House Hunters International
We had the opportunity to be on House Hunters International after we moved to Mexico.
It was a fun experience, and even though we filmed about 40 hours, and that got boiled down to 22 minutes, we were happy with the result.
Unf*ck Your Brain Podcast with Kara Lowentheil
Ep# 258: Myths about Women in Midlife: A Conversation with Karen Anderson, Elizabeth Sherman, and Jill Angie
Something that breaks my heart is how women who are in midlife, or even younger, start having this thought pattern that their life is over, it’s too late to change things, or that their lot in life is chosen and it’s all downhill from this point onwards. I’ve seen this pattern only get worse over time, but the great news is these thoughts aren’t facts.
To declare that your life is over in midlife is just a mindset that’s going to negatively contribute to you feeling old or out of the loop. There are incredible things we can look forward to and celebrate about aging, and to discuss the myths of women in midlife and how we can begin unwinding the stereotypes, I’m sitting down with three of my ACFC students, Karen Anderson, Elizabeth Sherman, and Jill Angie.
Join us on this episode as we discuss the socialization we receive around what it means to be a woman in midlife, and how it works against us. We’re touching on various challenges many women face in this stage of life, from a fear of feeling invisible or irrelevant, ageism in the workforce, to being a caretaker, and how we can begin renegotiating what middle age means for us.
Confidence Made Easy Podcast with Xena Jones
EPISODE #79 – Body Image, Diet Culture & Weight Loss With Elizabeth Sherman
Today we have a special guest! My friend & health Coach Elizabeth Sherman.
- Here are some of the many topics we discuss:
- How we have been socialised as women to not be happy with our bodies
- The harm of diet culture & learning to listen to your own body
- How there is no one right way
- How most women like their faces the most because this what we have mostly been exposed to
- My big aha: It doesn’t taste better if you keep eating it
- Changing your self-concept (for me becoming a person who leaves food on her plate)
Mastering Coaching Skills Podcast with Lindsay Dotzlaf
Ep #30: Combining Mindset and Action with Elizabeth Sherman
Sometimes in Coaching Masters, my clients have such an incredible and transformative experience that they sign up for a second round. And my guest this week, having seen the amazing results she was getting, decided to do exactly that. She made $74 in March of 2020, but over the past 12 months she’s made over $100K, and it has everything to do with her coaching skills.
Elizabeth Sherman is a coach who helps women in midlife lose weight without dieting. She teaches her clients to listen to their body, understand their relationship with food, and change the way they think about exercise so they can lose weight without worrying about counting calories. Elizabeth also takes an approach that combines mindset coaching with real actionable steps for her clients to take, which is something I absolutely love about her.
Tune in this week as I discuss with Elizabeth the impact that working on her coaching skills has had in her business. She’s sharing every aspect of this journey over the past 15 years, and why she is going in for a second round of Coaching Masters, despite already seeing the kind of results she could only dream of just a couple of years ago.
Ep #59: Balancing Strategy and Mindset Across 3 Different Niches
I have another incredible panel of ladies on the show for you this week. I got so many gems out of this conversation myself, and seeing the overlaps between these different coaches is truly eye-opening, so I know you’re going to love this episode.
Michelle Runnels is a parenting expert and life coach for moms who helps women raising children center into their own lives so they can parent in a way that makes them feel proud, powerful, and joyful.
Elizabeth Sherman is a life and weight loss coach who helps women in midlife who want to lose weight but are completely done with dieting, so they can change their relationship with their food, exercise, and with their bodies.
Brittney Stefanic is the founder of Sleeper Teachers, which helps moms, as well as the whole family, get better sleep, and she also does some business coaching on the side.
Tune in this week to hear the surprising similarities between these amazing coaches all with very different niches. They’re sharing how they help their clients, the importance of combining mindset with the strategy you use as a coach, and of course, their experience of working with me in Coaching Masters.
Fit Strong Women Over 50 Podcast
Done With Dieting with Elizabeth Sherman Ep 78
In episode 78, Jill and Chris talk with Elizabeth Sherman about the problems with dieting and willpower.
Elizabeth is a life and weight loss coach who works with women in mid-life to lose weight and feel better through managing easy to do, sustainable habits: diet, exercise, sleep, and stress management. Using certain cues, including cravings, hunger, energy, stress (mood), and sleep, she helps individuals design the right health program for their body and lifestyle, and address obstacles and barriers.
“We can achieve optimal health; which leads to better energy, focus, productivity, relationships, and happiness in our lives.”
Elizabeth is a Chicago native, who now lives in Puerto Morelos Mexico and meets with her clients online. She is a certified life coach, nutritionist, personal trainer, and health coach.
This Organized Life Podcast
Ep 217: Weight Loss Journey with Elizabeth Sherman
I am so excited to share today’s guest with you. Joining me is health and wellness coach, Elizabeth Sherman. Elizabeth works with folks to design the right health program for their body and lifestyle. Her core demographic are women in their forties who may be struggling keeping weight off, and changing habits that no longer work like they may have in their 20’s & 30’s.
Yes, she may as well have been speaking to me directly!
Elizabeth has been through her own weight loss journey which she shares on the show. During our conversation we talk about:
- The pivotal moment that was her “wake up call” that something had to change
- Where to begin? Elizabeth shares her first step into creating new habits
- What to do when you have a setback along the way
- What habits and routines she has adopted to support her new and improved lifestyle
- Common obstacles that her clients face and how to overcome them
I loved her simple, honest and down to earth approach and suspect you will too! She is also offering our listeners a free mini-session with her, so make sure to check out the link in our show notes.
The Tracy O Show
Getting through the Holidays and setting New Year’s Goals that we can actually stick to.
Most of us are very excited about leaving 2020 in the dust and moving on to a brighter year…but will replacing a 0 with a 1 really change things? On this episode Life Coach Elizabeth Sherman teaches us very do-able methods we can use in real life to give us the life we’ve been longing for. Side note: If you love Elizabeth (and you will) you may also want to go back and listen to Episode 30 which also featured Elizabeth.
T2 Nutrition and Wellness
We are all looking for a little more joy and happiness in our lives. Most people do not recognize that your health plays a huge role in acquiring these precious aspects of life. If you have limiting beliefs that stand in the way of becoming the best version of your self physically, odds are those same beliefs will hinder your pursuit of the joy and happiness you deserve as well.
This was such a fun episode to do!
Life in HD
On this episode of Life in HD we talked about the continued need for self-care now that we are 4 months into social distancing and self-isolation.
Knockin Doorz Down
I had the opportunity to chat with Jason, this amazing podcast host about adversity & how we overcome the curveballs that life throws us.
How do we become resilient and change our habits so that we can live the life we desire versus moving forward on auto-pilot?
The Imagine Yourself Podcast

This podcast was recorded while we were self-quarantining.
We addressed the stress that so many of us have felt during this time about our weight gain & eating treats while we’ve been sheltering in place.
If you’ve been feeling like you’ve gained a bit more weight than you would have liked, and are looking for techniques to get back to a healthier weight, take a listen.
The GCast
I had the pleasure of chatting with my long-time friend, Glenn Revell on his podcast, The GCast! This podcast was recorded during Sheltering In Place during the COVID 19 breakout.
We addressed what to do when feeling out of control/depressed or anxious, what to do instead of eating your entire kitchen even though you’re not hungry, how to manage the stress of it all, and where to start when feeling completely out of control with everything going on.
Life in HD
How are you managing while working at home? Taking a few too many rounds through the kitchen during your day? Last week, I was talking to Joe Lee on his podcast about how to manage your health while sheltering in place.
Joe & I talked about strategies to stop boredom eating, how to exercise even if don’t have the equipment or can’t go out, and touched on stress management too.
My favorite quote was when his daughter said that she was eating out of boredom because her mouth was lonely!
The Tracy O Show
Dr E’s Highway to Health Show
You’ve been there before… You’re convinced you want to start doing something different. Maybe exercising, eating differently, meditating, going to bed early… And you begin doing it! But, after a few days, it starts feeling more like a chore… You miss a day here, another day there, and next time you realize, you’ve completely fallen off the wagon and are back to your old routines.
In this episode, Elizabeth Sherman shares with us some of the strategies she uses to help her clients adopt new, healthy habits for life.
Click here to listen or watch the interview!
Curious Monki Podcast

Here’s a question – why is it so hard to develop good habits like eating healthy even when we know what’s good for us? Or even more intriguing – what makes some behaviors stick even when it gets hard (ex. eating healthy even while on vacation…that’s some major willpower) versus habits that slide right off at the first sight of difficulty?
Elizabeth Sherman, Executive Health Coach, has been pondering this question for the last decade. Over the past 12 years, she’s helped hundreds of people achieve optimal health for them through staying consistent with the basics, getting a little bit better every day, and having self-compassion on those days when we thing we ‘should’ be more. Lucky for us, she’s here to share her findings with
with us in this episode! The topic of health & fitness, and in specific, healthy habits first dawned on her after her mother had passed away from breast cancer. Elizabeth was motivated to understand how she could stay as healthy as possible. As she puts it, she thought that
“once I found that magic pill, everything would be easy”
Click Here to read more & listen
Room to Grow Podcast
One of the best parts of this episode was the section around Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Elizabeth covers some of the main areas that we can use to re-program ourselves with new habits by modifying unconscious routines and old belief systems we may have had in place for years without realizing it
This is a tool that can make all the difference to building new habits and breaking old ones that are no longer serving us. Elizabeth teaches us the full cycle that NLP dives into, including that the words that we use matter, our experiences dictate our thoughts, and that there are logical levels of change:
- Environment
- Behaviours
- Capability
- Beliefs & Values
- Identity
Some of the other major takeaways from this episode:
- The hormonal impact of our food choices, sleep, and exercise on the other areas of our life.
- Why our bodies become more sensitive to our environments with age and what to do about it
- Learning how to understand the way our bodies communicate to us
- How to use a fictional version of your future self to help guide your desired behaviours
Listen to the Room to Grow Podcast here.
Concierge Coach’s Show
I had the opportunity to be a guest on The Concierge Coaches Show on LA Talk Radio. I got to talk a little bit about my back story – how I grew into becoming a health coach – as well as a few client stories, and how I work with my clients.
If you’re confused about what a coach is – how I’m different than a personal trainer, or what I can do to help you succeed – Listen here. It’s 45 minutes.
Executive Health Coach, Elizabeth Sherman shared her powerful personal journey through some health struggles, how she found total health for herself, and how she coaches high functioning executives, and entrepreneurs to change their life using simple and sustainable habits. Hence, Total Health by Elizabeth.
Go Hunt Life Podcast
Gary and I were interviewed by Todd Nevins about our move down to Mexico for his Go Hunt Life! podcast.
Todd interviews people who have pulled the ripcord on life and have made a big change. It was a fun conversation! And we realized that we have a number of mutual friends with Todd – pretty cool.
Gary was a Chief Technology Officer for a Software company and Elizabeth was a Director of Fitness at a Country Club.
They now live full-time in a beach town in Mexico but Gary is still the CTO for that software company and Elizabeth has built her own business as a Health Coach.
“We felt like our lives were running us instead of us running our lives.”
– Elizabeth Sherman –
They spent over a year redesigning their lives that enabled them to sell the house, the cars and everything they owned down to a Jeep Wrangler and a trailer. They road tripped through Mexico and have lived in and worked from Puerto Morelos Mexico for a year.
Check it out – Dodging Goats and Selling it All For a Life Working in and from Mexico
In the Media
bodybugg® News story featuring Elizabeth
Finally available to Austinites without a big-box gym membership, Apex’s bodybugg® takes the guess work out of counting calories. Originally released only to 24 Hour Fitnesses in Austin a few years back, Apex has opened distribution of its revolutionary product to other outlets. Total Health by Elizabeth is one of the first licensed dealers and trained coaches that use the bodybugg®, and the results are truly amazing. Read more…