You know that a good health is the foundation of a successful life – at home and work. Yet, you face real challenges… making it tough to improve or maintain your health and wellness, including getting fit, losing weight, eating better, and managing your stress and health risks. You need a new approach. Not a quick fix, nor one that tells you what you should do and how you should do it. You need a personalized program which deals with your unique situation and barriers to success, while helping you make changes that last. And because the way we do things, you don’t have to live in Austin, Texas to benefit from our services.
Total Health by Elizabeth is your solution. I can help you reach health goals you are struggling to reach alone.
What Total Health by Elizabeth does…
- I focus on the Four Pillars of Health: Stress Management, Sleep Management, Proper Nutrition and Activity. I help you make long-lasting changes and reach a higher level of wellness, through telephone coaching sessions and a private website with everything you need to reach your goals.
- I help you develop your vision of health, aligning what’s most important to you with your health goals.
- I help you through the process of growing into health.
- In the end, YOU are empowered to reach or even exceed your health goals …. overcoming obstacles along the way!
What does better health look like for you?
- Health Coaching
- Group Support Services (Health with Friends)