Done with Dieting Episode #146: Multi-Tasking & Your Health

In this episode, I’m diving into the often-praised but harmful world of multi-tasking. Living in a society where being “busy” is seen as a badge of honor, many midlife women, like you, find themselves caught up in the relentless cycle of task-switching, never truly being present at the moment. This leads to disconnected relationships, poor self-care, and ultimately, a detrimental impact on your overall well-being. I opened up about my personal experiences with ADHD, sharing my struggle and triumph over the need to multi-task. I’ll reveal why slowing down, focusing on one thing at a time, and breaking free from the productivity culture is vital for our health and true connection with others. With humor, wisdom, and genuine understanding, I’ll guide you to recognize your worth beyond your to-do lists. I’ll provide strategies to delegate, delete, and redefine success in a way that prioritizes self-care and mindfulness. It’s not about Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #145: Discovering What You Want with Stacey Oliver-Knappe

Are you ready to join Stacey on her remarkable journey of self-discovery and personal transformation? This episode is a candid exploration of Stacey’s battle with weight, societal expectations, and her relationship with food. Starting from a young age, Stacey found herself on the exhausting roller coaster of dieting, a ride many of us know all too well. She’s generously sharing her raw and relatable experiences with us, hoping to inspire others to break free from the chains of societal pressures. Stacey’s transformation was not just about changing her diet; it also involved shifting her mindset and behaviors. She learned to listen to her body, becoming curious about her patterns and habits. This process propelled her to set personal goals which led to monumental shifts in her life, including leaving her corporate job to begin a consulting gig. We dive into the power of curiosity and how it can spur personal Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #144: The Upside to Envy

Ever felt a twinge of envy? Have you ever been labeled as jealous when all you did was desire someone’s achievements or possessions?  Let’s pull back the curtain on envy, an emotion often misunderstood and maligned, yet so deeply intertwined with the human condition. I’m turning this conversation on its head, not just acknowledging envy, but reclaiming it as a mirror reflecting our deepest desires.  I explore the societal narratives that paint women as rivals and discuss how envy plays a pivotal role in these portrayals. It’s time to transform this negative emotion into an empowering tool for self-awareness and self-improvement. Now, let’s talk about Schadenfreude – that umbrella term for the complex mix of emotions centered around envy. The satisfaction you feel when someone who seems to have it all stumbles. A destructive force in our relationships and communities, I explore how to recognize its influence, challenge it, and Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #143: Doing It On Your Own

What if the secrets to strength and resilience are hidden in the annals of women’s shared histories?  Today, I am unearthing these stories, illuminating the silent strength of our foremothers, and embracing the power of sisterhood. I dive into the societal perceptions of women through different life stages and tackle the stigma and shame linked to women’s bodies. I recognize the wisdom in seeking help and the freedom in finding our own paths.  Imagine a time when women thrived in multigenerational living, and the guidance of elder women — the crone — was cherished. I traverse through this era, understanding the impact of patriarchy and cultural shifts on women’s communal living. I unveil the repercussions of transitioning from these cohesive communities to isolated nuclear households.  Along this journey, I find solace in the narratives woven in books like The Red Tent and Women Who Run With the Wolves. They serve Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #142: Rock Your Midlife with Dr. Ellen Albertson

Wouldn’t it feel incredible to swap self-criticism for self-compassion? Are you ready to silence your inner critic and live your life authentically?  In this episode, I’m thrilled to welcome Dr. Ellen Albertson, also known as the midlife whisperer. She’s a force to be reckoned with, boasting a plethora of qualifications from journalist to Ph.D. psychologist, and is passionate about helping women navigate midlife with joy, energy, clarity, and confidence. Our discussion unveils Dr., Ellen’s journey, from a journalist to a self-compassion advocate. She shares her insights into how powerful self-compassion can be, with practices such as meditation leading to significant reductions in body shame and dissatisfaction.  But it’s not just about body image; we discuss the crucial role of self-compassion in managing emotions, dealing with depression, and promoting overall well-being. Dr. Ellen’s approach is a holistic one, incorporating the body, mind, heart, and spirit, inspiring us all to embrace ourselves Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #141: Re-Introducing the Done with Dieting Podcast

Ever thought about what truly healthy means to you? Is it just about the number on the scale or is there more to it?  I am here, Elizabeth Sherman, to guide you through a transformative journey to health and wellness, breaking free from the traditional narrative of dieting. Instead, we aim to develop a healthier relationship with food, exercise, and ourselves.  Walk with me as I share my personal story, transitioning from a size 18-20 to a lifestyle centered on well-being. Listen as we delve into societal pressures, ageism, and how living authentically impacts our health.  What if you could redefine the norms and reclaim the narrative? This episode is about empowering women in midlife, guiding them to live robust, well-rounded lives.  Here, we challenge the status quo, and societal expectations, and redefine what it means to be a healthy woman today. We embrace personal growth over societal expectations, health Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #140: Reversing the Aging Process

There was a time in my life when I viewed my wrinkles and graying hair as embarrassing signs of aging, a flawed depiction that society often perpetuates. It was a journey of self-discovery and unlearning these misconceptions that helped me realize the beauty that comes with aging and every gray hair, wrinkle, and year is a testament to our resilience, wisdom, and beauty.  Today, I’m eager to share with you all what I’ve learned about aging gracefully, challenging societal norms, and debunking myths about aging. Together, we’ll be embracing the aging process as a natural part of our existence, rather than a dreaded inevitability. As we navigate through this journey to redefine aging, we will delve deeper into the importance of health habits and self-care as they play a crucial role in aging gracefully. We’ll explore the significance of nutritional choices, regular exercise, and quality sleep and how these can Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #139: End of History Illusion

What if you could break free from societal expectations and become the architect of your own life? Join me, as I guide you through my personal journey, highlighting how the ‘end of history illusion’ was holding me back and how overcoming it revolutionized my world. By sharing powerful strategies that have worked for me and many women I’ve coached, I aim to help you tackle this illusion that might be sabotaging your growth.  This episode will empower you to own your dreams and evolve into the best version of yourself. Learning to embrace failure, taking charge of your decisions, and setting clear goals can transform your life trajectory. I’ll share tips on how to focus on behavior rather than outcomes, the optional nature of timelines for goals, and the important perspective that obstacles are simply part of your progress.  As we journey together, I’ll invite you to dream big, intentionally Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #138: Understanding Binge Eating with Jane Pilger

Can we truly redefine our relationship with food? That’s the provocative question we’re exploring with Jane Pilger, host of the ‘Binge Breakthrough’ podcast and a dedicated binge eating coach.  Drawing from deeply personal experiences, Jane shares her journey, her struggles, and ultimately her triumph, giving us all hope that we can do the same. She speaks candidly about the guilt and secrecy that shrouded her early encounters with binge eating and how understanding her nervous system played a pivotal role in her victory. We explore the undercurrents of binge eating, seeing it not merely as a disorder, but as a symptom of disconnection from our experiences. Jane exposes how diet culture conditions us to ignore our body’s signals, leading to a profound disconnection from our own selves.  We venture into the realm of perfectionism, discussing how our relentless chase for an ‘ideal body’ can trigger unhealthy eating habits and constant Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #137: How Coaching Can Pay for Itself

Feel like investing in your health is a luxury? Let’s hit the pause button and explore the hidden costs of not getting your health in order and the rewards of investing in your well-being.  Together, we’ll unpack the societal pressures that women face regarding money and the pitfalls of quick fixes. More importantly, we’ll shed light on the power of sustainable habits and learning to trust our bodies signals. In the next part of our journey, the transformative power of coaching for health and well-being unfolds. I’ll be sharing my coaching philosophy and the inspiring stories of Susan, Teresa, and Cheryl.  These women bravely embarked on the path of change, learning to trust themselves and their bodies again. Their stories provide valuable insight into how investing in personal health and well-being can create a ripple effect of positivity in our lives.  So, are you ready to join us on this Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #136: Phases of Self-Discovery

Has anyone ever asked you, “Who do you really want to be?” Many of us, especially during midlife, tend to live in service of others, often neglecting our own hopes, dreams, and desires.  Join me, as I explore the awakening, that electrifying moment when you realize that you’ve been sidelining your own needs, and it’s time to reclaim control of your life. This episode is a transformative process intended for anyone seeking self-discovery, whether you’re single, married, a mom, or have chosen to remain child-free.  Do you remember when you last allowed yourself the freedom to dream? To nurture your passions? To align your life with your deepest desires?  By embracing our truths, embracing our desires, we can live in harmony with our dreams, creating the fulfilling, authentic lives we all deserve, no matter where we find ourselves on life’s winding road. Chapter Summaries: The Journey of Self-Discovery in Midlife Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #135: Stress and Toxins with Dr. Jannine Krause

Are you ready to thrive in your better years?  Join my enlightening conversation with Dr. Jannine Krause, a Naturopathic Doctor, Acupuncturist, and host of the Health Fix podcast, as we delve into her mission to help women over 35 flourish. We examine the differences between naturopathic doctors and general practitioners, and how naturopaths focus on root causes and counseling, as opposed to just treating symptoms. Additionally, we discuss the role insurance companies may play in perpetuating a more symptom-based approach. Discover the impact of plastics, hormones, and health on your well-being. We discuss the three main estrogens in the body, the sneaky additives used by the plastics industry, and the importance of testing for bisphenol levels. Learn about the dangers of heating up plastics in the microwave and drinking bottled water, as well as helpful tips for assisting your liver to process toxins. Dr. Jannine also recommends nutraceuticals like milk Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #134: How to Talk to Your Partner About Starting Coaching

Ready to transform your life but worried about your partner’s reaction to your life and health coaching plans?  Fear not, as today’s episode is all about guiding you through that crucial conversation and showing you how coaching can not only improve your own well-being but also your relationships and overall quality of life. I will tackle the common hesitations many women face when approaching this discussion and arm you with the tools to overcome any obstacles along the way. Together, we’ll explore why traditional diets and exercise routines often fail and how life and health coaching can help you develop sustainable strategies and habits. I will also discuss why committing to a longer coaching program is beneficial and how the right coach can make all the difference.  By the end of this episode, you’ll feel empowered and confident to talk to your partner about your coaching journey and take the Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #133: Investing in Her Future: Christine’s Story

What if you could transform your life, health, and mindset in the midst of a pandemic, parenthood, and personal challenges? Join me as I talk with Christine, who did just that, and is here to share her inspiring journey of personal growth and self-discovery. Christine faced a whirlwind of stressors – a new baby, a new home, her mother’s cancer diagnosis, and the ongoing pandemic – but she managed to turn her life around, all while working on her health and financial goals.  Together, we discuss the coaching process that helped Christine identify the root of her emotional eating, let go of others’ expectations, and build consistent routines for success. Her commitment to being a better role model for her kids, along with her husband’s unwavering support, played a crucial role in her personal transformation. But the magic doesn’t stop there – Christine also found empowerment and camaraderie in the Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #132: What Happens During a Consult Call?

Ever wondered what really goes down during a consult call with me?  Prepare to have the curtain lifted as I reveal the ins and outs of a consult call, including how it’s vastly different from your traditional sales or discovery calls. I’m here to empower, not to pressure – so sit back, relax, and discover what this transformative conversation could hold for you. In today’s episode, I will walk you through the importance of preparing for a consult call, setting aside uninterrupted time, and reflecting on your goals and challenges. I dig into the questions you can expect and discuss the crucial next steps in your health journey.  Ready to embark on a path toward a healthier, happier life? Grab your favorite beverage, and let’s dive in together! Chapter Summaries: What Happens on a Consult Call (0:00:06)  A consult call explores needs, goals, and challenges, and empowers decision-making without sales Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #131: From Start to Success: The Coaching Process

Are you curious about life and health coaching and how it can help transform your life?  In this episode, I’m talking all about coaching and sharing how having a personal navigator on your life’s journey can help you become the best version of yourself. It’s time to turn your curiosity into action and discover the power of having a life and health coach by your side. Listen in as I share my experience as a life and health coach and how coaching goes beyond anything that you know in health and wellness, personal training, or nutrition. I discuss the importance of setting achievable goals, prioritizing self-care, and navigating life’s obstacles. I also explain the coaching consultation process, providing insights into what to expect during your first coaching session and how to prepare for it. If you’re ready to explore the possibilities that life and health coaching can offer, this episode Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #130: The Power of Community

Are you ready to transform your life and embrace the power of community and coaching? In this uplifting episode, I’m sharing how the Feel Good Sisterhood works; an extraordinary year-long group coaching program designed specifically for women in midlife. Discover how this program fosters healthier relationships with food, exercise, and ourselves, with an emphasis on sustainable habits and skills that last a lifetime. I’ll explore the incredible benefits of group coaching, including community building, accountability, diverse perspectives, and shared wisdom. Learn how the Feel Good Sisterhood’s weekly calls, targeted pieces of training, and reflective prompts can revolutionize your relationship with food, your body, and your health.  Connect with a vibrant community of women who are committed to their growth, success, and evolution, and share vulnerabilities as we navigate midlife shifts and menopausal changes together. Don’t miss this opportunity to embark on a liberating journey with the support of the Feel Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #129: Dating After Divorce with Sade Curry

Ever felt trapped in a toxic marriage and wondered how to escape and rebuild your life?  This episode features an empowering conversation with dating coach Sade Curry, who bravely shares her story of breaking free from a harmful marriage and rising above the challenges of dating after divorce. Be prepared to challenge your beliefs about marriage, divorce, and the responsibility of fixing men in relationships. We dive deep into Sade’s journey of getting married at a young age due to societal and religious pressure, and the verbal abuse and psychological manipulation she faced during her marriage. Her inspiring story showcases the courage needed to protect herself and her children while navigating the social stigma of divorce and her family’s disapproval. Sade also touches on the fear of making a wrong choice again in a new relationship and how she learned valuable lessons from her past mistakes. Tune in to explore Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #128: Are You An “Almond Mom?”

Are you stuck in the “almond mom” cycle, struggling with your relationship with food, your body, and the impact it has on your children? This heartfelt episode dives deep into recognizing the signs of a disordered relationship with food and body image, sharing valuable insights on breaking free from these harmful patterns. I open up about my own journey and the stories of my clients, highlighting the importance of cultivating healthier relationships with ourselves and our bodies for our well-being and that of our children. Learn about the transformative benefits of developing a healthier relationship with food and body, including increased body confidence, boosted self-esteem, and an overall sense of peace and self-acceptance.  Discover practical tools and strategies such as intuitive eating, body acceptance, self-care, and positive self-talk to help you on your journey toward a more fulfilling and content life. Let’s break the “almond mom” cycle together and create Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #127: Best Supporting Actress In Your Life

Are you tired of always putting others first and losing your sense of self in the process? In this episode, I share my thoughts on how you can stop being the best supporting actress in the movie of your own life and start embracing your extraordinary potential.  I discuss how many women in midlife have been socialized to prioritize others’ needs over their own, but it’s never too late to break free from these patterns and start living the life you truly desire. Listen in as I explore the connections between body image, purpose, and relying on others for validation. I share insights on how our weight can sometimes be a distraction from other areas of our lives that we should be focusing on, and the importance of finding our purpose and taking charge of our own lives.  Don’t miss this empowering conversation that will inspire you to become the Read More . . .