Done with Dieting Episode #131: From Start to Success: The Coaching Process

Are you curious about life and health coaching and how it can help transform your life?  In this episode, I’m talking all about coaching and sharing how having a personal navigator on your life’s journey can help you become the best version of yourself. It’s time to turn your curiosity into action and discover the power of having a life and health coach by your side. Listen in as I share my experience as a life and health coach and how coaching goes beyond anything that you know in health and wellness, personal training, or nutrition. I discuss the importance of setting achievable goals, prioritizing self-care, and navigating life’s obstacles. I also explain the coaching consultation process, providing insights into what to expect during your first coaching session and how to prepare for it. If you’re ready to explore the possibilities that life and health coaching can offer, this episode Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #129: Dating After Divorce with Sade Curry

Ever felt trapped in a toxic marriage and wondered how to escape and rebuild your life?  This episode features an empowering conversation with dating coach Sade Curry, who bravely shares her story of breaking free from a harmful marriage and rising above the challenges of dating after divorce. Be prepared to challenge your beliefs about marriage, divorce, and the responsibility of fixing men in relationships. We dive deep into Sade’s journey of getting married at a young age due to societal and religious pressure, and the verbal abuse and psychological manipulation she faced during her marriage. Her inspiring story showcases the courage needed to protect herself and her children while navigating the social stigma of divorce and her family’s disapproval. Sade also touches on the fear of making a wrong choice again in a new relationship and how she learned valuable lessons from her past mistakes. Tune in to explore Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #127: Best Supporting Actress In Your Life

Are you tired of always putting others first and losing your sense of self in the process? In this episode, I share my thoughts on how you can stop being the best supporting actress in the movie of your own life and start embracing your extraordinary potential.  I discuss how many women in midlife have been socialized to prioritize others’ needs over their own, but it’s never too late to break free from these patterns and start living the life you truly desire. Listen in as I explore the connections between body image, purpose, and relying on others for validation. I share insights on how our weight can sometimes be a distraction from other areas of our lives that we should be focusing on, and the importance of finding our purpose and taking charge of our own lives.  Don’t miss this empowering conversation that will inspire you to become the Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #126: Navigating Life Changes

Do you find yourself feeling overwhelmed and isolated as a woman in midlife? Trust me, you’re not alone.  Join me as I explore the societal pressures and expectations that can make this phase of life challenging, from our changing bodies to evolving family dynamics. I’m here to normalize the experience and remind you that we’re all in this together. In this empowering conversation, I dive into the importance of cultivating relationships outside of our partnerships, embracing the physical changes that come with aging, and asking for help as we become matriarchs and caretakers of our families.  Listen in as I also discuss how to live your best life during midlife and beyond by intentionally surrounding yourself with supportive friends and preserving your health now for a more independent, vital, and vibrant future.  Chapter Summaries: Navigating Midlife as a Woman (0:00:05)  We discuss societal pressures, family dynamics, changing bodies, menopause, and Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #125: What Can You Accomplish in 6 Months?

Do you ever feel like you’re losing yourself in your people-pleasing tendencies? I’ve been on a journey of self-discovery and personal transformation over the past six months, working to shed these tendencies, love myself through judgment and failures, and have my own back.  Join me as I share the challenges I’ve faced since I declared my goals 6 months ago, like asking people to do things that make me feel uncomfortable and marketing my first retreat, even when self-doubt and fear creep in. I’m excited to share my progress with you. As women in midlife and beyond, it’s crucial to take a holistic approach to our health and well-being. In this episode, we explore the importance of setting goals, reassessing behaviors that may no longer serve us, and taking steps to become the version of ourselves we want to be in the future.  From our eating and drinking habits to Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #123: How People Pleasing Impacts Your Health

In this episode, I dive deep into the concept of people-pleasing and its impact on our health and well-being. I explore the challenges faced by women in saying no and how this behavior stems from avoiding conflict and the need to control others’ emotional responses. Throughout the episode, I share personal experiences with people pleasing and how it can manifest in various aspects of life. I also discuss the importance of setting boundaries, practicing self-compassion, and seeking coaching and support to overcome this tendency. Join me as I break down the effects of people pleasing and the importance of prioritizing our own needs over accommodating others, especially for women in midlife. Don’t forget to prioritize your well-being and have an amazing week! Chapter Summaries: Exploring People Pleasing (0:00:07) People pleasing is the tendency to prioritize other people’s needs and desires over our own, often at the cost of our well-being. Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #122: When We Judge Food & Health

Through an exploration of why we judge ourselves, others, and the world around us, this podcast dives deep into how our judgments can be both natural and harmful. As we uncover the real power behind our judgments, we must ask ourselves: are we really in control of our judgments, or do we hold the power to be in control of ourselves? I was counseling a client about their food habits and judgments when things suddenly took an unexpected turn. Uncovering a pattern that extended far beyond food and deep into our beliefs and behaviors, I set out on a journey of self-exploration and awareness to help others liberate themselves from the chains of judgment and find their true selves. What I found was both surprising and inspiring – a truth that changed the way I saw the world. If you’re feeling frustrated and hopeless about not being able to accept Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #119: Success is Hard

In episode 119 of the Done with Dieting podcast, I delve into why success is hard, especially regarding our health journeys. I discuss the importance of taking responsibility for our actions and avoiding placing blame on others or circumstances. Through my own experiences, I’ve learned that success is quite simple when we focus on one thing at a time and determine whether it works for us.  Understanding your health and adopting healthy habits are essential stepping stones in the journey toward greater well-being. It is the responsibility of each person to recognize when something is working or not working for their body, assess their own needs, and make the necessary changes for optimal health.  The real challenge lies in our willingness to make the necessary sacrifices and prioritize our own needs. By addressing emotional baggage and developing the right mindset, we can create optimal health for ourselves instead of trying Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #114: Becoming the Good Stepmom with Kristin Lindell

We, women, are socialized to suppress our anger. We’re taught that it’s not attractive. It might be scary. But increasingly, women in midlife are experiencing anger and rage, and we don’t know what to do with it. In this episode of the podcast, we’re exploring why we get angry, the purpose of anger, how it’s communicating with us, and then what to do about it. Quite often, anger is communicating to us that a need isn’t being met, or that perhaps someone has crossed a boundary. But then an overwhelming sense of anger, and our subsequent need to suppress it because it’s scary, prevents us from exploring what the root cause of the emotion is. Listen in to learn about how you can use your anger to get what you want. Kristin Lindell Bio: Kristin Lindell is a certified life coach for stepmoms, a stepmom of 4, and a bio-mom Read More . . .

Elizabeth Sherman: Life and Health Coach for Women in Midlife

Your Pathway to Optimal Health and Reverse AgingHealth Coaching for Women in Midlife who want to Reclaim the Vibrancy of their Youth. Get Started Does this sound familiar?You don’t like what you see in the mirror.You want to lose that midlife muffin-top, but you just can NOT tolerate the idea of dieting (again).Hormones are messing with your mood and body.At the end of a stressful day, zoning out on the couch with a glass of wine is about all you can muster.Close friends and family are getting diagnosed with serious conditions, and you wonder, “Am I next?”You wake up so exhausted, you wonder, “How am I going to get through the day?”You know you “should” prioritize your health but can’t seem to find the time – and you feel guilt about that.With all the daily challenges you face, you’re feeling like your health has taken a backseat to everything else. Something Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #107: Identity

Have you ever self-sabotaged? It could be how you view yourself. Our identity has a major influence on our health and well-being.  If we identify as athletes, for example, we are more likely to prioritize physical activity and healthy eating. On the other hand, if we identify as workaholics, we may prioritize our careers over our health and engage in behaviors that are detrimental to our well-being.  By understanding how our identity shapes our health habits and behaviors, we can make more intentional and positive choices for our overall well-being.  To cultivate a healthy identity, it can be helpful to reflect on our values, seek out role models who embody the healthy identity we aspire to, and practice self-compassion and self-affirmation. By making a concerted effort to align our identity with our health goals, we can improve our physical, mental, and emotional well-being and live our best lives. What you’ll Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #105: Healing Trauma with Denita Bremer

Since the pandemic, we’ve been hearing a lot about trauma. It can feel confusing because for many of us, we were raised by parents who didn’t believe that they had the luxury of being able to deal with it. As a result, many of us were told that we ‘should get over it’ or that we needed to grow a thicker skin. That we were being too sensitive. In this podcast, I’ve invited Denita Bremer to talk about how to identify and heal trauma, so that you can live the life that you desire, and have a better relationship with yourself and others. About Denita Bremer Denita Bremer is an intuitive trauma coach, helping women process emotions on a deep level. She draws upon several tools in her coaching, including mindset, knowledge of the nervous system, intuition and spiritual tools, and most importantly, the relationship between her and her client. Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #103: How I Apply the Work I Do

On the podcast, and in coaching with my clients, I talk a lot about concepts, tools, and how to use them – sometimes in theoretical situations, or in practical ones that we’ve all encountered.  Some of the concepts and tools overlap, and I think it can be difficult to put it all together. In this episode, I’m sharing my real life with you & how I use and apply the tools I teach.  Listen in! What you’ll Learn from this Episode Listen to the Full Episode: Featured on the Show: Full Episode Transcript: On today’s episode of the Done With Dieting Podcast, I am sharing how I apply some of the concepts that I teach in this podcast. Stay tuned. You are listening to the done with dieting podcast. The podcast for women in midlife, who are done with dieting, but still want to lose weight and feel good in Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #100: Letters To My Future Selves

A phrase that has been popping up for me recently has been, “Who you are becoming is far more important than what you are doing. And yet, it’s what you are doing that is shaping who you are becoming.” You can’t change your past. However, you can actively shape who you desire to be. Your past experiences do not determine what you can accomplish in life moving forward. We can change who we are becoming – and chart out a future that we want instead of letting the choices of the day determine our future. In this super vulnerable episode, I’ve started a project where I’m publicly stating my goals for the next 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, 5 years, and 10 years – and then as those milestones come to pass, I’ll reflect on how things have changed, what I learned, and who I had to Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #99: Letters to My Past-Selves

In order to move forward, we need to make peace with our past. It happened. However, we view our past through the lens of our present self. As a result, our past changes. Maybe the actual events of the past don’t change, but how we view and think about our past experiences can change as we look at the events through our current circumstances. In this super vulnerable podcast episode, I’m writing letters to the past versions of myself, explaining to her what’s happening and why, and then what to look forward to. I’m telling her how I really feel about what she’s been doing, forgiving her for the mistakes that she’s made, and showing her how incredible her life is going to be. What You’ll Learn from this Episode Listen to the Full Episode: Featured on the Show: Full Episode Transcript: There’s an interesting thing that happens as we Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #97: ADHD in Women with Paula Engebretson

What if you found out that alllll of the stories that you tell yourself about what you’re not good at, and all of the negative internal dialog that you have about why you’re not good enough was explained away by a diagnosis? That it wasn’t your fault? I am so thrilled to have Paula Engebretson on the podcast today to talk about ADHD & how it presents in women, why women in midlife are getting diagnosed at alarming rates, and what some of the common signs and symptoms are. Having her on the show was so enlightening & explained so much of the way that my brain works. I can’t wait to share her expertise with you. Tune in to learn more about ADHD, how it affects women differently than men, how it differs from what you might think, and then what to do if you want to explore the Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #92: Using Food as a Reward

If you were brought up, like many of us were, that if you were bad, you were sent to bed without dinner or at minimum, dessert, it’s natural that you might use food as a reward for something that you don’t want to do, or to celebrate getting through a tough time. In this episode, we’re specifically exploring the phrase “I deserve it!” that so many of us use to justify eating in response to feeling resentful, or irritated, or some of the other instances when our brain offers us the thought, “I deserve it” What You’ll Learn from this Episode Listen to the Full Episode: Featured on the Show: Full Episode Transcript: Have you ever had the thought that I deserve this? Whether we’re talking about relaxation, or a piece of chocolate, or even something more decadent like a night out on the town. And you feel a little Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #90: Liberation vs Fixation

How to go from food obsessed to food freedom. Most of us want food freedom: the ability to be free from thinking about food & all the shoulds and shouldn’ts that go along with it. But how do we go from what feels like food obsession – unable to concentrate on the conversation with friends because you’re so preoccupied with wanting the last potato skin, but don’t want to be perceived as gluttonous – to not even being tempted when they put the bread basket down? It doesn’t happen overnight. But there is a process that you can follow to get there. If you’re someone who wants to break free from food obsession, you need to listen to this episode. What You’ll Learn from this Episode Listen to the Full Episode: Featured on the Show: Full Episode Transcript: Have you ever been obsessed in your mind thinking about food? I Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #89: An Example of What’s Possible

Client Success Story: Stephanie’s Journey to Self-Care Prepare to be inspired in this episode because I’m interviewing a former client.  Stephanie came to me unsure of what she needed, but she knew that a diet or fitness program wasn’t it. She took a leap of faith & it paid off. As a result, she not only lost the weight that she desired, but in the process discovered the missing piece that she didn’t even know that she needed. Stephanie shares how her life has transformed and what she learned about herself as a result of coaching. You’ll learn Stephanie’s biggest takeaways, the skills that she learned, and how her identity has shifted – that she couldn’t have achieved through simply following a diet or exercise program to lose weight. What You’ll Learn from this Episode Listen to the Full Episode: Featured on the Show: Full Episode Transcript: Stephani: Let’s say, Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #85: Confidence Made Easy with Xena Jones

Feminism & Weight Loss Coaching We’re flipping the script on today’s episode & Elizabeth is getting interviewed by host of the Confidence Made Easy Podcast and former guest, Xena Jones. In this episode, Xena interviews Elizabeth about the intersection between weight loss and feminism, how weight stigma and body image is different for women of different races, and how that impacts you. But also, Xena shares her big take always in working with Elizabeth as her weight loss coach; the simple shifts that she made (without dieting) greatly impacted her results. About Xena Jones: Xena is a certified life coach with the Life Coach School and is the host of the Confidence Made Easy podcast.She helps her clients to have their own backs & do whatever the f*ck they want, without all the doubt, fear & drama that gets in the way.She coaches clients all over the world from her Read More . . .