30 Day Challenge

Back in September I tried Bikram Yoga for the first time. I was undecided as far as the benefits go, and was pretty sure that my body was not meant to contort into some of the positions that the class was doing (specifically Eagle Pose & Fixed Firm); however, I decided to give it a try. I signed up for an unlimited 30 day membership (at an unbelievably affordable rate) & made the commitment to go.

Now, at this point, I need to confess that I have inherited frugality from my father. Or rather, I'm cheap. Plus, since I'm a personal trainer, I hate having to pay to exercise. There are lots of personal trainers who have separate gym memberships from where they work – that just seems crazy & a waste of money to me. But I digress… Because I hate paying to exercise, and because I am cheap, I went to yoga pretty much every day that my schedule afforded me to go – which ended up being 5-6 days per week.

What happened was amazing! Within the first 10 classes I saw vast improvements over my range of motion for many of the postures. What's really interesting is that soon thereafter it was as if my body said "Wait a minute – I gave up too much too soon," and I started backsliding. Since then, I've learned to really respect where my body is on any given day as far as what it is capable of doing. There are so many factors that seem to go into having a good class; sleep, prior day's workout, time of day, my diet.

Since January 1, 2008, I've committed to 30 classes within 30 days. I'm close to the end of that, but am considering extending to see if I can do 60! At this point, I'm not making huge strides in any particular pose, but am making noticeable changes  – nuances – as I am corrected my the instructors.

Oh yeah – and Eagle Pose & Fixed Firm? I can actually do those poses. My body is opening up & becoming more flexible so that postures I never thought were possible – are. Now if I could only get my head on the ground during Separate Leg Stretching… but I am getting close.