Total Health in Midlife Episode #197: The Dangers of Diet Breaks

dangers of diet breaks

Are you stuck in the frustrating cycle of starting and stopping your health journey? 

Tune in to my latest episode as I uncover the real reasons behind this common struggle and share actionable strategies to break free once and for all. I explore the pitfalls of the “taking a break” mentality and emphasize the importance of prioritizing health over weight loss. 

Through inspiring stories, including that of my client Judy, I illustrate how embracing imperfect action and maintaining the bare minimum consistency can lead to lasting success. Learn how to shift your mindset from all-or-nothing to consistent, manageable actions, finding joy and balance in the process, so that healthy habits become a permanent, enjoyable part of your life.

In this engaging discussion, I also tackle overcoming perfectionist thinking and adopting flexible approaches like B-minus habits. Discover how to nourish your body with delicious foods, engage in joyful movement, and create a self-care routine that feels indulgent rather than a chore. 

If you’re ready to let go of perfectionism and embrace small, consistent actions, join our free Facebook group, “The 8 Basic Habits that Healthy Women in Midlife Do,” and consider scheduling a strategy call to overcome personal blocks. 

Together, we can build the healthy, happy life you deserve, celebrating victories and navigating challenges with support and compassion every step.

Are you loving the podcast, but arent sure where to start? click here to get your copy of the Done with Dieting Podcast Roadmap Its a fantastic listening guide that pulls out the exact episodes that will get you moving towards optimal health.

If you want to take the work we’re doing here on the podcast and go even deeper, you need to join the Feel Good Sisterhood - my group coaching program for women in midlife who are done with dieting, but still want to feel good! The Feel Good Sisterhood is open for enrollment, so click here to discover if group coaching is a right fit for you and your goals.

I am so excited to hear what you all think about the podcast – if you have any feedback, please let me know! You can leave me a rating and review in Apple Podcasts, which helps me create an excellent show and helps other women who want to get off the diet roller coaster find it, too.

What You’ll Learn from this Episode

  • Discover the real reason behind your start-stop health journey and learn how to break free from it for good.
  • Learn how to break free from the all-or-nothing dieting mindset and achieve lasting success, even when life gets busy.
  • Discover the transformative power of self-compassion and joy in creating a sustainable, balanced health routine.

Listen to the Full Episode:

Full Episode Transcript:

Are you tired of feeling like you’re constantly starting and stopping when it comes to your health journey? Do you find yourself saying, I’ll start again on Monday, or I’ll get back on track after this vacation? Only to find yourself right back where you started, over, and over, and over again.

If you’re nodding along and that resonates, then I wrote this episode exactly for you. Because today, we’re going to talk about the real reason why you’re stuck in that start stop cycle and what you can do to break free once and for all.

We’re going to explore the pitfalls of the taking a break mentality. The importance of prioritizing your health over weight loss and the power of embracing imperfect action and bare minimum consistency.

But most importantly, we’re going to talk about how to find joy and balance in the process so that taking care of yourself feels like a gift, not a chore. Because here’s the thing, if you’re not enjoying the journey, if you’re feeling deprived, restricted, or resentful, then you’re not going to be able to sustain those healthy habits long term.

And isn’t that what we all want? To create a healthy, happy life that we can maintain, not just for a few weeks or months, but forever. If you’re ready to break free from the stop start cycle, and let go of perfectionist thinking, and embrace a more compassionate, consistent approach to your health, then stay with me.

Because in this episode, I’m going to share the exact strategies and mindset shifts that have helped me and countless other women create lasting change and find true, sustainable success. Let’s get started.

Welcome to Total Health and Midlife, the podcast for women embracing the pivotal transformation from the daily grind to the dawn of a new chapter. I’m Elizabeth, your host and fellow traveler on this journey.

As a Life and Health Coach, I am intimately familiar with the changes and challenges we face during this stage. Shifting careers, changing relationships, our new bodies, and redefining goals and needs as we start to look to the future and ask, what do I want?

In this podcast, we’ll explore physical, mental, and emotional wellness, offering insights and strategies to achieve optimal health through these transformative years.

Yes, it’s totally possible.

Join me in this amazing journey of body, mind, and spirit, where we’re not just improving our health, but transforming our entire lives.

Hey, everyone! Welcome back to the Total Health and Midlife Podcast. I am Elizabeth Sherman, your host. And I want to start out by thanking you for tuning in today. I know that your time is valuable, and I am so grateful that you’ve chosen to spend some of that time with me.

So, today, we are diving into a topic that I hear about all the time from friends and clients. The idea of quote unquote taking a break when it comes to our health and weight loss goals. It’s a mindset that can have a huge impact on our progress. And I think the secret to success lies in creating a life or a set of habits that honestly, you don’t have to take a break from.

So, imagine this, our lives are like an overflowing plate of responsibilities. We have work, family, friends, community, partner, relationships, all of this stuff just overflowing on this plate. And we’re constantly serving everyone else. And when we decide that we want to be healthier, we precariously balance these new habits on top of this already overflowing plate.

Of course, it makes sense that when life gets busy, that those things that are precariously perched on top, fall off. Right? We know we need to build momentum in order to feel like we have a grasp on what it is that we’re doing. But we don’t give that momentum a chance to take hold if we’re constantly stopping and starting. It’s a vicious cycle that can lead us feeling frustrated, exhausted, and stuck.

If you’re nodding along, I want you to know that you’re so not alone. And so many women struggle with this taking a break mindset. It’s time we talk about it. In this episode, I’m exploring the common pitfalls and the difference between the health first and weight loss first approaches. And most importantly, how you can break free from this cycle and achieve the lasting success that you deserve.

So, let’s talk about the problem of taking a break when it comes to our health and weight loss goals. It’s a trap that so many of us fall into. And it’s one that can lead to a never ending cycle of frustration and disappointment.

Here’s what happens. We start a new diet or exercise routine with the best of intentions. We’re fired up, we’re motivated, and we’re ready to make a change. But then, life happens. Work gets busy, the kids need our attention, or we have a social event that throws us off track. We decide to take a break. And then, promise ourselves that we’ll get back on track after this next thing, whether it’s tomorrow, next week, or after the holidays.

But here’s the thing. Tomorrow turns into next week, and next week turns into next month, and before we know it, we are right back to where we started. It’s a stop start cycle that can leave us feeling like we’re constantly chasing our own tails. And it’s not just about the delay in reaching our goals.

There’s a mental and emotional toll that comes with repeatedly going back on a diet or falling off the wagon. We start to feel like failures, like we’re not strong enough or disciplined enough to stick with it. And we beat ourselves up and wonder, why can’t I just get it together? I have seen this play out time and time again with my clients.

One of my clients, Judy, was stuck in this cycle for years. She’d start a new diet, completely motivated, but as soon as life got in the way, she’d throw in the towel. She’d tell herself, I’ll start again on Monday, but Monday would come and go and then she’d find herself right back in the same old patterns.

It wasn’t until Judy, and I started working together that she realized that taking a break mindset was actually holding her back. She learned to reframe her thinking and asking herself the question, what can I do? That she could stick with even when life got busy. And that right there is the key.

When we’re constantly starting and stopping, we never give ourselves the chance to build lasting habits. We’re always on this all or nothing mindset where we’re either 100% on track or completely off the rails.

But what if we could find a way to make progress even when life gets in the way? What if we could learn to be consistent even when we can’t be perfect, that’s where true success lies, and that’s what we’re going to talk about next. So, let’s explore the differences between the health first and weight loss first approaches.

This is a crucial distinction that can make all the difference in your success and overall health. When we prioritize weight loss above everything else, we often fall into the trap of extreme dieting, restriction, and deprivation. We cut out entire food groups, we slash our calorie intake to unsustainable levels, and push ourselves to the brink of exhaustion with intense exercise routines. And while these tactics may lead to short term weight loss, they rarely lead to lasting results.

In fact, the weight loss first approach can actually backfire in a huge way. When we deprive ourselves of the foods that we love and push our bodies to the limit, we set ourselves up for the vicious cycle of yoyo dieting. We may lose weight initially, but as soon as we start to incorporate those foods back into our diet, or ease up on our extreme exercise routine, the weight comes right back on.

And that’s not even touching on the mental and emotional toll of this approach. When we’re constantly restricting and depriving ourselves, we’re not only miserable, but we’re also more likely to binge or overeat when we inevitably quote, unquote, fall off the wagon. It’s a recipe for frustration, disappointment, and a seriously unhealthy relationship with food in our bodies.

But what if we flip the script and prioritized our health first? What if instead of focusing solely on the number on the scale, we actually focused on beating our bodies with wholesome nutrients dense food. What if we focused on finding joy in movement and exercise rather than using exercise to punish ourselves?

When we adopt the health first approach, we shift our mindset from one of deprivation and restriction to one of abundance and self-care. We start to make choices based on what makes us feel good, both physically and mentally. We prioritize sleep, stress management, and self-care practices that support our overall well-being.

And here’s the amazing thing. When we prioritize our health, weight loss often flows naturally. By nourishing our bodies with the right foods and engaging in activities that bring us joy, we create a foundation for lasting, sustainable weight loss.

But it’s not just about the end result. By focusing on our health first, we also create a more positive, empowering relationship with our bodies. We learn to appreciate and celebrate our strengths rather than fixating on our perceived flaws. And we develop a sense of confidence and self-worth that extends far beyond the number on the scale.

So, if you’re stuck in the start stop cycle of yoyo dieting, I want to invite you to consider a different approach. Prioritize your health, focus on nourishing your body and mind, and trust that the rest will fall into place. It may not be the quick fix that we’re often promised, but it’s the path to lasting, sustainable success, and a truly healthy body.

Now, I know what you might be thinking. Elizabeth, doing just a little bit isn’t going to work for me. I need to go all in if I want to see results. But hear me out. I am a huge proponent of doing the bare freaking minimum.

Now, why would you work out for an hour if you can get the results that you need in only 20 minutes? It’s not about how much you do. It’s about being consistent with what you can realistically manage. This is where the concept of B minus work comes in. It’s about being compassionate with ourselves and recognizing that we don’t have to be perfect in order to make progress. In fact, striving for perfection is often what holds us back.

When we set bare minimum consistency goals, we’re not biting off more than we can chew. We’re testing the waters to see what we can sustainably commit to. And here’s the thing, those small, consistent efforts add up over time.

One of my clients, Lisa, when she first started working with me, she was convinced that she needed to work out for an hour every single day to see results. But with two young kids and a full time job, that just wasn’t realistic. So, we started out with a bare minimum goal of 10 minutes of walking three times a week.

Now at first, Lisa was skeptical, admittedly. But as she started to build the habit and see benefit from those short walks, she had more energy, better mood, improved sleep, she started to trust the process. And as she built that trust, she was able to gradually increase her commitment over time.

Fast forward six months and Lisa was consistently working out for 30 minutes, five times a week. She had lost weight, yes. But more importantly, she had gained a sense of confidence and control over her health that she had never experienced before. And that’s the real power of bare minimum consistency. It builds the skill of self-trust.

When we consistently follow through on the commitments that we make to ourselves, no matter how small, we start to believe in our own ability to create change. We develop the discipline and consistency that are the true foundations of lasting success.

So, if you’re struggling to stick with your health habits, I want to invite you to start small, set a bare minimum goal that you know that you can commit to. Whether it’s 10 minutes of walking or one serving of vegetables a day. And then, show up for yourself day after day, week after week. Trust the process and watch as those small victories start to add up to big life changing results.

So, let’s talk about the importance of enjoying the process and finding balance in your health journey. Because here’s the truth. If you’re not enjoying what you’re doing, if you’re feeling deprived, restricted, or resentful, you’re not going to stick with it long term. No matter how great the results might be.

I know that balancing your health with all of life’s demands can feel like an uphill battle. You’ve got work, family, and social obligations. It’s a lot to juggle. And when things get stressful or overwhelming, it’s easy to let your own needs fall by the wayside.

But here’s the thing. Putting your own plans and your own health on hold doesn’t serve you in the long run. In fact, it can lead to burnout, resentment, and a host of physical and mental health issues down the line.

So, how do you find that balance? How do you prioritize your health without feeling like you’re sacrificing everything else? Well, it starts with finding ways to enjoy the process. And that means focusing on foods that nourish your body and taste amazing. It means finding forms of movement that feel good and bring you joy. Whether that’s dancing, hiking, or playing with your kids. It means creating a self-care routine that feels indulgent and restorative, not like another chore on your to do list.

And when you start to shift your mindset and focus on the pleasure and satisfaction that comes along with taking care of yourself, it becomes so much easier to stay consistent. You’re not just going through the motions; you’re actively looking forward to and enjoying the habits that support your health.

Now, I’m not saying that it’s always going to be easy. There will be days when life gets in the way, when you’re tired, when you’re stressed, or you’re just not feeling it. And that’s totally okay. The key is to have compassion for yourself in those moments and to find ways to adapt and adjust rather than throwing in the towel altogether.

Maybe that means doing a shorter workout or opting for a quick nutritious meal instead of spending hours in the kitchen. Maybe it means saying no to some social obligations or delegating some tasks at work so that you can carve out a little bit more time for yourself.

The point is that your health and well-being deserve to be a priority. And when you start to approach the process with a sense of joy, curiosity, and self-compassion, it becomes so much easier to find that balance and create lasting sustainable change.

So, my challenge to you is this. Start small. Look for one way to bring more pleasure and enjoyment to your health routine this week. Maybe it’s trying a new recipe, going for a walk in nature, or taking a relaxing bath before bed. Whatever it is. Let it be a reminder that taking care of yourself isn’t a chore, it’s actually a gift. And it’s one that you deserve to give to yourself each and every single day.

What about perfectionist thinking and how it can sabotage your health journey? Here’s the thing. That start, stop cycle that we talked about earlier, it’s often rooted in an all or nothing attitude and a belief that if we’re not doing things perfectly, we might as well not do them at all.

If you’ve ever found yourself thinking, I already messed up my diet today, so I may as well just go all in and eat whatever I want and start again tomorrow. Or I don’t have time for a full workout, so, why even try? Then, you know exactly what I’m talking about.

But here’s the thing, Perfectionism is a trap. It’s an impossible standard that keeps us stuck in a cycle of self-doubt, self-criticism, and ultimately self-sabotage. So, how do you break free from perfectionistic thinking? Well, one, it starts with embracing a more moderate, flexible approach to health. And that’s where concepts like B minus habits, bare minimums, and it all adds up come in.

These are all about letting go of the all or nothing mentality and finding ways to make progress even when you can’t do things perfectly. B Habits are about aiming for good enough instead of perfect. It’s about recognizing that B Minus effort, done consistently is going to yield far better results than A plus effort that you can only sustain for a week.

Bare minimums are about setting small, achievable goals that you can commit to even on your busiest, most stressful days. It’s about asking yourself, what’s the bare minimum that I can do today to support my health? And then, doing that, no matter what. And then, it all adds up is about recognizing that small consistent actions compound over time.

It’s about trusting that even the tiniest steps forward are moving you in the right direction and that every choice you make is in service of your health that counts. When you start to embrace these concepts and let go of that perfectionistic thinking, amazing things can happen.

You can start to see setbacks as opportunities to learn and adjust rather than proof that you failed. You start to approach your health with a sense of curiosity and experimentation rather than rigid rules and restrictions. And most importantly, you start to treat yourself with the compassion and kindness that you deserve. You recognize that you’re human, and that you’re doing the best that you can. And that every step forward is worth celebrating.

If you’re ready to break free from perfectionistic thinking and start approaching your health with a more flexible, compassionate mindset, start by choosing one small, achievable goal that you can commit to this week. It might be drinking an extra glass of water each day, or going for a 10 minute walk after dinner, or adding one serving of vegetables to your plate. Whatever it is, let it be a reminder that progress, not perfection is what counts. And trust that as you continue to show up for yourself day after day, those small steps will start to add up to big, life changing results.

All right, friends, we’ve covered a lot of ground today. And we’ve talked about the pitfalls of the taking a break mentality and the importance of prioritizing your health over weight loss. The power of bare minimum consistency, and the joy that comes from finding balance and embracing imperfect action.

But here’s the most important thing that I want you to take away from this episode. You are worthy of health and happiness exactly as you are. You don’t have to earn it through perfect behavior, or superhuman willpower. You just have to show up for yourself day after day with compassion and consistency.

And if you’re ready to take that next step and start building the habits that will support you on this journey, I want to invite you to join my free Facebook group, The 8 Basic Habits That Healthy Women in Midlife Do. It’s a community of like-minded women who are all working towards the same goal. Creating a healthy, happy life, that they love.

And if you’re struggling to stay consistent, if you find yourself saying, I know what to do, I’m just not doing it. Then, I want you to know that you don’t have to go it alone. Scheduling a strategy call with me can be the first step towards breaking through those blocks and creating lasting change. Go to

Because here’s the thing. Working with a coach long term isn’t just about achieving a specific goal or reaching a certain number on the scale. It’s about having someone in your corner who can help you navigate the challenges, celebrate the victories, and keep you anchored in your own worth and wisdom.

So, if you’re ready to break free from the start stop cycle to embrace imperfect action and find joy in the journey, then I want to invite you to take that first step today. Join the Facebook group, schedule a call, and let’s start building the healthy, happy life that you deserve. Because you, my friend, are worth it. And I believe in you every step of the way.

That’s all I have for you today. Have an amazing week, everyone. I’ll talk to you next time. Bye-bye.

Thanks for staying with us till the end of this episode. If you’re looking to deepen your understanding of the ‘8 Basic Habits that Healthy People Do’ and want to connect with a community of like-minded women, I warmly invite you to join our free Facebook group, ‘8 Basic Habits that Women in Midlife Do’.

In this group, we expand on the habits discussed today, sharing experiences, offering support, and celebrating our health journeys together. It’s a space where you can feel understood and encouraged.

To join, simply click the link in our show notes. Let’s support and inspire each other in our quest for better health. See you in the group!

Enjoy the Show?

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