Relieve Menopause Symptoms with These Simple Tips

If you’re here, you’re probably struggling with menopause or perimenopause symptoms and looking for answers. I got you. I have helped thousands of clients through this process, and I have good news for you: There’s a lot you can do lifestyle-wise that can help you get a hold of your symptoms, and get your body back.

But first, let’s answer the question: What is menopause?

Menopause is a natural part of aging, but it’s often misunderstood. It’s not just one day in time; it’s a journey that spans years, starting with perimenopause and continuing through post-menopause.

What is Menopause?

Perimenopause: This is the phase leading up to menopause. It can begin in your 40s and last for several years. During this time, your hormone levels fluctuate, causing symptoms like irregular periods, hot flashes, night sweats, and mood swings.

Menopause: This is the point when you haven’t had a menstrual period for 12 consecutive months. It marks the end of your reproductive years. For many women, this happens in their early 50s.

Post-Menopause: The years after menopause. Symptoms may continue or change during this time, and your risk for certain health conditions, like osteoporosis and heart disease, increases.

Hormonal changes during these stages can span decades, affecting your weight, energy levels, sleep, and overall well-being. But there’s hope. By understanding what’s happening in your body and making strategic lifestyle changes, you can manage these symptoms effectively.

Now, let’s dive into some practical, holistic health tips for managing these symptoms.

Understanding Menopause-Related Weight Gain

Weight gain is a common complaint during menopause. But why does it happen? Let’s break it down.

Why Weight Gain Happens During Menopause

During menopause, your body undergoes significant hormonal changes. Estrogen levels drop, which affects how your body stores fat. Women often find that fat starts to accumulate around the abdomen rather than the hips and thighs. This isn’t just a cosmetic concern; abdominal fat is linked to a higher risk of health issues like heart disease and diabetes.

Another factor is the natural loss of muscle mass that occurs with aging. Muscle burns more calories than fat, so as you lose muscle, your metabolism slows down. This makes it easier to gain weight, even if your diet and activity levels haven’t changed.

Stress and sleep issues also play a role. Many women experience increased stress and disrupted sleep during menopause, which can lead to weight gain. High levels of the stress hormone cortisol can increase appetite and lead to cravings for unhealthy foods. Poor sleep disrupts the hormones that regulate hunger, making you more likely to overeat.

Practical Tips for Managing Weight Gain Holistically

Managing weight gain during menopause is possible with a holistic approach. Here are some strategies:

  1. Balanced Diet: Focus on a diet rich in whole foods. Include plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Avoid processed foods and sugary snacks. Pay attention to portion sizes and eat mindfully.
  2. Regular Exercise: Incorporate both cardio and strength training into your routine. Cardio exercises like walking, jogging, or swimming help burn calories, while strength training helps build and maintain muscle mass. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity each week, along with muscle-strengthening activities on two or more days a week.
  3. Stress Management: Practice stress-reducing activities like yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises. These can help lower cortisol levels and reduce emotional eating.
  4. Sleep Hygiene: Establish a regular sleep schedule and create a calming bedtime routine. Avoid caffeine and electronics before bed. If sleep problems persist, consider talking to a healthcare professional.
  5. Hydration: Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Sometimes thirst can be mistaken for hunger, leading to overeating. Staying hydrated can also help boost your metabolism and energy levels.
  6. Mindful Eating: Listen to your body’s hunger and fullness cues. Avoid eating out of boredom, stress, or habit. Focus on how different foods make you feel and adjust your diet accordingly.

By taking a holistic approach to managing weight gain, you can navigate menopause with more confidence and better health.

Addressing Hot Flashes and Night Sweats

Hot flashes and night sweats are among the most disruptive symptoms of menopause. They can affect your sleep, mood, and overall quality of life. Let’s explore why they happen and what you can do about them.

Causes and Effects of Hot Flashes and Night Sweats

Hot flashes are sudden feelings of intense heat, often accompanied by sweating and a red, flushed face. They can last from a few seconds to several minutes. Night sweats are hot flashes that occur during sleep, causing you to wake up drenched in sweat.

Why do these happen? The exact cause isn’t fully understood, but it’s related to the decrease in estrogen levels. This drop affects the hypothalamus, the part of your brain that regulates body temperature. The hypothalamus can mistakenly sense that your body is overheating, triggering a hot flash.

These symptoms can be very disruptive. Hot flashes can occur at any time, leading to discomfort and embarrassment. Night sweats can interrupt your sleep, leading to fatigue and irritability. Over time, the lack of restful sleep can impact your overall health and well-being.

Holistic Approaches to Reduce Hot Flashes and Night Sweats

There are several natural strategies to help manage hot flashes and night sweats:

  1. Dietary Changes: Certain foods can trigger hot flashes. These include spicy foods, caffeine, and alcohol. Try to identify and avoid your personal triggers. Incorporate more plant-based foods, especially those rich in phytoestrogens, like soy, flaxseeds, and legumes. Phytoestrogens can mimic the effects of estrogen in your body and help reduce symptoms.
  2. Stay Cool: Keep your environment cool, especially at night. Use a fan, wear lightweight, breathable clothing, and keep a glass of cold water by your bed. During the day, dress in layers so you can easily adjust if you start to feel warm.
  3. Stress Reduction: Stress can trigger hot flashes. Incorporate relaxation techniques into your daily routine, such as yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises. These practices can help calm your mind and body, reducing the frequency and intensity of hot flashes.
  4. Regular Exercise: Physical activity can help reduce the severity of hot flashes. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week. Activities like walking, swimming, and cycling can be particularly beneficial.
  5. Herbal Supplements: Some women find relief with herbal supplements like black cohosh, red clover, and evening primrose oil. While these can be helpful, it’s important to talk to your healthcare provider before starting any new supplement to ensure it’s safe for you.
  6. Hydration: Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Staying hydrated can help regulate your body temperature and reduce the severity of hot flashes.
  7. Mind-Body Techniques: Practices like acupuncture, biofeedback, and hypnosis have shown promise in reducing hot flashes for some women. These techniques can help balance your body’s response to temperature changes.

Managing hot flashes and night sweats requires a multifaceted approach. By making lifestyle changes and incorporating holistic practices, you can find relief and improve your quality of life.

Overcoming Brain Fog

Brain fog can be one of the most frustrating symptoms of menopause. It can affect your ability to concentrate, remember things, and stay focused. Let’s understand why it happens and explore ways to clear the fog.

Understanding Brain Fog and Its Impact on Daily Life

Brain fog during menopause is a feeling of mental cloudiness. You might find it hard to concentrate, forget where you put things, or struggle to find the right words in conversations. These cognitive changes can be alarming and can impact your work, relationships, and daily activities.

Why does brain fog happen during menopause? Hormonal changes, especially the decrease in estrogen, play a significant role. Estrogen is crucial for brain function, and its decline can affect neurotransmitters and blood flow in the brain, leading to cognitive symptoms. Additionally, menopause-related sleep disturbances, like night sweats and insomnia, can exacerbate brain fog by affecting your overall sleep quality and mental sharpness.

Tips to Improve Mental Clarity and Focus

There are several holistic strategies to help improve mental clarity and focus during menopause:

  1. Balanced Diet: Your brain needs proper nutrition to function optimally. Focus on a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish, flaxseeds, and walnuts, are particularly beneficial for brain health. Avoid excessive sugar and processed foods, which can contribute to brain fog.
  2. Regular Exercise: Physical activity increases blood flow to the brain and can help improve cognitive function. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week. Activities like walking, swimming, and yoga can boost mental clarity and overall well-being.
  3. Sleep Hygiene: Good sleep is essential for mental clarity. Establish a regular sleep routine, create a comfortable sleep environment, and avoid screens before bed. If you struggle with sleep, consider relaxation techniques like deep breathing or gentle stretching before bedtime.
  4. Stay Hydrated: Dehydration can affect your cognitive function. Make sure you drink plenty of water throughout the day. Aim for at least eight glasses of water daily to keep your brain hydrated and functioning well.
  5. Mental Stimulation: Keep your brain active with challenging activities. Puzzles, reading, learning a new skill, or engaging in stimulating conversations can help keep your mind sharp. Continuous learning and mental challenges promote cognitive health.
  6. Stress Management: Chronic stress can worsen brain fog. Incorporate stress-reducing activities into your daily routine. Practices like mindfulness meditation, yoga, and deep breathing exercises can help calm your mind and improve focus.
  7. Herbal Supplements: Some women find relief with herbal supplements like ginkgo biloba, which is known to improve cognitive function. Always consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement.
  8. Routine and Organization: Establishing a consistent daily routine and staying organized can help manage brain fog. Use planners, calendars, and to-do lists to keep track of tasks and appointments. Break tasks into smaller, manageable steps to avoid feeling overwhelmed.

By adopting these holistic approaches, you can significantly reduce brain fog and enhance your mental clarity during menopause.

Boosting Energy Levels

Feeling tired all the time? You’re not alone. Low energy is a common symptom during menopause, and it can make getting through the day a real challenge. Let’s explore why this happens and how you can naturally boost your energy levels.

Reasons for Low Energy During Menopause

Many women experience fatigue during menopause. This can be due to several factors:

  1. Hormonal Changes: The decline in estrogen and progesterone can lead to feelings of tiredness and fatigue. These hormones play a role in regulating your energy levels and mood.
  2. Sleep Disturbances: Night sweats, hot flashes, and insomnia can disrupt your sleep, leaving you feeling exhausted during the day. Poor sleep quality can also affect your ability to concentrate and stay alert.
  3. Stress: Menopause can be a stressful time, and chronic stress can drain your energy. High levels of the stress hormone cortisol can make you feel fatigued and overwhelmed.
  4. Nutrient Deficiencies: As your body changes, it may need more nutrients to maintain energy levels. Deficiencies in iron, vitamin D, and B vitamins can lead to fatigue.
  5. Lifestyle Factors: Poor diet, lack of exercise, and dehydration can all contribute to low energy levels. These factors are often overlooked but play a crucial role in how you feel day to day.

Natural Ways to Boost Energy

Boosting your energy levels naturally involves a combination of diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes. Here are some effective strategies:

  1. Eat a Balanced Diet: Focus on eating whole, nutrient-dense foods. Include plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains in your diet. Avoid processed foods and sugars, which can cause energy crashes. Eating small, frequent meals can help maintain steady blood sugar levels and prevent energy dips.
  2. Stay Active: Regular exercise can increase your energy levels. It might seem counterintuitive, but physical activity boosts your stamina and helps fight fatigue. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week. Activities like walking, swimming, and yoga are great options.
  3. Get Quality Sleep: Prioritize good sleep hygiene. Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. Create a relaxing bedtime routine to help signal to your body that it’s time to sleep. Avoid caffeine and electronics before bed.
  4. Manage Stress: Incorporate stress-relief practices into your daily routine. Mindfulness meditation, deep breathing exercises, and yoga can help reduce stress and improve your energy levels. Taking short breaks throughout the day to relax and recharge can also be beneficial.
  5. Stay Hydrated: Dehydration can cause fatigue. Make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day. Aim for at least eight glasses of water daily. If you struggle with drinking enough water, try carrying a water bottle with you or setting reminders.
  6. Supplement Wisely: Sometimes, diet alone isn’t enough to meet your nutritional needs. Supplements like vitamin D, B vitamins, and iron can help boost your energy levels. Always consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplements.
  7. Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to your body’s signals. If you’re feeling tired, take a short nap or rest. Avoid pushing yourself too hard and respect your need for downtime.
  8. Healthy Snacking: Choose snacks that provide a steady release of energy, such as nuts, seeds, yogurt, and fruits. Avoid sugary snacks that can cause a quick spike and subsequent drop in energy levels.

By making these natural adjustments, you can combat fatigue and increase your energy levels during menopause.

Improving Sleep Quality

Struggling to get a good night’s sleep during menopause? You’re not alone. Many women face sleep issues during this time, which can leave you feeling exhausted and frustrated. Let’s explore why this happens and how you can improve your sleep quality naturally.

Common Sleep Issues During Menopause

Menopause can bring a range of sleep disturbances, including:

  1. Insomnia: Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep is common. Hormonal fluctuations can interfere with your sleep cycle, making it harder to get restful sleep.
  2. Night Sweats: These intense bouts of sweating can wake you up multiple times during the night, leaving you drenched and uncomfortable.
  3. Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS): Some women experience RLS, a condition that causes an uncontrollable urge to move your legs, particularly at night.
  4. Sleep Apnea: Menopause can increase the risk of sleep apnea, a condition where breathing repeatedly stops and starts during sleep, leading to poor sleep quality.
  5. Frequent Urination: Hormonal changes can also lead to more frequent trips to the bathroom at night, disrupting your sleep.

These issues can make it difficult to get the restorative sleep you need, impacting your mood, energy levels, and overall health.

Holistic Tips for Better Sleep

Improving your sleep quality during menopause is possible with some natural strategies. Here are several tips to help you get a better night’s sleep:

  1. Create a Sleep-Friendly Environment: Make your bedroom a calm and comfortable space. Keep the room cool, dark, and quiet. Use blackout curtains, earplugs, or a white noise machine if necessary. Choose comfortable bedding and pillows that support a restful sleep.
  2. Establish a Bedtime Routine: Develop a consistent bedtime routine to signal to your body that it’s time to wind down. This could include activities like reading a book, taking a warm bath, or practicing gentle yoga. Aim to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends.
  3. Limit Caffeine and Alcohol: Both caffeine and alcohol can interfere with your sleep. Try to avoid consuming these substances, especially in the hours leading up to bedtime. Opt for herbal teas or water instead.
  4. Stay Active: Regular physical activity can help improve your sleep quality. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week. However, try to avoid vigorous exercise close to bedtime, as it can make it harder to fall asleep.
  5. Practice Relaxation Techniques: Stress and anxiety can make it difficult to sleep. Incorporate relaxation techniques into your daily routine, such as mindfulness meditation, deep breathing exercises, or progressive muscle relaxation. These practices can help calm your mind and prepare your body for sleep.
  6. Avoid Screens Before Bed: The blue light emitted by phones, tablets, and computers can disrupt your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle. Try to turn off electronic devices at least an hour before bed. Instead, engage in calming activities like reading or listening to soothing music.
  7. Watch Your Diet: What you eat can affect your sleep. Avoid heavy or spicy meals close to bedtime, as they can cause discomfort and disrupt sleep. Eating a light, healthy snack, such as a banana or a handful of nuts, can help if you feel hungry before bed.
  8. Stay Hydrated, but Not Too Much: Drinking plenty of water throughout the day is important, but try to reduce fluid intake in the evening to minimize nighttime bathroom trips.

Improving sleep quality during menopause is essential for your overall health and well-being. By making these holistic adjustments, you can achieve more restful and rejuvenating sleep.

The Five Biomarkers Framework

Understanding and managing menopause symptoms can feel overwhelming. But with the right approach, you can make significant improvements. I use a unique framework focusing on five key biomarkers: cravings, hunger, energy, mood, and sleep. By tracking these biomarkers, we can understand how your lifestyle impacts your hormones and overall well-being.


We want to keep cravings low. High cravings can indicate an imbalance in your diet. You might be missing essential nutrients, like fats or carbohydrates, or exercising too much. If you’re cutting out entire food groups or not eating enough, your body will signal cravings. Addressing the quality and balance of your diet is crucial.


Stable appetite is a sign of a balanced diet. High appetite might mean you’re not getting enough calories, protein, fats, or carbs. It could also be linked to poor sleep or over-exercising. Ensuring your diet meets your nutritional needs helps maintain a stable appetite.


Consistent energy levels throughout the day are key. If you’re experiencing energy dips or persistent low energy, it might be due to inadequate sleep, poor diet, or lack of exercise. On the flip side, exercising too much can also drain your energy. Focus on a balanced, nutrient-dense diet and regular, moderate physical activity.


A stable mood is essential for well-being. Fluctuating moods can be related to your diet, sleep, and exercise habits. Stress management and self-care play significant roles here. Ensure you’re eating well, sleeping enough, and not overextending yourself physically.


Good sleep is the cornerstone of health. While occasional bad nights are normal, chronic sleep issues need attention. Trouble falling asleep, waking up too early, or frequently waking in the night can be due to stress, diet, or exercise. Establishing a good sleep routine and addressing any underlying issues is vital.

How This Framework Helps in Regulating Hormones

Balancing these biomarkers naturally regulates your hormones. When cravings, hunger, energy, mood, and sleep are in check, your body functions optimally. This holistic approach addresses the root causes of hormone imbalances, rather than just the symptoms.

For example, if you’re experiencing high cravings, it could be due to a restrictive diet or over-exercising. By adjusting your diet to include a variety of nutrients and moderating your exercise, you can reduce cravings and stabilize your hormones.

Similarly, if you’re dealing with low energy, we would look at your sleep patterns, diet, and activity levels. Ensuring you’re eating nutrient-dense foods, getting enough sleep, and not overdoing exercise can help boost your energy naturally.

By focusing on these biomarkers, we can create a personalized plan that addresses your unique needs. This approach not only helps manage menopause symptoms but also supports overall health and well-being. Once we have these biomarkers in order, we can address weight management if desired. However, you may find that when your body is balanced, weight loss happens naturally.

Breaking Free from Diet Culture

Diet culture has a significant impact on how we manage menopause symptoms. It’s time to break free from outdated, restrictive rules and focus on what truly works for your body. Let’s explore how diet culture affects menopause and how you can create personalized eating habits that support your health.

Understanding the Impact of Diet Culture on Menopause Management

Diet culture promotes restrictive eating, demonizes certain foods, and often leads to an unhealthy relationship with food. For many women, this mindset is ingrained from a young age. Unfortunately, these harmful beliefs can make managing menopause symptoms even more challenging.

During menopause, your body’s nutritional needs change. Following restrictive diets that cut out entire food groups or significantly reduce calorie intake can exacerbate symptoms like weight gain, fatigue, and mood swings. Instead of helping, these diets often leave you feeling deprived, frustrated, and out of control.

The stress of trying to adhere to unrealistic diet rules can also increase cortisol levels, which may worsen menopause symptoms. High cortisol can lead to increased cravings, especially for sugary and high-fat foods, further complicating weight management and overall health.

Creating Personalized Rules Based on How Food Makes You Feel

To manage menopause symptoms effectively, it’s crucial to listen to your body and create personalized eating habits. Here’s how to get started:

  1. Mindful Eating: Pay attention to how different foods make you feel. Notice how your body reacts after eating certain meals. Do you feel energized or sluggish? Are you satisfied or still hungry? Mindful eating helps you tune into your body’s signals and make better food choices.
  2. Ditch the All-or-Nothing Mentality: Forget about “good” and “bad” foods. Instead, focus on balance and moderation. All foods can fit into a healthy diet if eaten mindfully and in appropriate portions. This approach reduces the stress and guilt associated with eating.
  3. Balance Your Plate: Aim for balanced meals that include a mix of protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates. This combination helps stabilize blood sugar levels, keep you full longer, and provide sustained energy. For example, a meal with grilled chicken, avocado, quinoa, and a variety of colorful vegetables is well-balanced and nourishing.
  4. Listen to Your Cravings: Cravings are your body’s way of telling you something. Instead of fighting them, understand what they mean. Are you craving sweets because you’re tired or stressed? Maybe you need more sleep or a stress-relief activity rather than a sugary snack. Address the underlying need, not just the craving.
  5. Adjust as Needed: Your body’s needs may change day-to-day or even meal-to-meal. Be flexible and willing to adjust your eating habits based on how you feel. If you’re not very hungry in the morning, maybe a light breakfast is all you need. If you had a strenuous workout, a more substantial meal might be necessary.
  6. Enjoy Your Food: Eating should be a pleasurable experience. Take time to savor your meals, eat slowly, and appreciate the flavors and textures. Enjoying your food can help you feel more satisfied and less likely to overeat.

By creating personalized eating rules based on how food makes you feel, you can manage menopause symptoms more effectively and enjoy a healthier relationship with food. This approach empowers you to take control of your health in a way that feels sustainable and supportive.

Let’s take a look at how one of my clients, Sarah, broke free from diet culture and transformed her approach to eating during menopause. Sarah had spent years following restrictive diets, which left her feeling deprived and frustrated. She was struggling with weight gain, low energy, and mood swings.

Together, we worked on listening to her body and creating personalized eating habits. She started to notice how certain foods affected her mood and energy levels. By balancing her meals and allowing herself to enjoy all types of food in moderation, she felt more satisfied and in control.

Over time, Sarah’s symptoms improved significantly. She had more energy, her mood stabilized, and she managed her weight more effectively. Most importantly, she developed a healthier, more enjoyable relationship with food.

Real-life stories provide powerful proof of how holistic approaches can help manage menopause symptoms. Let me share Xena’s journey and my personal experience with you.

Client Case Study: Xena

Xena came to me feeling overwhelmed by perimenopause symptoms and the pressures of diet culture. She was dealing with weight gain, low energy, and mood swings, and had tried various diets without success. Our work together began with understanding her unique needs and breaking free from restrictive diet rules.

We focused on listening to her body and creating personalized eating habits. Xena learned to pay attention to how different foods affected her mood and energy. Instead of following rigid diets, she embraced a balanced approach that included all food groups in moderation.

Through our sessions, Xena also addressed the impact of stress and sleep on her health. We incorporated mindfulness practices and established a consistent sleep routine. Gradually, her energy levels improved, her mood stabilized, and she managed her weight more effectively.

Xena’s transformation was profound. She found a new sense of freedom in her relationship with food and her body. Here’s what Xena had to say about her journey:

“My journey with Elizabeth Sherman was transformative. She guided me through mindset shifts around food and body image that were deeply rooted in feminist values. This approach helped me make significant changes without adhering to restrictive diets. Elizabeth’s coaching goes beyond superficial weight loss, focusing on respecting and loving our bodies. Her historical insights on diet culture and advocacy for body neutrality have been invaluable in my journey towards a healthier self-perception.”

confidence made easy with Xena Jones

My Personal Journey and Insights

I understand these struggles firsthand. When I entered perimenopause, I faced low energy, night sweats, hot flashes, and insomnia. As my own first client, I applied holistic lifestyle changes to get my hormonal symptoms under control.

I focused on balanced nutrition, regular exercise, and stress management techniques. By listening to my body’s signals and adjusting my habits, I experienced significant improvements. This personal journey reinforced my belief in a holistic approach and shaped the framework I use with clients today.

These success stories demonstrate the effectiveness of a personalized, holistic approach to managing menopause symptoms. If you’re feeling frustrated because it seems like your body is betraying you despite following all the rules and doing everything you’ve been told to do to stay healthy, you’re not alone. It doesn’t have to be this way. I invite you to schedule an “I Know What To Do, I’m Just Not Doing It” Strategy Call. Let’s work together to uncover what’s really going on and find the best solutions tailored to your unique needs.

Take Control of Your Health

Do you ever feel like you know exactly what you need to do to improve your health, but following through is a whole different story? You’re not alone. Many women know the steps—whether it’s eating healthier, exercising more, managing stress, or getting better sleep—but making those changes stick can be tough.

In this 60-minute Strategy Call, we’ll work together to identify what’s holding you back and develop a clear, actionable plan to move forward. With my background as a holistic health & life coach, I bring a deep understanding of the unique challenges women face, particularly through the lens of nutrition, physical activity, stress, sleep, time management, and the impact of hormones on our mental and emotional health.

Here’s What You’ll Gain from Our Call:

  • Deep Dive into Your Challenges: We’ll start by exploring the specific hurdles you face in maintaining healthy habits. Through a series of targeted questions, we’ll uncover the root causes of your struggles and clarify your health goals.
  • Personalized Action Plan: Based on our conversation, I’ll provide you with tailored advice and practical steps that fit your lifestyle. This isn’t just about knowing what to do—it’s about creating a realistic and sustainable plan that you can stick to.
  • Empowerment and Support: You’ll walk away feeling understood and supported. I want you to know that you’re not alone in your struggles and that many other women face the same challenges. Most importantly, you’ll leave with a sense of hope and a clear path forward.
  • Detailed Follow-Up Notes: After our call, you’ll receive comprehensive notes, including key questions we discussed, topics covered, and actionable steps to take. This ensures you have a clear reference to guide your next steps.

This Strategy Call isn’t a consultation—it’s a pivotal step towards transforming your health and reclaiming your vitality. Let me help you turn your knowledge into action and create lasting change in your life.

I believe so strongly that this call can help you, that I’m confident you’ll see immediate benefits.

Additional Resource: The 8 Basic Habits Guide & Checklist

To further support your journey, I recommend downloading my free guide, “8 Basic Habits That Healthy People Do.” This guide offers practical tips and actionable steps to help you manage menopause symptoms naturally. By incorporating these habits into your daily routine, you can enhance your overall health and well-being.

Let’s take the first step together. Schedule your “I Know What To Do, I’m Just Not Doing It” Strategy Call here and begin your journey towards better health and vitality.

Managing menopause symptoms can be challenging, but you don’t have to navigate this journey alone. By adopting a holistic approach, you can significantly improve your quality of life and regain control over your health. Here’s a quick recap of the key tips we’ve covered:

  1. Understand Weight Gain: Menopause-related weight gain can be managed by balancing your diet, staying active, managing stress, and ensuring quality sleep.
  2. Address Hot Flashes and Night Sweats: Reduce these disruptive symptoms through dietary changes, staying cool, stress management, regular exercise, and natural supplements.
  3. Overcome Brain Fog: Improve mental clarity and focus by eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, practicing good sleep hygiene, staying hydrated, managing stress, and engaging in mental stimulation.
  4. Boost Energy Levels: Combat fatigue by maintaining a balanced diet, exercising regularly, getting quality sleep, managing stress, staying hydrated, and listening to your body’s needs.
  5. Improve Sleep Quality: Enhance your sleep by creating a sleep-friendly environment, establishing a bedtime routine, limiting caffeine and alcohol, staying active, practicing relaxation techniques, avoiding screens before bed, and considering natural sleep aids.
  6. Utilize the Five Biomarkers Framework: Monitor and adjust your cravings, hunger, energy, mood, and sleep to regulate your hormones naturally and manage menopause symptoms effectively.
  7. Break Free from Diet Culture: Develop personalized eating habits based on how food makes you feel. Embrace mindful eating, balance your plate, and enjoy your food without restrictive rules.

By integrating these holistic tips into your daily routine, you can manage menopause symptoms and maintain your vitality. Remember, your journey is unique, and finding what works best for you is key.

Take Action Now

If you’re ready to take control of your health and find lasting solutions to your menopause symptoms, I invite you to schedule an “I Know What To Do, I’m Just Not Doing It” Strategy Call. Together, we’ll uncover what’s holding you back and create a personalized plan that fits your lifestyle.

Additionally, download my free guide, “8 Basic Habits That Healthy People Do,” for more practical tips and steps to support your health journey.

Your health and well-being are within your control. Let’s work together to make lasting changes and reclaim your vitality.

Schedule your strategy call here and get started feeling & looking better today.