Major Muscles Worked:


Set Up:

  1. Stand with your feet closer than hip width apart. Feet should be parallel to each other.
  2. Hold one dumbbell in each hand by your sides.
  3. Chest is up, shoulders are back.

The Movement:

  1. With your palms facing each other, slightly bend your elbows.
    Relax your shoulders down away from your ears.
  2. Keeping the bend in your arms the same, arc your elbows out and up so that you’re lifting the weights towards the ceiling.
    Keep your torso stationary.
  3. At the top of the motion, slightly rotate your hands down so that your pinky fingers are closer to the ceiling than your thumbs.
  4. Reverse the motion, and lower the weights with control.

Specific Cues:

  • If your torso is moving a lot, you may need lighter weights.
  • Think about the movement as coming from your elbows – versus lifting the weights.
  • The movement is similar to you pouring water from a pitcher.