Set Up:
- Place a medium weight dumbbell at the top of the mat
- Stand facing the dumbbell at the back of the mat
- Chest up, shoulders back, feet hip width apart.
The Movement:
- Bend over & place your hands on the floor in front of you.
You can bend your knees if that’s necessary – depending on your flexibility. - Leaving your feet at the bottom of the mat, walk your hands out to the top of the mat, so that you are in a high plank position.
- Engage your core.
- With one hand, pick up the dumbbell, pulling it into your ribs; and place it back on the mat.
Review the Row motion here - With the other hand, perform the same motion.
- Walk your hands back to your feet
- Stand up to take some pressure off your lower back.
Specific Cues:
- Try to keep your hips square with the floor as you perform the row.
- Try to keep your weight even on both feet as you perform the rowing motion.
- You could put your knees down as you perform the row.
I don’t love this modification because it changes the rowing motion. If you do decide to do this, ensure that your hips are still tucked, creating a straight line between your shoulders and knees. And also make sure that you lift your knees up before completing the walkout back to standing. - If you have wrist issues, you can either fist your hands, or walk out on tented fingers.