future. (Example: I’ve made rice before, so I’m relatively confident that I can make risotto.)  Because weight loss will often take several attempts before we are successful. We often use those past attempts as evidence that weight loss isn’t meant for us. When your confidence and belief that you can be successful in your goal are low, having a vision can help you Read More . . .

Why goals might not get you to your goal

There are no shortage of memes about goals. “A goal without a plan is just a wish” “Set your goals high, and don’t stop until you get there” “Goals that are not written down are just wishes” Aaaah! They’re endless! Not only were goals a huge part of my early success with my weight, but they were a cornerstone of my health coaching business for a long time. I would teach folks about SMART Goals. How to create them, and help them through the process. But I’ve changed my attitude about goals. I don’t think they’re necessary anymore. I have a client who’s daughter is one of the most disciplined kids that I know. Every year, she’d create New Years Resolutions, and actually complete them! I Know! Who does that?!? I think they were tests of her willpower. When she was in high-school, she created a New Years Resolution to perform Read More . . .

What do you say to yourself?

Have I mentioned lately how much I love my bodybugg? I also have the display device which, when I originally got it, didn't think it was that useful. After all, I uploaded my information on a pretty consistent basis – twice or three times a day. Since it doesn't take that long to upload the data from the armband, it was really easy for me to keep track of the number of calories I was burning. Well, once I got the digital display, I realized that I didn't need to update as often as I had been doing, because the digital display allows me to see almost real time how many calories I'm burning. Yes, Exactly! It allows me to be even more anal retentive than I had been before! So anyway, I recently set a goal to burn 100 calories per hour, or 2400 calories per day. I burn Read More . . .

Total Health in Midlife Episode #183: Using Discomfort as a Tool for Growth with Tricia Millice

There’s a moment of clarity that often strikes when we hear a story that resonates deeply within us—like finding a piece of ourselves we didn’t realize was missing. Tricia Millice joined me to share just that kind of narrative, one that champions female business owners in their prime, guiding them to wield their emotions as a force for personal growth.  Our conversation peeled back the layers of authenticity, as we grappled with the tug-of-war between societal expectations and the raw truth of our personal identities. We unpacked the exhausting act of people-pleasing and the courage it takes to present ourselves unapologetically across the various stages of our lives. As I sat with Tricia, the essence of feminism emerged as a beacon of autonomy and choice. It’s not about the battle of the sexes; it’s the right to decide on our life’s path without the heavy hand of misrepresentation or politicization.  Read More . . .

Total Health in Midlife Episode #182: Why You’re Not Eating Enough Veggies and How to Fix It

Unlock the secrets to better health by incorporating more vegetables into your daily routine! In this episode of the Total Health and Midlife Podcast, I reveal how nutrient-rich vegetables can transform your well-being, aid in weight management, prevent diseases, and even regulate hormones.  Struggling with spoilage or feeling frustrated by minuscule restaurant portions?  I’ve got your back with practical tips to overcome these challenges and prioritize non-starchy vegetables for their low-calorie and high-nutrient profiles. I’ll also touch on balancing fruits and veggies to keep energy levels stable and how a colorful plate can naturally edge out less nutritious options. Discover creative strategies to make vegetables a staple in your meals. From smart storage solutions to tips on partial prep, this episode is overflowing with insights to make vegetables a seamless and enjoyable part of your diet. Tune in to start making lasting changes today! What You’ll Learn from this Episode Read More . . .

Total Health in Midlife Episode #181: Reducing Friction

Ever find yourself struggling to stick to healthy habits despite knowing their benefits?  In this episode, I uncover the secrets to making healthier choices with less effort by focusing on the concept of reducing friction. Listen in as I explore the small obstacles that make sticking to health plans challenging and share practical strategies to remove these barriers.  I’ll discuss the motivational triad and how our brains are wired to seek immediate pleasure, making habit formation difficult. By addressing our internal dialogue and the simple reasons behind our resistance—like convenience, time constraints, and discomfort—we can create a smoother path to achieving our health goals. I also tackle common hurdles in maintaining healthy habits such as staying hydrated and meal prepping. Learn how keeping water accessible and using partial prep techniques can simplify cooking and make healthy eating more manageable.  Additionally, discover how making healthy snacks more visible and accessible can Read More . . .

Total Health in Midlife Episode #180: Overcoming Binge Eating: Brenda’s Story

In this inspiring episode of the Total Health in Midlife Podcast, Elizabeth interviews Brenda, a dedicated client who shares her journey to overcoming health challenges in her late 60s. Brenda’s story is a testament to the power of personalized coaching and mindset shifts. She discusses her struggles with weight gain, and binge eating, and how Elizabeth’s coaching helped her develop a healthier relationship with food and regain control of her health. Tune in to learn about the transformative journey Brenda embarked on and the valuable lessons she learned along the way. Chapter Summaries: Transformation Through Resilience and Mindful Eating (0:00:04) Brenda shares her journey from farm life to retirement, discussing weight gain during menopause, binge eating, and embracing mindful eating. Active Retirement and Coaching Program (0:16:10)  Retirement, American Dream, group coaching, shared experiences, and sidecar coaching are discussed in this episode. Understanding and Overcoming Binging Behavior (0:21:45)  Breaking free from Read More . . .

Total Health in Midlife Episode #179: Midlife Weight Gain: Myths & Facts

Is weight gain during menopause really inevitable, or is it just a myth we’ve come to accept?  On today’s episode of the Total Health in Midlife podcast, I, Elizabeth Sherman, challenge the traditional views on weight management during midlife. We’ll explore why the techniques we relied on in our younger years—like extreme calorie cutting and intense workouts—are not only ineffective but downright detrimental as we age.  I’ll unpack the hormonal shifts that change how our bodies handle weight and metabolism, emphasizing why a shift toward a health-focused approach is crucial. Together, we’ll discover how understanding these changes can empower us to create sustainable habits that nourish our bodies and support overall well-being. Midlife doesn’t have to be a struggle against your own body. In the second part of our conversation, we’ll discuss how to maintain healthy habits during menopause by viewing food as an ally and exercise as an enjoyable Read More . . .

Total Health in Midlife Episode #178: What’s it Mean to Achieve Optimal Health?

Can optimal health be redefined beyond the leanest body or strict exercise routines?  Tune in to this episode of the Total Health in Midlife podcast to uncover a different perspective on your health that fits your unique life and circumstances. We challenge the conventional wisdom that optimal health is only for the ultra-disciplined or athletes.  Instead, we champion a compassionate, inclusive approach that embraces the realities of chronic illness, demanding careers, and family responsibilities. This episode promises to empower you to redefine health on your terms, breaking free from unrealistic ideals and discovering a balanced, sustainable path to wellness. Join me as I share the inspiring journey of Carrie, who reclaimed her health after chemotherapy with the pivotal support of coaching. Learn how she navigated the ups and downs, embracing flexibility and self-compassion to maintain her healthier habits. Discover practical strategies like positive progress tracking and having a minimum baseline Read More . . .

Relieve Menopause Symptoms with These Simple Tips

Are menopause symptoms taking a toll on your life? Discover how to manage them holistically with practical tips and personalized strategies. From understanding weight gain and reducing hot flashes to overcoming brain fog and boosting energy levels, our comprehensive guide covers it all. Learn how to break free from diet culture and embrace a balanced approach that truly works for your body. Ready to take control of your health? Read More . . .

Total Health in Midlife Episode #177: Why do I Need to Drink Water?

Listen in as I guide you through the essential yet often misunderstood world of ‘hydration.’ In this conversation, I unpack why the one-size-fits-all rule of “eight glasses a day” may not hold water for everyone, and instead, I offer insights into personalizing your intake for optimal health.  I explore the critical roles that water plays in body function, energy, digestion, and cognitive performance, while also debunking common hydration myths. You’ll learn how to comfortably integrate water consumption into your daily routine and hear how this simple practice can aid in weight management, skin health, and the prevention of age-related issues. Then, we switch gears to the practical side of things, sharing personalized strategies for upping your water intake. You’ll hear from individuals like Patty, Dani, Carolee, and Jax, who’ve each found unique and sustainable ways to stay hydrated, from morning rituals to workplace games. I’ll also share my own methods, Read More . . .

Total Health in Midlife Episode #176: Health, Wealth & Time

In this episode of the Total Health in Midlife podcast, Elizabeth Sherman explores the relationship between health, wealth, and time across different stages of life. She emphasizes how these three elements are interconnected and impact each other, shaping our life experiences from youth through retirement.  The discussion highlights the common tendency to neglect health in pursuit of wealth and time, and how this oversight can diminish the quality of life in later years. Underscores the importance of not postponing health-oriented decisions and advocates for integrating small, manageable health habits into daily life. She encourages listeners to reflect on how they’re balancing these three critical aspects and to take action toward a healthier, more fulfilling future.  The episode serves as a wake-up call to reevaluate priorities, with a focus on health as a foundation for enjoying wealth and time, presenting practical advice and resources for listeners to make meaningful changes towards Read More . . .

Total Health in Midlife Episode #175: Deciding Ahead of Time

Welcome back to another enlightening session of the Total Health in Midlife podcast where I, your host Elizabeth Sherman, share transformative strategies for aligning your actions with your health goals.  Today’s discussion unpacks the crucial technique of deciding ahead of time, a revelation that’s been instrumental in my coaching and personal life. Listen in as we explore the gap between intention and action and why it’s not a matter of discipline, but about understanding the subconscious objections that prevent us from following through with our health habits. Have you ever found yourself wondering why the fitness plans you set with so much enthusiasm often crumble? It’s not uncommon to overestimate our future motivation, and that’s why our conversation today is centered around building self-trust through realistic and adaptable planning.  Join me as we emphasize the significance of flexibility, enjoyment, and starting small in creating a sustainable health routine. We also Read More . . .

Total Health in Midlife Episode #174: The Foundation v2.0

Unlock the secrets to your best health as I, Elizabeth Sherman, guide you through the eight basic habits that form the cornerstone of lifelong vitality. I’ve honed these practices through years of dedicated coaching, and now I’m bringing them straight to your ears with fresh insights and hands-on advice.  Today’s episode is crammed with personal stories, like my own protein-packed journey during my bodybuilding days, and inspiring successes from women like Renee and Stephanie, who reshaped their relationship with food and their bodies by adhering to these foundational habits. Discover how subtle changes, like adjusting portion sizes and integrating movement into your routine, can have monumental effects on your physical and mental well-being.  We wrap up with a heartfelt invitation to join a community that celebrates every step forward, where your smallest progress is met with the loudest cheers. This podcast isn’t just about listening—it’s about sparking action, embracing change, Read More . . .

Total Health in Midlife Episode #173: Purse Strings w/ Maggie Nielson & Barb Provost

Unlock the power of financial independence and shatter the myth that money management is solely a man’s world with Dr. Barb Provost and Maggie Nielsen of Purse Strings. Our latest conversation is a testament to the strength and resilience of women who are ready to take charge of their financial futures.  We dive into the heart of personal finance, addressing the unique challenges women face from career breaks to longer life expectancies, and how these can be navigated with confidence and savvy planning. Through inspiring stories and practical advice, Barb and Maggie guide us on becoming financially fearless, regardless of life’s unexpected twists. Feel the electricity of empowerment as we tackle the discomfort and exclusion many women encounter within the financial services industry. We highlight the importance of seeking financial advisors who respect and understand the distinct financial journey women often face, reiterating the importance of being informed and involved Read More . . .

Total Health in Midlife Episode #172: The Paradox of Body Acceptance

Have you ever felt at war with your own reflection?  Join me as we step into the emotional battleground of body image and acceptance, with a focus on the midlife experience. This episode is a heart-to-heart about the conflicting messages we receive on self-worth and physical appearance, dissecting how societal expectations can lead to feelings of inadequacy, and offering a compassionate space to explore these complex emotions.  From personal anecdotes to the wider societal context, we navigate the intricacies of body neutrality, body positivity, and the Health at Every Size movement, providing a supportive backdrop for listeners facing similar journeys. Amidst the pressures of looking a certain way, especially during midlife, can we find peace with our changing bodies? Our conversation reveals the harsh realities of fatphobia but also unpacks the liberating philosophies that can lead us to self-compassion.  As we dive into the paradoxes of striving for change while Read More . . .

Total Health in Midlife Episode #171: My Story

Growing up amid the cultural shifts of the 1980s, my relationship with food and exercise was far from straightforward. It was a journey marked by the highs of artistic family values and the lows of economic strain, shaping a pathway that often felt more like a battleground than a route to health.  This episode peels back the layers of that journey, inviting you into an intimate look at how I, Elizabeth Sherman, came to understand that true wellness is a tapestry woven from physical, emotional, and spiritual threads. From the restrictive clutches of fad diets to the punishing demands of extreme workouts, I share how I broke free and found a rhythm that resonates with the heartbeat of genuine, sustainable health. As my narrative unfolds, you’ll hear about the momentous shift that occurred when I chose to view my health behaviors through a lens of curiosity rather than judgment. It’s Read More . . .