What does it mean to become more fit?
Does it mean that we look a certain way? That we have visible muscles? Does it mean that we can run a 10-minute mile? Or touch your toes?
I think that when we set goals “to become more fit” we all have ideas of what that means TO US. But there’s actually a definition of fitness.
When we improve our fitness, what exactly does that mean? And how do we go about doing that?
Tune in to this podcast episode to learn not only what it means to improve your fitness level and how to measure that, but also how to increase your fitness level regardless of what you like to do to perform an exercise.
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What you’ll Learn from this Episode
- Do you need to ‘confuse the body’? And how to do it.
- How you can measure your fitness level.
- What the anaerobic threshold is & why it’s important.
- How DOMS is different than lactic acid buildup.
- Why your level of soreness after a workout isn’t a good indicator of how good a workout it was.
- How to increase your fitness level regardless of what you enjoy doing (strength training vs cardio).
Listen to the Full Episode:
Featured on the Show:
- Done with Dieting Episode #6: Do We Need to Move More Eat Less?
- Done with Dieting Episode #57: Women’s Hormones and Weight Loss with Jade Teta
- Heart Rate Calculator
- 20 Minute Weight Loss Workouts
- Exercise Library
Full Episode Transcript:
What does improving your fitness mean to you? For some, it may mean having a visible transformation resulting in having visible muscles, for others it may be more of a performance goal – being able to lift heavier weights or run faster or farther.
Regardless of what it means to you, there IS actually a definition of what it means to be fit & on this episode I’m going to share with you the exact steps you need to take if improving your fitness is something that you want to do. Let’s get started.
You are listening to the done with dieting podcast. The podcast for women in midlife, who are done with dieting, but still want to lose weight and feel good in your clothes. You know that diets don’t work long term. But you feel like there’s this secret that everyone else knows that you just haven’t figured it out yet.
I am your host, Elizabeth Sherman. And I’ve helped hundreds of women get off the diet roller coaster change their relationship with food, exercise, and their bodies. Through this podcast, my goal is to help you too.
Welcome. Let’s get started.
Hey there, I wanted to dump into your ear just before we start this episode, because I want to invite you to join me and a bunch of other amazingly smart and accomplished women in the sisterhood reading club. So, I had this idea to start a reading club or a book club, because it seems like so many women, I know are going through this life transition. Looking for inspiration in the next chapter of their lives.
And when that happens, we tend to seek out community of others who are doing that same thing. But the other piece to that is that we tend to look inward to figure out what it is that we really want. So, I wanted to read a description of the first book that we’ll be reading in the group.
Now be aware that I listened to this book on audible and then I immediately knew that I had to get not only the Kindle version, but then also the hard copy too. And then, I sent this book to every single one of my clients at the time. So, here we go.
Women are tired of worrying that they’re being quote unquote too loud if they speak up and say what they believe, want, or need, and are ready to feel the power and make themselves heard. A certified life coach and bestselling author, the author knows that this is absolutely attainable if women can channel their righteous, anger, and desire.
But she also knows that they need to disrupt a status quo in which women have been conditioned and socialized to remain on the sidelines and to put others before themselves. With all of the expertise of a veteran, feminist, and hell raiser and the reliability of a dear friend. This book will push women to step outside of the rigid societal expectations and show them how to take back control of their lives and make them all their own.
Now, regardless of whether or not you resonate with the feminist title, there’s no denying that women are marketed to more heavily when it comes to personal care products, health products, weight loss, and we have a ton of expectation put on us that men just don’t have.
My goal in creating this container is that we can look at different perspectives and gain awareness when it comes to why we do, what we do, and how we feel so that we can decide how we want to move forward. I hope you’ll join us. Our first meeting starts in March, so there’s plenty of time to get caught up. Go to elizabethsherman.com/bookclub to get the details.
Now, on with the show.
Hello, hello, hello, and welcome to the done with dieting podcast. I am Elizabeth Sherman, your host. And today, what we are talking about is becoming fitter. So, new year’s was a few months ago and oftentimes, we hear the new year’s resolution that I want to become more fit. And for many women our age, we want to become more toned.
And so, what I want to do in today’s episode is really talk about how we accomplish more fitness type goals. Because I talk a lot about weight loss here, but I think that fitness definitely ties into the whole health aspect. And so, what I wanted to do today was talk a little bit more about how to improve your fitness, how to become more fit, and what exactly does that mean?
And I remember years ago I was at the gym, and I ran into a friend of mine. And we hadn’t seen each other for a while. And we were just catching up and she was like, oh, I’m just trying to improve my fitness. I’m trying to confuse the body. And I’m doing spin class, and I’m doing some cardio kickboxing, and all these things.
And at that point I was an established personal trainer. And it was funny to me because the body does not need to be confused. The body knows exactly what it’s doing. And where this confusing the muscles comes from is in the eighties during the P90X revolution. And Tony Horton told us that we needed to confuse the body.
So, what I want to do today is I want to clear up that myth in terms of what it means, what he meant when he was talking about confusing the body. Then, how we do that and just how to become a more fit.
So, I think the first question is what does it mean when we talk about becoming more fit? Like, what is the definition of fitness? And you’ll actually be surprised I think, because I was surprised when I learned this that really the definition of improved fitness is the ability of our body to recover faster after exercising.
This could be during a workout if you’re doing an interval, or it could be after a workout, and you are just recovering from that workout. And so, that’s really what we’re talking about when we’re talking about improved fitness. We’re talking about our body’s ability to recover.
It’s interesting, right? Because when we think about fitness, we don’t think about recovery. But that is actually what the definition of fitness is. As we become more fit, as we are able to move faster, or move heavier things, or a combination of those have more power. Our body and our heart will become more efficient.
One of the things that I need to talk about, I have to talk about in this episode is we have to do some math. All right? So, I think that one of the problems that we have as humans is that we don’t really like to think. I know that I don’t that when I find something that works, I tend to go on autopilot, and I don’t really enjoy deviating from that.
And when I was a personal trainer, I found that my clients were actually very similar in that vein that they would come in, and we would work out, and they didn’t really like to think. However, just be aware that when you’re hiring a trainer, you cannot check out. And here’s, why? Because you need to be super focused on your form. You need to make sure that you are doing the exercises correctly because if you aren’t, you can really hurt yourself.
Oftentimes, for many of us, we walk into the gym, and we just go on autopilot. But we really don’t want to do that. We really need exercise to be a brain stimulating activity. We need to be thinking about what we’re doing. Not only in terms of the repetitions themselves but also what exercises we’re doing. And don’t get me wrong.
When I work myself out, there are times when I just want to put on my headphones, and numb out, and not think about what I’m doing. I want to just go on autopilot. And there are certainly activities that we can do with that in mind.
However, be aware that if your goal is to become more fit, you really need to be paying attention to what it is that you’re doing. And you need to be intentional about not every workout but many of your workouts. You need to figure out a plan of attack. And there are tons of different exercise programs out there that are designed to actually make you more fit, whether it’s stronger or faster or more powerful. Any one of those is perfectly fine.
Now, as we become more fit, I really need you to understand that the body becomes more efficient. So, as you’ve started your own exercise program, maybe you started just with walking. And what happens is when our body hits resistance, our body gets stronger in response to that resistance.
So, when I’m talking about resistance here, I could be talking about weights that you’re holding, or I could be talking about a hill that you’re walking up. I could also be talking about a distance that you’re walking or running. Be aware that when we exercise, when we exert ourselves, our body is going to become more efficient in order to do that activity more efficiently.
Now, here’s the thing is that’s a great thing. However, if you’re someone who wants to lose weight, that’s not necessarily a good thing. I mean, it is a good thing. However, what that means is that we can’t just do the same thing over, and over, and over again, and expect to keep getting the same results.
So, in other words, if at the beginning of your exercise journey, you walk for three miles at a pace of let’s say, three miles an hour. Eventually, your body is going to adapt to that. And you aren’t going to get the same calorie burn. You’re not going to get the same heart benefit from that because it’s no longer a challenge for your body to do that.
And I think that that’s right there, what we’re talking about when Tony Horton was telling us that we need to confuse the body. We need to mix it up. We need to do something different than what we’ve been doing. Because otherwise, the body adapts, and it doesn’t have any reason to change.
Therefore, be aware that when we do the same thing over, and over, and over again and expect the same results. As our body becomes more efficient, we actually have to work harder in order to create the same level of intensity and I’m going to talk about that more later. However, just be aware that we need to then up our ante in order to adapt with the changing body.
So, there’s a term that I need to introduce you to right now which is called the anaerobic threshold, or it’s also known as the lactic threshold. And for someone who is deconditioned, when they’re starting out in their fitness journey. This marker is going to be about 50% of their maximum heart rates. And as we become more fit, as we increase our fitness capacity, what happens is that marker increases.
So, where someone who is a deconditioned person, they’re going to feel the burn and the exertion at about 50% of their maximum heart rate. Whereas an elite athlete is going to feel that burn somewhere around 80 to 90% of their maximum heart rate.
When we’re talking about fitness, what we want to do is we want to increase this marker what’s called the anaerobic threshold or the lactic threshold. And so, let me talk a little bit about what that lactic threshold is. And for the purposes of today’s episode, I’m going to use those two terms interchangeably. However, I’ll try to use anaerobic threshold more because it’ll just make sense.
So, when we talk about this anaerobic threshold, what we’re talking about is our body has actually two different energy systems in the body. The two different energy systems are the aerobic energy system and the anaerobic energy system. And the anaerobic threshold is really just the line between when the anaerobic energy system kicks in when we are exercising.
So, you’ve heard about aerobics before, right? We all grew up in the eighties and aerobics were a huge thing. And what aerobic means is it means with oxygen. Which means that our body is moving. We are moving our body with an intensity that the body can produce energy with the amount of oxygen that we are currently breathing. All right?
There’s something that’s called the talk test. And what that means is that if you are exercising, if you’re walking with a friend, if you’re running with a friend. And you can carry on a conversation with your friend, then that satisfies what’s called the talk test. Meaning, that you are exercising at an intensity where your body is using the oxygen that you’re providing it.
Once you move into an intensity where you can no longer carry on a conversation, then you’ve moved into the anaerobic threshold. So, you’ve moved into that additional energy system.
Now, the anaerobic energy system is like a generator. And what I mean by that is that you never don’t use your aerobic system. So, as you are breathing, as you are exercising, you are always engaging the aerobic energy system.
But when you get into like sprinting, or running really fast, or moving at an intensity that requires more power, more energy than your aerobic energy system can provide. Then, what happens is your body kicks into this anaerobic energy system.
Now, the anaerobic energy system, anaerobic means without oxygen. Meaning that our body isn’t taking in enough oxygen to support this additional level of intensity. And what’s really interesting about the anaerobic energy system is that it can really only stay on in our system for about 30 seconds.
Now, the reason that I was calling it the lactic threshold earlier is because you’ve heard of lactic acid, right? We hear about the burn that we get from lactic acid. And when we are in the anaerobic energy system, lactic acid is actually the by-product of this energy system.
So, just a little fun fact here is that when we hear about lactic acid buildup, when we hear about sore muscles and the burn that we get from lactic acid, that’s actually happening during exercise. So, when I’m running and I just can’t go any faster, I can’t do any more, I’m just done. That is lactic acid buildup.
Typically, we hear about lactic acid buildup the day after we exercise, that’s wrong. It’s really what’s happening during exercise.
Now, even though we can only be in the anaerobic energy system for about 30 seconds at a time. When we stop exercising that anaerobic energy system, then starts to fix itself, it starts to repair itself. We’re going to be talking about interval training a little bit later but be aware that you can then engage the anaerobic energy system again if you’re doing interval type training.
But what will happen is the more fit you are, the more intervals you’ll be able to do, and the shorter rest time that you’ll have between intervals. Whereas someone who’s just starting to kick into the anaerobic energy system will not be able to go for as long of periods of time using this higher intensity. And then, they’ll need more rest and recovery between intervals.
Now, when we’re talking about fitness and improving fitness, this is just one of the indicators of how fit you are becoming. So, what’s really interesting is that let’s say that you decide that you’re going to do random intervals of 20 to 30 seconds. And you’re running around a track for let’s say, 20 minutes.
What you are becoming more fit, if you add an additional interval every single workout. And so, just be aware that there are lots of ways of being able to measure progress and be able to measure improvement in your fitness level. And we talk about measuring progress and measuring success when it comes to our health.
And what’s amazing is that when it comes to fitness, if you’re looking in the right places, you can find improvement as far as the body is concerned because the body is so adaptable. Whether we’re talking about flexibility, whether we’re talking about lower heart rate, whether we’re talking about being able to move more weight in a shorter amount of time. Or if we’re talking about being able to have more intervals and go across a greater distance for a shorter amount of time. All of those things count.
So, just be on the lookout for different ways that we can improve and notice that we are becoming more fit. Now, that being said, earlier on, I talked about how someone who is newer to exercise. Their anaerobic threshold may be at about 50% of their maximum heart rate. Whereas someone who is more advanced in their fitness level may be 70, 80, or an elite athlete, might be somewhere around 90% of their maximum heart rate.
So, let’s talk a little bit about maximum heart rate and how you can calculate yours. So, first, and be aware that this is just a generalization. There is vast evidence to suggest that people are on either side of this calculation. So, I just want to put that caveat in there. That the general guideline for creating your max heart rate is what we do is we take your age, and we subtract that from 220 if you’re a man or 227 if you are a woman.
So, as a woman who’s aged 53, if I subtract that from 227, my average, my generalized maximum heart rate would be somewhere around 174. Now, that’s not the whole number because we can’t just take half of that and say, well, 50% of 174 is 50% of heart rate. Because we all have a resting heart rate as well.
I use a Fitbit; it tells me what my resting heart rate is. But if you wanted to find out what yours was, what you would do is just count the number of beats per minute when you are rested. So, first thing in the morning, just notice what is my resting heart rate. Now, resting heart rate is also a level of fitness. So, the lower your resting heart rate is, the more fit your body is. We don’t want a high resting heart rate because what we’re doing is we’re trying to lower our heart rate.
So, we know what my max heart rate is 174, I also know that my resting heart rate is 52. What we want to do then is we want to take the difference between those two numbers. The difference between 174 and 52 is 122.
Now, I know you weren’t expecting this much math. And you know what? I will put calculators up in the show notes if you’re interested in figuring out what your maximum heart rate is as well as what the different percentages are. What we know is that if I take 52 and add 122 to it, that comes out to my maximum heart rate. So, my range there is 174 to 52.
Now, again, as we become more fit, the anaerobic threshold will go up. So, when I started exercising, it may have been closer to 50% because I wasn’t exercising regularly, I wasn’t moving around a lot. As I started walking, as I started adding some intervals and some Hills to my exercise, my body started adapting and I started to become stronger.
And what happens then is your body’s heart becomes stronger and the muscles in your body then grow more muscle fibers. As we’re growing these muscle fibers, as we’re becoming more fit, what’s happening is the body has more tissues to create energy. That’s why we become more efficient because we have more muscle to offset the load. Our heart is working at a higher capacity, it’s more efficient.
So, at this point, I’ve given you a lot of information. But what’s really important is the next step, which is how to become more fit, how to progress. And there’s an acronym that we use which is FITT, (F I T T). And what FITT stands for is frequency, intensity, time, and type.
In order to progress in our fitness level, what we need to do is employ all or some of these different aspects of our fitness. So, let’s go through each of them and I can explain to you how you can use them for your own fitness improvement.
So, frequency. Frequency is basically just the frequency of the activity. So, how often you are exercising. So, are you exercising twice a week? Are you exercising three times a week, five days a week, seven days a week? What is it?
And I am a huge fan of doing the minimum that I need to do. I do not like spending more time than I need to doing an activity. And when we talk about fitness, there’s actually a bell curve. So, when we look at fitness, when you’re starting out, you do not need to be exercising five days a week.
I know that that’s shocking but it’s absolutely true. You do not need to go all out and exercise for an hour a day, five days a week. What you can do is you can get huge benefit from exercising for 30 minutes a day, two times per week.
Now, if we actually look at what the world health organization recommends. The world health organization recommends 150 to 300 minutes of moderate exercise. And when they talk about moderate exercise, they’re talking about that talk tests that I was talking about earlier. So, staying in the aerobic fitness level and being able to do that for 30 to 60 minutes, five days a week, equals the 150 to 300 minutes.
Now, if you want to do vigorous exercise, if you want to move into the vigorous exercise. You can decrease the amount of time that you’re spending doing that and what the WHO recommends for that is 75 to 150 minutes per week. So, that ends up being somewhere around 15 to 30 minutes, five times per week where you’re going into and doing interval training so that you’re increasing your intensity levels.
Now, that’s your baseline, as far as the world health organization is concerned. But if you want to do extra, they also recommend doing strength training twice per week. And then, also of course, the opposite of that is limiting our sedentary time. So, just be aware that yes, we want to be active. But we also want to decrease the amount of time that we’re just sitting on the couch or sitting in front of our desks, as I sit in front of my desk recording this.
So, that’s what we’re talking about when we’re talking about frequency of activity. So, FITT frequency, intensity, time, and type, we’re talking about frequency.
So, the next piece to that is intensity. Now, the intensity of our exercise is the rate at which we’re moving or the amount of power that we’re exerting within a specific workout. We can talk about this and actually two different ways. We can talk about it as far as cardiovascular training goes or we can talk about it as far as strength training goes. I’m going to give you some recommendations of how you can improve your intensity for each of those.
So, let’s talk about cardio first. And I’ve mentioned this before but when we’re talking about cardio, what we’re talking about is interval training. So, going really fast for a period of time and then backing off and recovering. You can do two different types of interval training. There’s something that’s called fartlek training. And fartlek training is when we are just going at random times.
So, for example, when I’m running down the street, I may realize, okay, I have enough capacity right now, I’m recovered. So, I’m just going to sprint down the street and I’m going to try and hit that light post or I’m going to hit that mailbox or that tree.
So, as you’re running down the street, you choose a point up ahead, maybe it’s even a sidewalk or a crosswalk. And you’re like, okay, I’m just going to run as fast as I can until I can get to that point. And as you cross that point, then you slow down, and you start to recover. And you allow your body to recover as much as it can until you feel like you’re ready to do another interval.
Now, here’s the thing with intervals when it comes to cardio and honestly, when it comes to strength training as well is that as we progress through our workout. If you do not give your body enough time to recover, what will happen is your next interval will be shorter. Which is totally fine. There’s no wrong way of doing this.
It’s just, be aware that you want to allow your body to recover some and as you progress through your workout, even if you give yourself five minutes between intervals, your body is trying to become more and more fit. You may find that you just can’t go as far or as intense on your later intervals. It’s totally fine.
Again, there’s no wrong way of doing this. So, that’s fartlek training, when you’re doing just random intervals within a workout. But you can also do specific timed intervals as well. Sprint for 30 seconds and then recover for two minutes, for example. And then, sprint for 30 seconds and then recover for 30 seconds.
Be aware that for anyone who is trying to increase their capacity, maybe you’re doing something like couch to 5k or you’re just doing it on your own, you want to run a 5k. What we really want to do is we want to slowly increase our outputs, our intense outputs. And then, we want to slowly decrease your resting phases.
And up until this point, I’ve really been talking about intervals as being all out moving into the anaerobic energy system, but it doesn’t even have to be like that. You can bounce back and forth between just harder intervals and easier intervals. That’s totally fine as well.
So, just as long as you’re not going steady state throughout the entire workout because something that’s really important is that if you’re doing moderate exercise for a prolonged period of time. Our bodies, women’s bodies over the age of 45, see that as a stressor. So, just be aware of that and I’ll talk about that again in just a little bit.
Now, as far as intervals have gone, I’ve been talking about sprinting, right? If you’re not a runner, you can still do intervals and you can do those intervals doing things like jumping jacks, or jump rope, or even on a bike just increasing your rate. There are tons of different modalities that you can use when it comes to increasing your fitness level.
Now, when we’re talking about strength training, what we’re talking about that in terms of interval training is how much weight you’re moving in a given amount of time.
So, be aware that when we’re talking about increasing our capacity, we’re really talking about increasing weight, we’re talking about decreasing the rest time between intervals. We can also do this through changing the tempo of our lifting.
What I mean by that is that when you think about let’s say, doing a squat. There are three different parts to doing the squat. There’s the relaxation phase when you’re going down into the squat. There’s the holding phase, which is when you’re down in the squatting position. And then, there’s the exertion phase, which is when you’re pushing.
Now, when we’re talking about tempo, you can change the tempo of each of those pieces. So, you can go down in it for a count of one. You can hold for a count of two. And then, you can come up for a count of two or you can go down for a count of one hold for a count of one and come up for a count of two.
We don’t really think about different tempos when we are lifting weights. We just get into the rhythm of lifting, lifting, lifting, lifting. And we don’t really pay attention to oh, well, if I slow this down, then I’m actually creating more tension on the muscle for the entire period of time. Be aware that muscles actually, do not grow when we are pushing. Muscles don’t grow when we are exerting.
I mentioned DOMS earlier. DOMS stands for delayed on set muscle soreness. DOMS actually occurs through the relaxation phase of the exercise. So, one of my favorite exercises in getting stronger is something called a negative pushup. And if you’ve ever done yoga and you’ve done chaturanga, that is a negative pushup. Where you start at the top of the position and then slowly lower yourself down so that your entire body hits the floor at the same time.
And if you have any questions about any of these explanations, I have exercise library on my website, and you can go take a look at that and see exactly what I’m talking about. But when we slow down the lowering phase of the exercise, what will happen is that’s when we will actually get super sore. That’s because in the relaxation phase, our muscles break down a little bit more.
Be aware that when we feel that soreness the day or two after exercising, that’s what’s called delayed on set muscle soreness and it’s actually a slight tearing of the muscle fibers which the body then just repairs with stronger muscle fibers. It’s not the lactic acid buildup. Just be aware that it’s not the same thing and DOMS is just your body’s way of getting stronger.
Now, here is a caveat though, that soreness does not indicate the efficiency of a workout. Oftentimes, I’ll hear people say, oh, that was such a good workout, I’m so sore. But soreness does not necessarily equate to fitness level. So, just be aware that it just isn’t the same thing.
Now, another way of increasing our fitness level is to use more muscle groups. And this is one of the reasons why I love doing circuit training and I love doing multi body part exercises. So, an example of circuit training would be doing 10 squats, then 10 pushups, then 10 sit-ups, and then maybe 20 jumping jacks.
And then, doing that in circuit x number of times or within a specific timeframe. Doing multi body part exercises is where in one repetition, you’re doing a squat, and then a bicep curl, and then perhaps a shoulder press. And what I love about each of these different ways of training is that when we work a muscle, the heart has to pump blood to that muscle in order to supply the muscles with energy.
When we’re doing multi body part exercises, the heart has to work that much harder in order to fill all of those different muscle groups with blood. What I love about this is that you’re actually getting a cardio benefit at the same time as doing strength training. It’s a fantastic way of doing both things at the same time because we don’t have time to go out and run and then come back and strength train. We want to get it all done at the same time.
Just be aware that by doing multiple body parts all at the same time, you are going to get a cardio benefit at the same time as doing strength training. And I love hitting two things at the same time and being efficient in not only my workouts but with my time as well.
So, going back to frequency, intensity, time, and type, we were just talking about frequency. So, now in talking about time, we’re talking about the length of the interval or the length of the total workout. So, again, I mentioned this before, but I want to reiterate that long duration, medium intensity workouts can cause more stress on the body.
I’ve talked about this before with my own journey that I was going out and I was running for an hour per day. Be aware that for some of us, not all of us, but for some of us running for an hour six days a week can be more stressful. And therefore, prevent us from losing body fat.
Another method of that would be like biking for two or three hours, or doing an hour of cardio kickboxing, or spin class. Now, the difference between those is if you’re really enjoying it. So, if you love biking and you’re just going out for a leisurely bike ride for two to three hours, totally different experience, right? Then, going out for a two to three hour workout.
And that’s actually a really good point that when we’re talking about the total workout, be aware that the longer the workout is, the lower our intensity is. You cannot sustain a high intensity workout for a long period of time.
And when it comes to women in menopause and perimenopausal years, it’s always so much easier for the body, it’s so much better for our bodies when we do short intense workouts. So, I personally do workouts that are 20 to 30 minutes in length. I do very little rest time because I want to hit it, I want to get it done with.
And what I’ve seen with my clients is that it’s the exact same, it’s our thinking about it. I hear this from my clients all the time that they’re like, oh, well, I want to work out for 45 minutes. Why? Why do you want to do that? It just takes up more time. Instead, hit it hard, hit it fast, and get it over with. You can get just as good of a workout in 30 minutes as you can in 45 or an hour.
In fact, I would probably recommend it. If you really love doing hour workouts, great, fine, do that. But do it infrequently.
And then finally, when we go back to FITT, frequency, intensity, time, and type. The last thing is the type. What type of exercise you’re doing. Going back to the very beginning of the episode, when I was talking about Tony Horton and mixing things up.
This is really what we’re talking about is we don’t want to do the same thing over, and over, and over again because again our body adapts. So, the best way to be well-rounded and did become fit is to do different things.
So, go out for a walk, go to a spin class, go to yoga, do strength training, whatever it is, go out and enjoy it. And I think that that’s probably the biggest takeaway from this episode is find what you enjoy and do it.
There are tons of different exercise modalities out there. Whether you’re into team sports or individual. Whether you’re into doing something indoors or outdoors. Whether you enjoy challenging yourself or whether you just enjoy moving your body.
Find something that you enjoy. And do it because this is your only body. And so, it’s your responsibility to your body to keep it up and keep it in good health. Again, just try to find some enjoyment in doing something. And the more you can really pay attention to “this is what I do, and this is what I love doing,” it takes the drudgery out of exercising, and it becomes just what you do.
And when you enjoy the exercise for the pure joy of doing the exercise, you no longer want to do it in order to lose weight. And that’s really the key to this entire podcast is do things because you enjoy them, enjoy the process, and the weight will come along.
All right, that’s everything I have for you today. I hope you learned something, and I hope you enjoyed it. I hope it wasn’t too science-y for you or too heavy in math. Have a great week everyone and I will talk to you next time. Bye-bye.
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See you next week.
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