Goal Setting Series #4: Maintaining Motivation

“Motivation is not merely a fleeting spark but a flame we can tend to.”  Join me as I dive into the intricate realm of sustaining motivation, navigating its fickle nature, and discovering the tools to keep it burning bright even on the darkest days.  Through shared experiences and proven strategies, this episode will empower you to conquer slumps and find delight in the journey. Unpacking the potency of profound emotions and cherishing seemingly small victories, you will learn practical tools to fuel your drive while chasing your aspirations. I also want to give a big shout-out to all of you who have been on this journey with me throughout this goal-setting series. Your continuous drive to push forward, celebrate victories, and believe in yourselves is both inspiring and empowering.  It’s worth remembering that it’s not solely the attainment of your goals that matters, but the joy and fulfillment derived from Read More . . .

Goal Setting Series #2: Understanding and Overcoming Myths

What if the major roadblocks hindering your progress are not your capabilities but the myths surrounding goal-setting you’ve subscribed to? Join me, as we debunk common misconceptions about goal setting, especially those that might be wreaking havoc in your midlife transition.  Together, we’ll uncover the truths and reshape our perspective towards setting goals – those that are not only achievable but also fulfilling. Let’s move away from the overwhelming belief of making sweeping changes all at once or solely relying on willpower, and instead, focus on making small yet sustainable changes that harmonize with your current life situation. Are you ready to challenge the widely held beliefs that often trap us in a cycle of frustration and disappointment? Tune in as I share insights and practical strategies for setting goals that align with who you are and the unique circumstances of your life.  I explore the importance of setting realistic Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #150: Setting Goals and Missing Marks: A Raw Recap

Here’s a powerful notion to consider: What if falling short of your goal was the best thing that could happen to you?  In this episode, I recount the highs and lows of the past year, celebrating the podcast milestones and embracing the detours, like rebranding and unforeseen setbacks.  If your expectations are tied to societal norms, let’s shake them up a bit. Personal freedom is at the core of our discussion as we wade through the waters of change and personal growth. I reassess my goals and champion the idea of embracing life’s imperfections. So, prepare yourself, the journey to personal growth isn’t about perfection but more about resilience in the face of adversity.  Lastly, I have a heart-to-heart about celebrating small behavioral victories over grand end goals. It’s easy to get disheartened when we don’t meet our lofty goals, but what if we shift our focus to smaller, more Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #26: Goal Setting

They say that a goal without a plan is a wish. When we decide that we want to lose weight, run a 5k, or even do something as simple as eating healthier, we know what we want, but often, we don’t spend the time to figure out how it’s going to get done. Sometimes, we think about accomplishing something, and although the idea of having that thing is appealing, we don’t want to do the work to make it happen. But when something IS important, something that we really really want, a little bit of forethought can really help to aid in success. In this episode, you’ll learn how to set goals, and then follow through using the obstacles and barriers that perceive to make us successful. What you’ll Learn from this Episode Listen to the Full Episode: Featured on the Show: Full Episode Transcript: You are listening to the Read More . . .

What do you say to yourself?

Have I mentioned lately how much I love my bodybugg? I also have the display device which, when I originally got it, didn't think it was that useful. After all, I uploaded my information on a pretty consistent basis – twice or three times a day. Since it doesn't take that long to upload the data from the armband, it was really easy for me to keep track of the number of calories I was burning. Well, once I got the digital display, I realized that I didn't need to update as often as I had been doing, because the digital display allows me to see almost real time how many calories I'm burning. Yes, Exactly! It allows me to be even more anal retentive than I had been before! So anyway, I recently set a goal to burn 100 calories per hour, or 2400 calories per day. I burn Read More . . .

Total Health in Midlife Episode #181: Reducing Friction

Ever find yourself struggling to stick to healthy habits despite knowing their benefits?  In this episode, I uncover the secrets to making healthier choices with less effort by focusing on the concept of reducing friction. Listen in as I explore the small obstacles that make sticking to health plans challenging and share practical strategies to remove these barriers.  I’ll discuss the motivational triad and how our brains are wired to seek immediate pleasure, making habit formation difficult. By addressing our internal dialogue and the simple reasons behind our resistance—like convenience, time constraints, and discomfort—we can create a smoother path to achieving our health goals. I also tackle common hurdles in maintaining healthy habits such as staying hydrated and meal prepping. Learn how keeping water accessible and using partial prep techniques can simplify cooking and make healthy eating more manageable.  Additionally, discover how making healthy snacks more visible and accessible can Read More . . .

Total Health in Midlife Episode #175: Deciding Ahead of Time

Welcome back to another enlightening session of the Total Health in Midlife podcast where I, your host Elizabeth Sherman, share transformative strategies for aligning your actions with your health goals.  Today’s discussion unpacks the crucial technique of deciding ahead of time, a revelation that’s been instrumental in my coaching and personal life. Listen in as we explore the gap between intention and action and why it’s not a matter of discipline, but about understanding the subconscious objections that prevent us from following through with our health habits. Have you ever found yourself wondering why the fitness plans you set with so much enthusiasm often crumble? It’s not uncommon to overestimate our future motivation, and that’s why our conversation today is centered around building self-trust through realistic and adaptable planning.  Join me as we emphasize the significance of flexibility, enjoyment, and starting small in creating a sustainable health routine. We also Read More . . .

Total Health in Midlife Episode #172: The Paradox of Body Acceptance

Have you ever felt at war with your own reflection?  Join me as we step into the emotional battleground of body image and acceptance, with a focus on the midlife experience. This episode is a heart-to-heart about the conflicting messages we receive on self-worth and physical appearance, dissecting how societal expectations can lead to feelings of inadequacy, and offering a compassionate space to explore these complex emotions.  From personal anecdotes to the wider societal context, we navigate the intricacies of body neutrality, body positivity, and the Health at Every Size movement, providing a supportive backdrop for listeners facing similar journeys. Amidst the pressures of looking a certain way, especially during midlife, can we find peace with our changing bodies? Our conversation reveals the harsh realities of fatphobia but also unpacks the liberating philosophies that can lead us to self-compassion.  As we dive into the paradoxes of striving for change while Read More . . .

Total Health in Midlife Episode #169: Making Decisions w/ Kimberly Mathis

Ever find yourself standing at life’s crossroads, overwhelmed by the buffet of choices laid out before you? Joining us on this journey through the labyrinth of decision-making is the insightful Kimberly Mathis, who pivoted her career from therapy to coaching.  Now, she’s here to guide us with her lantern of wisdom. We kick things off by dissecting decision fatigue, those sneakily impactful choices that shape our daily routines, and the significance of aligning our actions with our deepest values—even when life throws us curveballs. If you’ve ever felt the weight of societal expectations crushing your health and fitness goals, you’ll find solace and strategy in our candid discussion. We tackle the cultural pressures women face, urging us to play multifaceted roles while maintaining an often unrealistic health regimen.  Together, we uncover how to redefine success on a personal level and discuss why neurodivergent individuals might face distinct challenges in crafting Read More . . .

Total Health in Midlife Episode #165: Stages of Commitment

Imagine being able to unravel the intricate layers of commitment to your own health, and actually understand how to convert that understanding into a life-transforming action. Just picture it, this episode is your guide to taking bold steps toward purposeful living and well-being, moving beyond the conventional notions of diet and exercise.  I’ll expose the hidden obstacles that could be hindering your health commitment and equip you with effective strategies to overcome them.  Let’s dive into the essence of commitment and how it affects various aspects of our lives, especially health. I’ll consider the different levels of commitment from the lack of it to expecting results without putting in effort.  I also learn about the invaluable role of a health coach and how to attain a balance where health bolsters every other aspect of your life. Not only will I discuss how the powerful 10-scale tool can help you evaluate Read More . . .

Total Health in Midlife Episode #164: I Know What to Do. I’m Just Not Doing It!

My journey from a health professional battling with my own vices to someone who preaches wellness wasn’t an overnight transformation. It began with a heart-wrenching wake-up call during my mother’s illness and led me down a path of discovery—realizing that knowledge alone isn’t enough to foster the change we seek.  That’s why we’re unwrapping the complex layers that lie between understanding health and living it, highlighting the indispensable role of personalized coaching. By sharing my own experiences, I aim to illuminate how tailored insights and accountability can revolutionize our approach, turning information into action for a healthier, more fulfilling life. This episode isn’t just about what to do; it’s about setting goals that resonate and creating a vision that sticks. We dissect the SMART framework to show how effective goal-setting can lead to remarkable achievements when aligned with personal values.  As we explore the need for regular check-ins and customized Read More . . .

Total Health in Midlife Episode #163: Men’s Midlife Health w/ Craig Spear

What happens when the invincibility of youth starts to fade, and the reality of aging and health decline sets in? Can men truly embrace self-care and emotional vulnerability as they cross over the age of 40?  Join us as we navigate these thought-provoking questions with the unique insights of our esteemed guest, Craig Spear, a renowned men’s health and weight loss coach.  Craig Spear, once a professional athlete and now a passionate advocate for men’s health, shares his journey and his mission to help men, particularly those over 40. He dives into his experiences of creating inclusive gym environments and explores the emotional pain and fears many men face that lead them to seek help.  With Craig’s expert guidance, we uncover the obstacles around self-care and emotional engagement, offering pragmatic advice on overcoming these hurdles. This deep-dive conversation unravels the complexities around defining optimal health and how it varies for Read More . . .

Total Health in Midlife Episode #161: People Pleasing & Self-Care

Are your health habits taking a backseat to your people-pleasing tendencies?  Break free from the cycle with me, Elizabeth Sherman, as I tackle the subtle ways saying ‘yes’ too often can negatively impact your well-being. As I share my personal experiences and professional insights, I shed light on the often-overlooked connection between people-pleasing behaviors and personal health choices.  From the family table where we silence our dietary preferences to the workplace, where we overcommit at the cost of our exercise routines, we explore the ramifications of not voicing our needs. Join me to learn how to set boundaries and choose self-care without an ounce of guilt. This episode is a heart-to-heart for anyone, particularly women in midlife, who feels the tug-of-war between caring for others and caring for oneself. As we navigate the complex landscape of hormonal changes, energy management, and food choices, we underscore the importance of self-respect and Read More . . .

Total Health in Midlife Episode #158: The Ripple Effect of Self-Care

I’ll never forget the day I realized self-care wasn’t just about me. It was during a particularly hectic week when, despite the chaos, I took time for a morning walk and it astonishingly transformed my entire day, making me more present for my family and more productive at work.  In this episode, we’ll traverse the misunderstood landscape of self-care, especially during the transformative midlife years. Join me, Elizabeth Sherman, as I debunk the myth of self-care as a selfish luxury and reframe it as an essential practice that radiates benefits well beyond oneself.  I’ll share stories and insights drawn from my coaching experiences that illuminate how investing in our well-being enriches every role we play—from parenting to professional endeavors. We’ll also examine Maria’s inspiring narrative, showcasing how integrating simple health habits like hydration, quality sleep, and mindful eating can catalyze profound improvements across various facets of life. I’ll provide you Read More . . .

Total Health in Midlife Episode #157: Listening to Your Body with Lisa & Stephanie

Ever wondered how two ordinary women, Lisa and Stephanie, navigated their struggles with weight and body image?  Join us as they share their inspiring stories, from discovering intuitive eating and the Feel Good Sisterhood to overcoming menopause setbacks. You’ll be captivated by their resilience in the face of adversity and their pursuit of self-confidence and body positivity.  We break away from the common gym culture and delve into the importance of finding enjoyable, sustainable forms of exercise. Be inspired by our guests’ experiences with a year-long program, where they learned to redefine their relationship with food and movement, supported by a sisterhood of women on the same journey.  Listen, as we unpack emotional eating, explore the complex mind-food connection, and reveal how to make healthier choices without succumbing to guilt and immediate cravings.  To wrap up, we celebrate the triumphant health transformations of Lisa and Stephanie, illustrating how aligning healthy Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #145: Discovering What You Want with Stacey Oliver-Knappe

Are you ready to join Stacey on her remarkable journey of self-discovery and personal transformation? This episode is a candid exploration of Stacey’s battle with weight, societal expectations, and her relationship with food. Starting from a young age, Stacey found herself on the exhausting roller coaster of dieting, a ride many of us know all too well. She’s generously sharing her raw and relatable experiences with us, hoping to inspire others to break free from the chains of societal pressures. Stacey’s transformation was not just about changing her diet; it also involved shifting her mindset and behaviors. She learned to listen to her body, becoming curious about her patterns and habits. This process propelled her to set personal goals which led to monumental shifts in her life, including leaving her corporate job to begin a consulting gig. We dive into the power of curiosity and how it can spur personal Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #139: End of History Illusion

What if you could break free from societal expectations and become the architect of your own life? Join me, as I guide you through my personal journey, highlighting how the ‘end of history illusion’ was holding me back and how overcoming it revolutionized my world. By sharing powerful strategies that have worked for me and many women I’ve coached, I aim to help you tackle this illusion that might be sabotaging your growth.  This episode will empower you to own your dreams and evolve into the best version of yourself. Learning to embrace failure, taking charge of your decisions, and setting clear goals can transform your life trajectory. I’ll share tips on how to focus on behavior rather than outcomes, the optional nature of timelines for goals, and the important perspective that obstacles are simply part of your progress.  As we journey together, I’ll invite you to dream big, intentionally Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #133: Investing in Her Future: Christine’s Story

What if you could transform your life, health, and mindset in the midst of a pandemic, parenthood, and personal challenges? Join me as I talk with Christine, who did just that, and is here to share her inspiring journey of personal growth and self-discovery. Christine faced a whirlwind of stressors – a new baby, a new home, her mother’s cancer diagnosis, and the ongoing pandemic – but she managed to turn her life around, all while working on her health and financial goals.  Together, we discuss the coaching process that helped Christine identify the root of her emotional eating, let go of others’ expectations, and build consistent routines for success. Her commitment to being a better role model for her kids, along with her husband’s unwavering support, played a crucial role in her personal transformation. But the magic doesn’t stop there – Christine also found empowerment and camaraderie in the Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #132: What Happens During a Consult Call?

Ever wondered what really goes down during a consult call with me?  Prepare to have the curtain lifted as I reveal the ins and outs of a consult call, including how it’s vastly different from your traditional sales or discovery calls. I’m here to empower, not to pressure – so sit back, relax, and discover what this transformative conversation could hold for you. In today’s episode, I will walk you through the importance of preparing for a consult call, setting aside uninterrupted time, and reflecting on your goals and challenges. I dig into the questions you can expect and discuss the crucial next steps in your health journey.  Ready to embark on a path toward a healthier, happier life? Grab your favorite beverage, and let’s dive in together! Chapter Summaries: What Happens on a Consult Call (0:00:06)  A consult call explores needs, goals, and challenges, and empowers decision-making without sales Read More . . .

Done with Dieting Episode #131: From Start to Success: The Coaching Process

Are you curious about life and health coaching and how it can help transform your life?  In this episode, I’m talking all about coaching and sharing how having a personal navigator on your life’s journey can help you become the best version of yourself. It’s time to turn your curiosity into action and discover the power of having a life and health coach by your side. Listen in as I share my experience as a life and health coach and how coaching goes beyond anything that you know in health and wellness, personal training, or nutrition. I discuss the importance of setting achievable goals, prioritizing self-care, and navigating life’s obstacles. I also explain the coaching consultation process, providing insights into what to expect during your first coaching session and how to prepare for it. If you’re ready to explore the possibilities that life and health coaching can offer, this episode Read More . . .