Major Muscles Worked:

Legs, Glutes, core

Set Up:

  1. Stand tall with your feet closer than hip width apart.
  2. Feet should be parallel to each other.
  3. Place the ball of one foot in the center of a slider.
    You can also use a paper plate, or towel (if you’re on hardwood or tile floors)

The Movement:

  1. Place most of your weight on the heel of your stable leg
  2. Carefully, slide the slider backwards, and bend your back knee at 90 degrees.
    When you’re initially doing this exercise, you may want to steady yourself with a chair or pole until you feel comfortable with the movement.
  3. Balance briefly between the front foot, and the ball of your back foot.
    Try to keep most of the weight on your front leg.
  4. Bend both knees, and lower .
  5. Press through the heel of the front foot, and drag the slider forward, to return to standing.

Make it Easier:

  • Place a chair to your side of the leg that isn’t moving. Stabilize your self by holding on to the chair with one hand.

Make it Harder:

  • Add weight – but ensure that your core stability doesn’t get compromised.

Specific Cues:

  • Look at yourself in the mirror for this move.
  • Your hips should be the same distance between your front and back feet.
  • Your front knee should not break the plane of your front toe.
  • Chest up, shoulders back. Look ahead – not at the ground.
  • Your head & chest will be positioned a little moreover your front thigh than with traditional lunges.
  • Make sure that the back knee is bending at 90 degrees, and not straight.
  • Do not let the back knee touch the ground, but rather, you want it to be just 1-3 inches off the ground.
  • At the bottom of the movement, both knees should be bent at a 90 degree angle.

See Also:

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