Done with Dieting Episode #101: Meal Prep with Allison Schaaf

Do you dread the age-old question: What do you want to have for dinner? It’s enough to drive anyone crazy because no one in your family (who you’re polling) is any help, yet they’re long on feedback when dinner’s about to be served. I coach on this a lot with my clients – you’re not alone. On today’s podcast, I’m interviewing Allison Schaaf, the creator of PrepDish, which is similar to the meal delivery kits, but not. It’s super affordable, value-packed, and easy. On our episode today, we’re talking all about meal prep – how to get organized, how to plan your meals, what to do ahead of time, and everything that you need to feel like you have a handle on your and your family’s nutrition. Listen to today’s podcast to learn more about how to get a handle on that dreaded question & she even has a free Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #84: How to Create Your Own Meal Plan

Design a capsule wardrobe for your meals. Have you ever had someone create a meal plan for you, but it didn’t work out really well? Or, maybe there was a time when it did, but then years later when you pulled it out of the cabinet & dusted it off, you couldn’t get back on track. In this episode of the Done with Dieting Podcast, I’m going to teach you the exact steps I use with my clients to help them create their own meal plans, or what I call food uniforms.  What I love about this approach is that it: Get a pen and paper because You’re going to want to take notes. What You’ll Learn from this Episode Listen to the Full Episode: Featured on the Show: Full Episode Transcript: Hi, have you ever had someone create a meal plan for you, but it didn’t work out really Read More . . .