One of the exercises that I have my Health Coaching clients do in their first habit is to describe their perfect day. I love hearing what folks love to do: spend time with their families (or not ;), pampering, what their favorite meal is, activities, what makes them feel good, and what their priorities are.
And it got me thinking about what elements I would need to have a perfect day everyday.
Sure! There are always things that we don’t want to do: chores, conflict, maybe errands, and things like that. But what key elements would be present in order for the day to be pretty close to perfect? How can you construct your life so that it’s pretty darn close to perfect?
I came up with four elements that I can add in to any day to have a pretty awesome experience. I’ve tagged it #TAGY

Treats – Everyday needs to have a treat in it. That treat could be something tasty to eat, or a decadent self-indulgence, like a massage or pedicure. But regardless, it’s so important to treat yourself!
Activity – How do I want to be active today? Moving my body is a gift. Although there have been times when I wonder why I have put myself through a particular workout, it is a gift that I am able to do the things that I can. Exercise and activity also clears my head, reduces my stress and anxiety, and makes me feel good – especially when it’s over! Ha!
Gratitude – They say that the true path to happiness is through gratitude. I know that one way that I can change my mood, is when I focus on what I am thankful for, instead of noticing all the things I don’t have. So, everyday I try to give thanks for something.
You – Or rather, ‘Me Time’. This element is the one thing that recharges your batteries: Connection that you make with friendships or family. Although I love building the relationships in my life, I also crave solitude. I wake up waaaaay earlier than I need to – just so that I can take a few breaths before my day starts. This quiet time really centers me, and allows me some time to organize my day.
What elements do you need in order to feel like your day is pretty awesome? How can you fit these simple things into your life to make you a happier person?