Major Muscles Worked:


Set Up:

  1. Stand with your feet hip width apart or closer.
  2. Either hold the ends of one dumbbell in each hand, or hold one dumbbell in each hand.
  3. Chest is up, shoulders are back.

The Movement:

  1. Start by hinging at the hips. Lower your upper body to about a 45 degree angle.
  2. Keep your core engaged to support your lower back.
    Your back should stay flat. DO NOT ROUND YOUR BACK!
  3. Using gravity as resistance, start by shrugging your shoulders back towards each other.
    Relax your shoulders down away from your ears.
  4. Follow through with your elbows, lifting the weight into your rib cage.
  5. At the top of the motion, keeping your upper arms stationary, straighten your arms so that your hands extend towards your hips.
  6. Slowly, and with control. reverse the motion so that your forearms are perpendicular to the floor.

Specific Cues:

  • You may feel some fatigue in your lower back. Keep your core engaged to support your lower back.
  • Do not round your back.
  • You may feel tension in your hamstrings – this is okay. It means that your back is flat.
  • Keep your elbows glued to your side body. Pretend that there is a rod piercing elbows through your torso keeping everything fixed.
  • Do NOT swing the weight.
  • The movement is less than a 1/4 of a circle. from perpendicular to the floor to arms straight. You do not want to bring the weight close to your shoulder.

Tricep Kickbacks with Bands Variation

  • Set the anchor point of a band at waist height.
  • Back away from the anchor point (while still facing it) until there’s some tension in the band.
  • Follow the Set Up Directions from there.

1 Arm Kickbacks Variation

  • Get into a low lunge position.
  • Place your forearm on your front thigh, just above your knee.
  • Follow the Set Up Directions using one arm instead of two.


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