Total Health in Midlife Episode #160: Ex-Good Girl with Sara Fisk

As I navigated the waves of midlife, I found myself shedding the layers of a people-pleaser, much like the leaves fall from the trees in autumn. It’s a transformation that many women can relate to, and it’s exactly why I invited Sara Fisk, the voice behind the Ex-Good Girl Podcast, to join me in a heart-to-heart conversation about this significant phase of life.  We explored the often rocky terrain of midlife and women’s health, discussing how to practice self-care authentically and how to deal with the sometimes dismissive medical community when it comes to menopause. Our chat brought to light the need for self-awareness as we navigate the societal shifts and personal changes that come with this stage in life. Our relationship with food is as complex as the most intricate of dances, and Sara and I took a moment to step into the rhythm of this topic. We shared Read More . . .

Total Health in Midlife Episode #159: Fault vs Responsibility

I remember the moment I realized that my health was not just a product of my genetics but a canvas I could paint with my choices and actions. It was a profound transformation from feeling like a helpless bystander in my own body to becoming the artist of my well-being.  On this episode of Total Health in Midlife, I, Elizabeth Sherman, invite you on a journey to unlock the potential of a mindset geared towards health empowerment.  We’ll unearth why we often feel trapped by our genetics and upbringing, and how acknowledging our role in creating our health narratives can lead to profound change. Get ready to challenge old beliefs and embrace the effort it takes to achieve your health goals. As we peel back the layers of self-pity and victimhood, we discover the resilience of taking personal responsibility for our well-being. Whether you’re navigating injuries, health diagnoses, or the Read More . . .

Total Health in Midlife Episode #158: The Ripple Effect of Self-Care

I’ll never forget the day I realized self-care wasn’t just about me. It was during a particularly hectic week when, despite the chaos, I took time for a morning walk and it astonishingly transformed my entire day, making me more present for my family and more productive at work.  In this episode, we’ll traverse the misunderstood landscape of self-care, especially during the transformative midlife years. Join me, Elizabeth Sherman, as I debunk the myth of self-care as a selfish luxury and reframe it as an essential practice that radiates benefits well beyond oneself.  I’ll share stories and insights drawn from my coaching experiences that illuminate how investing in our well-being enriches every role we play—from parenting to professional endeavors. We’ll also examine Maria’s inspiring narrative, showcasing how integrating simple health habits like hydration, quality sleep, and mindful eating can catalyze profound improvements across various facets of life. I’ll provide you Read More . . .

Total Health in Midlife Episode #157: Listening to Your Body with Lisa & Stephanie

Ever wondered how two ordinary women, Lisa and Stephanie, navigated their struggles with weight and body image?  Join us as they share their inspiring stories, from discovering intuitive eating and the Feel Good Sisterhood to overcoming menopause setbacks. You’ll be captivated by their resilience in the face of adversity and their pursuit of self-confidence and body positivity.  We break away from the common gym culture and delve into the importance of finding enjoyable, sustainable forms of exercise. Be inspired by our guests’ experiences with a year-long program, where they learned to redefine their relationship with food and movement, supported by a sisterhood of women on the same journey.  Listen, as we unpack emotional eating, explore the complex mind-food connection, and reveal how to make healthier choices without succumbing to guilt and immediate cravings.  To wrap up, we celebrate the triumphant health transformations of Lisa and Stephanie, illustrating how aligning healthy Read More . . .

Total Health in Midlife #156: Health Span vs Lifespan

How would you redefine aging?  This episode is all about that – not just adding years to your life, but adding life to your years. We dive into the intriguing contrast of health span versus lifespan and underline the importance of proactive health management for a vibrant future.  Hear firsthand stories of individuals thriving in their later years and those facing challenges, drawing attention to the long-term impact of our daily habits on our health and finances. Leaping simply surviving to thriving, we discuss the power of physical activities, mental and emotional well-being, and independence in living a fulfilling health span.  Have you ever wondered about the real impact of investing in your health? Discover how mindset, habits, and health coaching can pave the way for a healthier, happier future.  Remember, every step counts when it comes to a fulfilling health span. So, are you ready to make those choices Read More . . .

Goal Setting Series #4: Maintaining Motivation

“Motivation is not merely a fleeting spark but a flame we can tend to.”  Join me as I dive into the intricate realm of sustaining motivation, navigating its fickle nature, and discovering the tools to keep it burning bright even on the darkest days.  Through shared experiences and proven strategies, this episode will empower you to conquer slumps and find delight in the journey. Unpacking the potency of profound emotions and cherishing seemingly small victories, you will learn practical tools to fuel your drive while chasing your aspirations. I also want to give a big shout-out to all of you who have been on this journey with me throughout this goal-setting series. Your continuous drive to push forward, celebrate victories, and believe in yourselves is both inspiring and empowering.  It’s worth remembering that it’s not solely the attainment of your goals that matters, but the joy and fulfillment derived from Read More . . .

Goal Setting Series #1: Setting Realistic Goals

Are your goals often oversized and unrealistic, leading to feelings of failure and disappointment when you can’t meet them?  Join me as I redefine goal setting in the context of midlife, focusing on the power of achievable, behavior-focused goals that lead to lasting change. I share personal experiences and insights, shedding light on the necessity of meeting ourselves where we currently are in life.  We challenge the norm, demonstrating that it’s entirely okay, and even necessary, to adjust and evolve our goals as we grow, highlighting the importance of flexibility in this process. I also talk about common goal-setting myths, debunking them one by one. I illuminate the value of adaptability and the power of taking small, deliberate steps towards your future.  I invite you to journey with me, transforming your aspirations into attainable realities, and making this year a year of true growth and fulfillment. Get ready to change Read More . . .

What Every Employer Should Know:

The Changing Landscape of Health in Midlife As we approach January, a month synonymous with new beginnings and resolutions, it’s crucial to reexamine our approach to health, especially in the context of midlife. The new year brings with it a sense of endless possibility, a fresh start where transformation feels not just plausible but inevitable. We often set goals with a focus on physical health, envisioning a year where we finally achieve our fitness objectives. Yet, one of the key reasons many of us struggle to stick to our New Year’s resolutions isn’t due to a lack of discipline, willpower, or desire. Rather, it’s because we tend to overlook the fact that our health doesn’t exist in a silo; where physical health isn’t isolated but deeply interconnected with our emotional and mental well-being. Our lives are a blend of various elements – our family, work, and personal aspirations all interconnect, Read More . . .

Investing in Health Today:

The Unseen ROI for Your Retirement What do you imagine your retirement will look like? Do you picture yourself exploring the awe-inspiring vastness of the Grand Canyon, trekking along the historic paths of the Camino de Santiago, or strolling through the quaint cobblestone streets of a Tuscan village? Do you imagine days filled with joy, playing with your grandchildren, picking up new hobbies like pickleball, or rekindling romance with your partner in a home finally quiet from the bustle of family life?  This idyllic future, rich with experiences and vitality, isn’t just a dream—it’s a possibility well within your reach. But there’s a crucial element to making these dreams a reality: your health. In this article, we’ll explore how proactively taking care of your health today isn’t just a choice for well-being; it’s a strategic investment that will pay dividends in your retirement, both financially and in quality of life. Read More . . .

Secrets of Midlife Health Video

Secrets of Midlife Health VideoHere’s Your Video: If You’re Ready:Receive personalized strategies tailored to your body’s unique needs and goals. Discover the joy of waking up feeling refreshed and full of vitality.Overcome the overwhelm of balancing health with your busy life.Turn your health aspirations into achievable, enjoyable realities. Become an example of health and wellness to inspire your family and friends. Schedule Your Call Next Steps: Watch the Video Whitelist ‘’ so that you don’t miss important tips!Don’t know how to whitelist an email? Email me & I’ll show you how! Schedule Your Call Schedule Your Call About ElizabethAs a Master Certified Health & Life Coach specializing in women’s midlife health, I understand firsthand the complexities of everything that’s coming at you. I’ve navigated the physical, emotional, and mental shifts that come with aging, just like you.My whole person approach to health focuses on transforming how we respond to life’s challenges, Read More . . .

Take Back Your Health in Midlife!

3 Tips for Optimal Health:Unlock the Possibilities that Your Health Offers at Any Age Get Instant Access In this FREE 7 minute Video you’ll: Go From:Feeling drained of energy & struggling to make it through the day.Being overwhelmed by everything coming at you, leading to your health taking a backseatFeeling uncertain about how to make sustainable health changes, or which strategy to follow.Struggling with fluctuating energy levels, brain fog, and stress management.To:Maintaining energy and focus to fully savor every moment of your life.Building a foundation of health that makes you feel good, and supports a lifetime of adventures and laughter.Gaining clear, actionable strategies tailored for your midlife wellness.Feeling empowered by a holistic approach that resonates with your life stage. Step Into Your Future:When you watch this 7-minute video, you’ll immediately understand why working harder doesn’t work when it comes to your health goals.  It’s a powerful step towards reclaiming your health in Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #144: The Upside to Envy

Ever felt a twinge of envy? Have you ever been labeled as jealous when all you did was desire someone’s achievements or possessions?  Let’s pull back the curtain on envy, an emotion often misunderstood and maligned, yet so deeply intertwined with the human condition. I’m turning this conversation on its head, not just acknowledging envy, but reclaiming it as a mirror reflecting our deepest desires.  I explore the societal narratives that paint women as rivals and discuss how envy plays a pivotal role in these portrayals. It’s time to transform this negative emotion into an empowering tool for self-awareness and self-improvement. Now, let’s talk about Schadenfreude – that umbrella term for the complex mix of emotions centered around envy. The satisfaction you feel when someone who seems to have it all stumbles. A destructive force in our relationships and communities, I explore how to recognize its influence, challenge it, and Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #142: Rock Your Midlife with Dr. Ellen Albertson

Wouldn’t it feel incredible to swap self-criticism for self-compassion? Are you ready to silence your inner critic and live your life authentically?  In this episode, I’m thrilled to welcome Dr. Ellen Albertson, also known as the midlife whisperer. She’s a force to be reckoned with, boasting a plethora of qualifications from journalist to Ph.D. psychologist, and is passionate about helping women navigate midlife with joy, energy, clarity, and confidence. Our discussion unveils Dr., Ellen’s journey, from a journalist to a self-compassion advocate. She shares her insights into how powerful self-compassion can be, with practices such as meditation leading to significant reductions in body shame and dissatisfaction.  But it’s not just about body image; we discuss the crucial role of self-compassion in managing emotions, dealing with depression, and promoting overall well-being. Dr. Ellen’s approach is a holistic one, incorporating the body, mind, heart, and spirit, inspiring us all to embrace ourselves Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #141: Re-Introducing the Done with Dieting Podcast

Ever thought about what truly healthy means to you? Is it just about the number on the scale or is there more to it?  I am here, Elizabeth Sherman, to guide you through a transformative journey to health and wellness, breaking free from the traditional narrative of dieting. Instead, we aim to develop a healthier relationship with food, exercise, and ourselves.  Walk with me as I share my personal story, transitioning from a size 18-20 to a lifestyle centered on well-being. Listen as we delve into societal pressures, ageism, and how living authentically impacts our health.  What if you could redefine the norms and reclaim the narrative? This episode is about empowering women in midlife, guiding them to live robust, well-rounded lives.  Here, we challenge the status quo, and societal expectations, and redefine what it means to be a healthy woman today. We embrace personal growth over societal expectations, health Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #132: What Happens During a Consult Call?

Ever wondered what really goes down during a consult call with me?  Prepare to have the curtain lifted as I reveal the ins and outs of a consult call, including how it’s vastly different from your traditional sales or discovery calls. I’m here to empower, not to pressure – so sit back, relax, and discover what this transformative conversation could hold for you. In today’s episode, I will walk you through the importance of preparing for a consult call, setting aside uninterrupted time, and reflecting on your goals and challenges. I dig into the questions you can expect and discuss the crucial next steps in your health journey.  Ready to embark on a path toward a healthier, happier life? Grab your favorite beverage, and let’s dive in together! Chapter Summaries: What Happens on a Consult Call (0:00:06)  A consult call explores needs, goals, and challenges, and empowers decision-making without sales Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #121: How to Eat Healthy Without Dieting

Struggling with how to eat healthily without dieting? This episode offers a guide to the eight basic habits of healthy eaters. But finding balance involves more than just what food is on your plate. It involves a mindset shift, allowing you to adopt a healthier lifestyle without the reliance on a number on the scale. With questions such as how we judge what someone is eating, and how we set goals to achieve our desired outcome, I will show you how to create a healthy life without dieting… But will it work for you? If you’re feeling overwhelmed and frustrated by trying to maintain a healthy eating lifestyle while still feeling restricted by dieting rules and not seeing the results you wanted, then you are not alone! I thought I had to be thin to be healthy, but my journey taught me that health comes from so much more. Through Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #120: Menopause at Work with Hatty McCafferty

Supporting Women in Menopause in the Workplace In an ideal workplace, every employee would have the necessary resources and support to comfortably navigate their personal and professional life, including their health and wellness needs. One area where help is vital for many employees is menopause, a natural biological process that often brings about physical and emotional challenges. By addressing the challenges of menopause, companies can help to create a supportive and inclusive environment for everyone. This, in turn, helps to enhance overall productivity, employee satisfaction, and workplace retention rates.  My special guest is Hatty McCafferty a highly experienced certified menopause consultant and coach who has dedicated her career to providing support and guidance for midlife women navigating the challenges of menopause in the workplace. As the host of the popular podcast Real Menopause Talk, Hatty has cultivated a wealth of knowledge and understanding of the complexities surrounding menopause and its Read More . . .

Elizabeth Sherman: Life and Health Coach for Women in Midlife

Your Pathway to Optimal Health and Reverse AgingHealth Coaching for Women in Midlife who want to Reclaim the Vibrancy of their Youth. Get Started Does this sound familiar?You don’t like what you see in the mirror.You want to lose that midlife muffin-top, but you just can NOT tolerate the idea of dieting (again).Hormones are messing with your mood and body.At the end of a stressful day, zoning out on the couch with a glass of wine is about all you can muster.Close friends and family are getting diagnosed with serious conditions, and you wonder, “Am I next?”You wake up so exhausted, you wonder, “How am I going to get through the day?”You know you “should” prioritize your health but can’t seem to find the time – and you feel guilt about that.With all the daily challenges you face, you’re feeling like your health has taken a backseat to everything else. Something Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #105: Healing Trauma with Denita Bremer

Since the pandemic, we’ve been hearing a lot about trauma. It can feel confusing because for many of us, we were raised by parents who didn’t believe that they had the luxury of being able to deal with it. As a result, many of us were told that we ‘should get over it’ or that we needed to grow a thicker skin. That we were being too sensitive. In this podcast, I’ve invited Denita Bremer to talk about how to identify and heal trauma, so that you can live the life that you desire, and have a better relationship with yourself and others. About Denita Bremer Denita Bremer is an intuitive trauma coach, helping women process emotions on a deep level. She draws upon several tools in her coaching, including mindset, knowledge of the nervous system, intuition and spiritual tools, and most importantly, the relationship between her and her client. Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #100: Letters To My Future Selves

A phrase that has been popping up for me recently has been, “Who you are becoming is far more important than what you are doing. And yet, it’s what you are doing that is shaping who you are becoming.” You can’t change your past. However, you can actively shape who you desire to be. Your past experiences do not determine what you can accomplish in life moving forward. We can change who we are becoming – and chart out a future that we want instead of letting the choices of the day determine our future. In this super vulnerable episode, I’ve started a project where I’m publicly stating my goals for the next 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, 5 years, and 10 years – and then as those milestones come to pass, I’ll reflect on how things have changed, what I learned, and who I had to Read More . . .