This episode is sooooo gooood! I wanted to have Sarah on the show because as women, we’ve been socialized to believe that pleasure is bad – let alone S E X. When you look at the ways that certain products are marketed towards us, for example, foods are often sold as ‘guilty pleasures’ – which means that it’s off limits. And we know when something is forbidden, we want it more, and then instantly feel shame when we do get it. One of the topics that I address with my clients is the idea of diversifying joy – which presents itself when the only thing that we have to look forward to is food – and so we eat because we NEED joy and pleasure in our lives. So, by adding other pleasurable things, we can reduce our need to eat all the things. Yes, of course, we talk about Read More . . .
Done with Dieting Episode #30: It All Adds Up
If you have an all-or-nothing thinking about eating & exercising, you already probably know that it doesn’t serve you. You know what I’m talking about – when we feel like we need to be all in, and if we’re not all in, we’re all out. Either we’re eating organic vegetables & homemade meals, or we’re ordering takeout. Why is it so hard for us humans to moderate? Especially, when it comes to our health habits. We think it should be easy – and at the beginning it is. But when life becomes stressful, or conditions are less than ideal, and we can’t live up to the expectations that we’ve set for ourselves, we feel like we’ve failed. One of the keys to success is to become resilient – to catch failure, correct our response, & move past it without making it mean that we’ve failed – that WE are a Read More . . .
Done with Dieting Episode #29: Brittany Deer
I was raised that it was gauche to talk about money, politics, or religion in polite company. As a result, so many of us find money to be a taboo topic; not having a good relationship with money, or the idea that we want money to be shameful. The truth is that regardless of income level, we still have problems. However, when we change our relationship with money, that problem goes away. Tune in to this interview with Brittany Deer to start understanding how your thoughts about money influence your capacity to have and retain money, and then what steps you can take to improve your relationship with it. About Brittany Deer: Brittany helps coaches change their relationship with money. Over three years, Brittany went from almost losing her home to foreclosure, almost losing her marriage due to financial strain, to hiring her first coach with money from a side Read More . . .
Done with Dieting Episode #28: How Accountability Helps Weight Loss
In episode 28 of the Done with Dieting Podcast, I’m talking all about accountability; specifically, the difference between internal and external accountability – Gretchen Rubin differentiates Upholders from Obligers in her book, The Four Tendencies. As women, we’re socialized to put other people’s wants and needs before our own. So of course it makes sense that most of us can keep commitments to others, but not ourselves. But this quality is changeable. I know because *I* used to not be able to keep commitments to myself. But now I can. And if we ever want to be able to ‘get consistent’, or ‘be disciplined’, putting ourselves and our needs on the list of priorities, is a MUST. What You’ll Learn from this Episode Listen to the Full Episode: Featured on the Show: Full Episode Transcript: You are listening to the Done with Dieting Podcast Episode number 28. Hi, I’m Elizabeth Read More . . .
Done with Dieting BONUS Episode: Feel Good Sisterhood Announcement
The Feel Good Sisterhood is a small group coaching program for women who want to lose weight but are done with dieting. The program takes all of my teachings, tools, and resources from my 1:1 coaching & puts them together in a sequential format. We will be addressing diet, physical activity, and other topics as they pertain to caring for ourselves and the person we desire to be in the future. The program will have 3 different aspects: weekly coaching calls, a community space for support and accountability between calls, as well as weekly teachings and resources to support your goals. Learn More about the Feel Good Sisterhood at Listen to the Full Episode: Featured on the Show: Full Episode Transcript: Hey everyone, welcome to today’s episode. So, I wanted to create a short episode about the feel good sisterhood because the program will be open for enrollment soon. Read More . . .
Done with Dieting Episode #27: How to Make Habits Stick
It’s so frustrating when we want to cultivate a new habit – we see other people doing it seamlessly – and yet, for us, it seems elusive. Whether it’s consistently exercising, going to bed on time, or eating a healthful diet, for all of us, there are just some habits that just don’t seem to stick. Why is that? Many of us think that we’re just not trying hard enough. Or that we’re just wired this way. But what if it’s neither of those things and something that we can change? In this episode, I’ll explain the Neuro Linguistic Programming Logical Levels of Change, and how it applies to your health behaviors – and what to do to finally figure out how to get ourselves to stick to those behaviors that we KNOW are good for us. What You’ll Learn from this Episode Listen to the Full Episode: Featured on Read More . . .
Done with Dieting Episode #26: Goal Setting
They say that a goal without a plan is a wish. When we decide that we want to lose weight, run a 5k, or even do something as simple as eating healthier, we know what we want, but often, we don’t spend the time to figure out how it’s going to get done. Sometimes, we think about accomplishing something, and although the idea of having that thing is appealing, we don’t want to do the work to make it happen. But when something IS important, something that we really really want, a little bit of forethought can really help to aid in success. In this episode, you’ll learn how to set goals, and then follow through using the obstacles and barriers that perceive to make us successful. What you’ll Learn from this Episode Listen to the Full Episode: Featured on the Show: Full Episode Transcript: You are listening to the Read More . . .
Done with Dieting Episode #25: How did I gain 5 lbs Over the Weekend?
Has it ever happened to you where you had a weekend where you indulged a bit only to get on the scale on Monday & be completely discouraged?!? As you get on the scale, you see that your weight is up – 5 lbs?!? All of your hard work down the drain! It feels like you’re starting back at square one What happened? Is it possible to gain 5 lbs over the weekend? The answer is yes – and no. I mean, clearly it is, because so many of us have had this experience. But is it truly fat? BUT more importantly, what can you do to get rid of it? In this episode, I’m sharing the exact steps you need to take in order to shed that 5 lbs before your next weigh in. What you’ll Learn from this Episode Listen to the Full Episode: Featured on the Show: Read More . . .
Done with Dieting Episode #24: Why Affirmations are BS
Have you ever had the experience where you’ve said to a friend, “OMG! I’ve gained so much weight. I feel so disgusting.” and your friend responds with something like, “You shouldn’t say that. You’re not disgusting. You’re beautiful!”? I mean, we don’t necessarily want our friends to agree with a statement like that, but on the other hand, “You’re not disgusting. You’re beautiful!” feels inauthentic at best. You may even wonder – I know that this body love/self-love thing is something that I need to get behind – so many folks talk about how it’s helpful to treating myself better – and I know that my self-esteem is low. But I really can’t get behind the whole “my body is beautiful” thought process. Maybe my body is the exception to that rule. Body like, love, and acceptance is available to all of us. We’ve just been doing it wrong. In Read More . . .
Done with Dieting Episode #23: How many meals should I eat in a day?
Over the years, advice on the number of meals you should eat as well as when you should be eating them has changed. And if you talk to anyone who has lost weight long term, I’m sure that you’ll find that the answers for what they do as far as their meals is as varied as their personalities. One of the most popular questions I get after “What should I be eating?” Is “How many meals should I be eating per day?” So, if this is a question that you’ve asked yourself, tune in to episode 23 of the Done with Dieting Podcast. In the episode, I’ll outline the steps to take so that you can tune in to the number of meals that are right for you and your body. What you’ll Learn from this Episode Listen to the Full Episode: Featured on the Show: Full Episode Transcript: You Read More . . .
Done with Dieting Episode #22: The Power of Visualization in Weight Loss
Do you use the power of visualization when it comes to achieving your goals? If you’re not, you’re missing out. I’ve talked about visualization on the podcast before, in a few techniques that I use within my coaching practice, but on episode 22 of the Done with DIeting Podcast, we’re talking about the power that visualization has to create your results: Visualizing what’s going to happen BEFORE it even happens. See, we often use our past experiences to determine if we’re capable of doing something in the future. (Example: I’ve made rice before, so I’m relatively confident that I can make risotto.) Because weight loss will often take several attempts before we are successful. We often use those past attempts as evidence that weight loss isn’t meant for us. When your confidence and belief that you can be successful in your goal are low, having a vision can help you Read More . . .
Done with Dieting Episode #21: Discomfort Now or Later
I used to think that I didn’t have any self-discipline. The desire for whatever it was that I was craving was so strong that I couldn’t get over the immediate gratification. What I didn’t realize was that by giving in to what it was that I wanted in the moment, so that I could be more comfortable mentally, I was giving up what I really wanted – which was to be more comfortable later physically. See, every decision that we make will cause us to feel pain or discomfort now, or discomfort later. It was a lesson that I learned when I realized why I procrastinated so much as a younger woman. Why was I doing that? I was procrastinating because I was feeling discomfort about doing the thing that I was avoiding doing. As a result, the longer I procrastinated, the worse my discomfort became – until it was Read More . . .
Done with Dieting Episode #20: Client Spotlight Annie – Growth in the Plateau
Today’s guest on the Done with Dieting Podcast is a client spotlight: Annie. You are going to want to listen to Annie’s story because it is one that so many of us resonate with: being first aware of our body & how it doesn’t fit in in our early teens, followed by years of dieting with some success only to find ourselves inexplicably gaining the weight back – unable to stop it – and then the cycle continues over and over and over again. When Annie started coaching, she had no solid belief that she would be able to get to her goal and stay there. Listening to her body seemed like a platitude that sounds nice, but what does it actually mean? And the idea that she could sit down in front of a pizza with her family & not want to eat all of it was a pipe Read More . . .
Done with Dieting Episode #19: Clean Slate Habits
Resolving to be healthier at the beginning of the year seems to make sense. Doesn’t it? It’s a new year … full of possibility … it SEEMS like it would be the perfect time to adopt new habits & break ones that we want to shed. Although there’s no bad time to start the process of getting healthier, in this episode of the Done with Dieting Podcast, you’ll learn why there are other times during the year that may yield better results than the new year, and how to identify and plan for them. Don’t get me wrong. Creating better habits is a challenge. But when we reduce the friction & harness the power of the brain, we can make it easier on ourselves. What You’ll Learn from this Episode Listen to the Full Episode: Featured on the Show: Full Episode Transcript: You are listening to the Done with Dieting Read More . . .
Done with Dieting Episode #18: Getting More Cooperation & Appreciation with Michelle Runnels
We women love taking care of others. It’s part of our DNA. But far too often, we do it so often that we lose sight of who we are as people, what we want, and even what we like to do. We know what everyone else likes, what they want, what their dreams and desires are. But when asked about our own, we seem to be at a loss. Sometimes we take such good care of those folks that we live with, that they become dependent on us – which can feel good until we need some help. And then, when we ask for the help, it doesn’t come. It gets frustrating, and we become resentful. And then we find ourselves yelling about stupid stuff – which isn’t even the real problem. So what is it? In episode 18 of the Done with Dieting Podcast, my guest, Michelle Runnels, shares Read More . . .
Done with Dieting Episode #17: Urges
Traditional advice says that it takes 21 days to get into a habit that we want to create or out of a habit that we don’t want to do anymore. Anyone who has tried to change their habits knows that it might be a bit longer than that – especially if we’ve had the habit for most of our lives. I used to get so frustrated with myself. Why couldn’t I get my shiz together & just stop eating after dinner? I mean really – why was it so hard? “You just DON’T eat after dinner. You just don’t do it anymore,” I’d tell myself. I tried distracting myself with adult coloring books, painting my nails, chewing gum, all the things. But they never worked. In this episode, you’ll learn how to stop doing habits that don’t serve you anymore; whether it’s the endless snacking that happens between when you Read More . . .
Done with Dieting Episode #16: Want to be Happier?
Who doesn’t want to be happier? I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who has said, “Nope. I don’t need any more happiness in my life. I’m just about all tapped out.” For much of my adult life, I was on the quest to find more happiness in my life & so I did all the things. There is one practice that I’ve settled on that has truly allowed me to become happier in my relationships, my life, AND with my body. Listen in to discover the secret that can help you too. What You’ll Learn from this Episode Listen to the Full Episode: Full Episode Transcript: You are listening to the Done with Dieting Podcast Episode number 16 Hi, I’m Elizabeth Sherman, former corporate high tech executive turn life and weight loss coach. But it wasn’t that long ago that I was searching for that perfect diet, the one Read More . . .
Done with Dieting Episode #15: When other people lose weight
It’s hard not to feel like something is wrong with us when we try so hard to lose weight and it seems like everyone around us is having massive success. Sometimes we feel jealous, petty, and downright resentful. We want to be the supportive friend, but far too often when other people around us are having success in getting consistent with their exercise habits, discovering great new ways of preparing vegetables, or are completely beaming because they feel like they’ve discovered their magic formula, what we really want to do is punch them in the nose. But we can’t do that. In this episode of the Done with Dieting Podcast, learn the three (3) secrets that can turn that negative thought pattern around so that you can use other people’s success as motivation instead of deflating you. What You’ll Learn from this Episode Listen to the Full Episode: Featured on Read More . . .
Done with Dieting Episode #14: Truth about Carbs
Carbs!! They’re so tasty & yet they have such a bad reputation. Everyone says that we have to limit them or go no carb. But is that really true? In this episode of the Done with Dieting Podcast, I’m sharing the truth about carbs – which carbs will help us to feel energized and alert, and which carbs are going to leave us with a carb hangover. Nutrition doesn’t have to be confusing. But when we look to other people to tell us how we should be eating, it can get overwhelming – especially when what we desire is what we’re not ‘supposed to’ eat. It can leave us feeling deprived and frustrated. Learn the truth about carbs so that you can eat them with confidence, and without guilt, shame, or any other negative emotion. What You’ll Learn from this Episode Listen to the Full Episode: Featured on the Show: Read More . . .
Done with Dieting Episode #13: HAES with Deb Lesko
I love the Maya Angelou quote “I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better.” As a society, we’ve been taught that being overweight equals disease, being unhealthy, lazy, stupid, and a whole host of other negative qualities that have nothing to do with our size. So, it makes perfect sense that in our quest to be seen as ‘enough,’ we would try to conform to traditional standards of beauty – which for many of us are just simply unattainable. In this episode of the Done with Dieting Podcast, I’ve invited my guest, Deb Lesko, to introduce us to the Health at Every Size (HAES) movement, because I believe that the movement is misunderstood. Tune in to learn what the movement is all about, and how adopting some of the movement’s beliefs can help you feel better about yourself. About Debbie Lesko Read More . . .