Done with Dieting Episode #137: How Coaching Can Pay for Itself

Feel like investing in your health is a luxury? Let’s hit the pause button and explore the hidden costs of not getting your health in order and the rewards of investing in your well-being.  Together, we’ll unpack the societal pressures that women face regarding money and the pitfalls of quick fixes. More importantly, we’ll shed light on the power of sustainable habits and learning to trust our bodies signals. In the next part of our journey, the transformative power of coaching for health and well-being unfolds. I’ll be sharing my coaching philosophy and the inspiring stories of Susan, Teresa, and Cheryl.  These women bravely embarked on the path of change, learning to trust themselves and their bodies again. Their stories provide valuable insight into how investing in personal health and well-being can create a ripple effect of positivity in our lives.  So, are you ready to join us on this Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #134: How to Talk to Your Partner About Starting Coaching

Ready to transform your life but worried about your partner’s reaction to your life and health coaching plans?  Fear not, as today’s episode is all about guiding you through that crucial conversation and showing you how coaching can not only improve your own well-being but also your relationships and overall quality of life. I will tackle the common hesitations many women face when approaching this discussion and arm you with the tools to overcome any obstacles along the way. Together, we’ll explore why traditional diets and exercise routines often fail and how life and health coaching can help you develop sustainable strategies and habits. I will also discuss why committing to a longer coaching program is beneficial and how the right coach can make all the difference.  By the end of this episode, you’ll feel empowered and confident to talk to your partner about your coaching journey and take the Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #131: From Start to Success: The Coaching Process

Are you curious about life and health coaching and how it can help transform your life?  In this episode, I’m talking all about coaching and sharing how having a personal navigator on your life’s journey can help you become the best version of yourself. It’s time to turn your curiosity into action and discover the power of having a life and health coach by your side. Listen in as I share my experience as a life and health coach and how coaching goes beyond anything that you know in health and wellness, personal training, or nutrition. I discuss the importance of setting achievable goals, prioritizing self-care, and navigating life’s obstacles. I also explain the coaching consultation process, providing insights into what to expect during your first coaching session and how to prepare for it. If you’re ready to explore the possibilities that life and health coaching can offer, this episode Read More . . .

What is Coaching?

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Done with Dieting Episode #113: Menopause Series Part 3: Sleep, Stress, and Recovery

In this episode, we’ll be discussing an often-overlooked aspect of menopause: sleep, and how it affects women’s ability to manage their symptoms. We’ll also explore how better sleep, reduced stress, and enhanced recovery can help women navigate this challenging time with greater ease. Menopause is a natural biological process that marks the end of a woman’s reproductive years. During this time, many women experience a range of physical and emotional symptoms, including hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, and difficulty sleeping. Sleep problems are one of the most common menopause symptoms, affecting up to 60% of women in this stage of life. Hormonal changes, coupled with the stresses of daily life, can disrupt sleep patterns and lead to insomnia, waking up frequently, or feeling unrested in the morning. Lack of sleep can exacerbate many of the symptoms of menopause, including irritability, depression, anxiety, and cognitive difficulties. Poor sleep quality can Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #46: Deep Health with Krista Scott-Dixon

The 5 skill sets that you need to become your own coach. Did you know that there’s actually a science to back up why we should treat ourselves with more compassion? Yes! It’s true! Having compassion for others and ourselves is the starting point for Precision Nutrition’s philosophy around coaching. In this podcast, you’ll learn the principles that Krista Scott Dixon uses as the director of curriculum development & how to apply that to your own health and health behaviors. You’ll also learn how what we’ve traditionally thought to be healthy, maybe change as we learn more, and how you can apply these principles to your habits in your quest for health. About Krista Scott Dixon: Dr. Krista Scott-Dixon (also known as KSD) is Director of Curriculum at Precision Nutrition, leading the development of the PN Academy and PN Certifications. She is the author of several books, including Why Me Read More . . .


Goals Lifestyle Goal Worksheet Readiness Initial Intake Assessment My Pledge Nutrition How Does Your Diet Measure Up Wellness Coaching Wellcoach Client Well-Being Assessment Read More . . .

Referrals = $ for you

I’ve decided to implement a referral program for current & past clients, anyone who knows me, or knows of me. Here’s the deal: You refer a new, paying client to me & I pay you a referral fee. Bodybugg – $10 cash (price matching guarantee still applies) Personal Training – $50 Gift Card to Total Health by Elizabeth or 10% of initial purchase (lesser of the two)* Nutritional Coaching – $50 Gift Card to Total Health by Elizabeth or 10% of initial purchase (lesser of the two)* Wellness Coaching – $50 Gift Card to Total Health by Elizabeth or 10% of initial purchase (lesser of the two)* Fine Print: No, there’s not a catch – just some details. I’m doing this as a thank you for giving my name out. I have actually been doing this for some time, but have now opened it up to non-clients. There are no Read More . . .

Do You Want To Do It On Your Own?

People have been asking me lately what makes me different. What differentiates me from other personal trainers? Well first, I am not "just a personal trainer". I am a nutritionist & wellness coach as well. Each of these skills allows me to have different relationships with my clients. Nutritionist When I’m a nutritionist, I inform, educate & give feedback. Depending on the client, and what their goals are, I will do as much education as I need to in order to get the client to a point where they’re able to make good decisions. The second step is to do weekly check-ins, where the client keeps an online food journal & we review those food choices; discovering how different foods affect mood, energy, sleep, etc. and also reflecting on any emotional eating that may have popped up. Personal Trainer As a personal trainer, I am focused on working my client Read More . . .

Wellcoaches is On Board!

I have gotten my first sponsor for the Total Health Challenge. Yippee! I am a licensed Wellness Coach through wellcoaches, so I thought it would be a great idea if each of the participants in the program gets one-on-one wellness coaching. In addition, each of the participating trainers will receive free tuition to complete the wellness coach certification on their own. It's a win for everyone! Copyright Elizabeth Sherman. Purchase a Bodybugg through Elizabeth Sherman. Read More . . .

Certifiably Certified

Because the summer is a slower period for folks in my business (people taking vacations and although new clients want to look good in a bathing suit, they really don't want to spend any time in the gym), I decided that this would be a good time to complete a few certifications that I have been wanting to do: ACE Lifestyle & Weight Management Consultant, and wellcoach Wellness Coach. I'm really excited about the Wellness Coach certification. I think it's what a lot of people are looking for when they are looking for a personal trainer. Granted, some people are looking for someone to help them through their workouts, but for the folks out there who know what they're doing in the gym (for the most part) and know the basics of good nutrition (but just aren't doing it), this is the person they are looking for.  Excerpt from the Read More . . .

Total Health in Midlife Episode #184: The Cure for Low Energy & Fatigue in Midlife

Could over-exercising and poor sleep habits be the hidden saboteurs of your energy levels?  This episode uncovers the myriad factors that could be draining your vitality, with a special focus on midlife women. I dive into personal experiences and share actionable insights on how to identify root causes like low iron levels, inadequate calorie intake, and even over-exercising.  We kick off by emphasizing the critical role of sleep, explaining how stress, anxiety, and blue light exposure can wreak havoc on your nightly rest. Along the way, I provide practical tips to improve your sleep hygiene and create a more restful environment, setting the stage for reclaiming your energy and improving your overall well-being. From recognizing the signs of over-exercising to addressing poor dietary habits, this episode covers it all. I highlight how consuming processed foods and lacking essential nutrients can leave you feeling fatigued, emphasizing the importance of listening to Read More . . .

Total Health in Midlife Episode #183: Using Discomfort as a Tool for Growth with Tricia Millice

There’s a moment of clarity that often strikes when we hear a story that resonates deeply within us—like finding a piece of ourselves we didn’t realize was missing. Tricia Millice joined me to share just that kind of narrative, one that champions female business owners in their prime, guiding them to wield their emotions as a force for personal growth.  Our conversation peeled back the layers of authenticity, as we grappled with the tug-of-war between societal expectations and the raw truth of our personal identities. We unpacked the exhausting act of people-pleasing and the courage it takes to present ourselves unapologetically across the various stages of our lives. As I sat with Tricia, the essence of feminism emerged as a beacon of autonomy and choice. It’s not about the battle of the sexes; it’s the right to decide on our life’s path without the heavy hand of misrepresentation or politicization.  Read More . . .

Total Health in Midlife Episode #182: Why You’re Not Eating Enough Veggies and How to Fix It

Unlock the secrets to better health by incorporating more vegetables into your daily routine! In this episode of the Total Health and Midlife Podcast, I reveal how nutrient-rich vegetables can transform your well-being, aid in weight management, prevent diseases, and even regulate hormones.  Struggling with spoilage or feeling frustrated by minuscule restaurant portions?  I’ve got your back with practical tips to overcome these challenges and prioritize non-starchy vegetables for their low-calorie and high-nutrient profiles. I’ll also touch on balancing fruits and veggies to keep energy levels stable and how a colorful plate can naturally edge out less nutritious options. Discover creative strategies to make vegetables a staple in your meals. From smart storage solutions to tips on partial prep, this episode is overflowing with insights to make vegetables a seamless and enjoyable part of your diet. Tune in to start making lasting changes today! What You’ll Learn from this Episode Read More . . .

Total Health in Midlife Episode #181: Reducing Friction

Ever find yourself struggling to stick to healthy habits despite knowing their benefits?  In this episode, I uncover the secrets to making healthier choices with less effort by focusing on the concept of reducing friction. Listen in as I explore the small obstacles that make sticking to health plans challenging and share practical strategies to remove these barriers.  I’ll discuss the motivational triad and how our brains are wired to seek immediate pleasure, making habit formation difficult. By addressing our internal dialogue and the simple reasons behind our resistance—like convenience, time constraints, and discomfort—we can create a smoother path to achieving our health goals. I also tackle common hurdles in maintaining healthy habits such as staying hydrated and meal prepping. Learn how keeping water accessible and using partial prep techniques can simplify cooking and make healthy eating more manageable.  Additionally, discover how making healthy snacks more visible and accessible can Read More . . .

Total Health in Midlife Episode #180: Overcoming Binge Eating: Brenda’s Story

In this inspiring episode of the Total Health in Midlife Podcast, Elizabeth interviews Brenda, a dedicated client who shares her journey to overcoming health challenges in her late 60s. Brenda’s story is a testament to the power of personalized coaching and mindset shifts. She discusses her struggles with weight gain, and binge eating, and how Elizabeth’s coaching helped her develop a healthier relationship with food and regain control of her health. Tune in to learn about the transformative journey Brenda embarked on and the valuable lessons she learned along the way. Chapter Summaries: Transformation Through Resilience and Mindful Eating (0:00:04) Brenda shares her journey from farm life to retirement, discussing weight gain during menopause, binge eating, and embracing mindful eating. Active Retirement and Coaching Program (0:16:10)  Retirement, American Dream, group coaching, shared experiences, and sidecar coaching are discussed in this episode. Understanding and Overcoming Binging Behavior (0:21:45)  Breaking free from Read More . . .

Total Health in Midlife Episode #179: Midlife Weight Gain: Myths & Facts

Is weight gain during menopause really inevitable, or is it just a myth we’ve come to accept?  On today’s episode of the Total Health in Midlife podcast, I, Elizabeth Sherman, challenge the traditional views on weight management during midlife. We’ll explore why the techniques we relied on in our younger years—like extreme calorie cutting and intense workouts—are not only ineffective but downright detrimental as we age.  I’ll unpack the hormonal shifts that change how our bodies handle weight and metabolism, emphasizing why a shift toward a health-focused approach is crucial. Together, we’ll discover how understanding these changes can empower us to create sustainable habits that nourish our bodies and support overall well-being. Midlife doesn’t have to be a struggle against your own body. In the second part of our conversation, we’ll discuss how to maintain healthy habits during menopause by viewing food as an ally and exercise as an enjoyable Read More . . .

Total Health in Midlife Episode #178: What’s it Mean to Achieve Optimal Health?

Can optimal health be redefined beyond the leanest body or strict exercise routines?  Tune in to this episode of the Total Health in Midlife podcast to uncover a different perspective on your health that fits your unique life and circumstances. We challenge the conventional wisdom that optimal health is only for the ultra-disciplined or athletes.  Instead, we champion a compassionate, inclusive approach that embraces the realities of chronic illness, demanding careers, and family responsibilities. This episode promises to empower you to redefine health on your terms, breaking free from unrealistic ideals and discovering a balanced, sustainable path to wellness. Join me as I share the inspiring journey of Carrie, who reclaimed her health after chemotherapy with the pivotal support of coaching. Learn how she navigated the ups and downs, embracing flexibility and self-compassion to maintain her healthier habits. Discover practical strategies like positive progress tracking and having a minimum baseline Read More . . .

Total Health in Midlife Episode #177: Why do I Need to Drink Water?

Listen in as I guide you through the essential yet often misunderstood world of ‘hydration.’ In this conversation, I unpack why the one-size-fits-all rule of “eight glasses a day” may not hold water for everyone, and instead, I offer insights into personalizing your intake for optimal health.  I explore the critical roles that water plays in body function, energy, digestion, and cognitive performance, while also debunking common hydration myths. You’ll learn how to comfortably integrate water consumption into your daily routine and hear how this simple practice can aid in weight management, skin health, and the prevention of age-related issues. Then, we switch gears to the practical side of things, sharing personalized strategies for upping your water intake. You’ll hear from individuals like Patty, Dani, Carolee, and Jax, who’ve each found unique and sustainable ways to stay hydrated, from morning rituals to workplace games. I’ll also share my own methods, Read More . . .

Total Health in Midlife Episode #176: Health, Wealth & Time

In this episode of the Total Health in Midlife podcast, Elizabeth Sherman explores the relationship between health, wealth, and time across different stages of life. She emphasizes how these three elements are interconnected and impact each other, shaping our life experiences from youth through retirement.  The discussion highlights the common tendency to neglect health in pursuit of wealth and time, and how this oversight can diminish the quality of life in later years. Underscores the importance of not postponing health-oriented decisions and advocates for integrating small, manageable health habits into daily life. She encourages listeners to reflect on how they’re balancing these three critical aspects and to take action toward a healthier, more fulfilling future.  The episode serves as a wake-up call to reevaluate priorities, with a focus on health as a foundation for enjoying wealth and time, presenting practical advice and resources for listeners to make meaningful changes towards Read More . . .