
Tame your Sweet Tooth with
The Sugar-Cravings Reset

A Five Day Sugar Reset designed to help you get control over your sweet tooth and learn how to have the treats you love in your life without any of the crazy side effects.

Starts April 17th, 2023

Join the Sugar-Cravings Reset Waitlist

Get Your Sugar Cravings Under Control

No one likes it when our thoughts get hijacked with cravings for sweet treats. But eating sugar can feel like a slippery slope.

We don't want to deny ourselves eating tasty treats, but we can unknowingly get sucked in to the sweet seduction of the chocolate lava cake. 

Ever Vow That today it'll be different?

You try to get your cravings under control. You say that today, I won't have that treat at 3 pm. "Today, I won't spoil my dinner."

But then as the time nears, you feel yourself weakening as you tell yourself, "One won't hurt." and you pop a chocolate covered almond into your mouth.

...and then you do it a few more times ...until you've lost count...

Feeling terrible, and full of regret, you wonder why you can't get ahold of your cravings!!

For $15 the Sugar-Cravings Reset will help you to reduce your sugar cravings so that you can enjoy eating the sweets around you without feeling like they're controlling you.

Reset your cravings so that you can feel in control around tempting treats once again!

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Is the Sugar-Cravings Reset Right for You?

The Sugar-Cravings Reset is a 5 day challenge for women who want to reel in their sugar cravings, stop feeling out of control around sweets, and get your sugar intake under control for good.

With your $30 Investment, you'll :
Day 1:

Set up your surroundings without throwing away the treats your family enjoys.

Day 2: 

The secret to breaking free from your 3 pm chocolate habit.

Day 3: 

The two skills you need in order to control your cravings for good.

Day 4: 

The greatest obstacle to lasting success. (no, it's not getting your jaw wired shut!)

Day 5: 

The one shift that's more powerful than being disciplined.

Hi, I'm Elizabeth!

I struggled for years to get off the sugar struggle-bus.

Every day I would promise myself that I wouldn't get into the chocolate, but sure enough come 3 pm, I'd find myself in front of the pantry, unable to control myself from getting into the treats!

I wondered if there was something wrong with me.

Since then, I've studied (and teach my clients) about the body's physiological responses. Now that I know that desiring and eating sugar isn't a moral failing, but rather a normal physiological response, I have a totally different relationship with sweets - however, that doesn't mean that I don't occasionally find myself with cravings too!

When my cravings start to come on too strong, that's when I know that I need a reset.

In the Sugar-Cravings Reset, I'll teach you the exact techniques I use myself, and the methods I teach my clients.

Elizabeth Sherman

Life & Health Coach for Women in Midlife

Podcast Host - The Total Health in Midlife Podcast

How It Works

During the Sugar-Cravings Reset, you'll learn how to reduce your cravings, and what steps you can take to prevent and manage your sugar cravings going forward.

The Details:

When & Where is the Sugar-Cravings Reset held?

Monday, April 17th through Friday, April 21st (Time TBD), in the comfort of your own home (or wherever you want to attend).

This is a virtual workshop but it for sure won't be boring! I bring the sugar and spice and keep you engaged the whole time.

Can't attend that live? Your workshop registration includes access to videos of the entire event! You can watch the workshop when it's convenient for you. 

What if I can't come that day or attend the entire 5 days live?

If you can’t attend you can still register - You’ll get each day's recordings within a few hours after the live session and you can watch them anytime. I do encourage you to attend live if possible.

how much is the challenge?

This workshop is only $30. You'll get to keep the materials and video replays for LIFE. This is the the lowest investment available to work with me as your coach. 

what kind of technology do i need to attend the challenge

We will use a pop up Facebook group and the Zoom app. You can download Zoom for free here. Or the live sessions will be streamed into our private Facebook group! No one will be able to see or hear you during the workshop so wear your jammies if you wish!

I have another question about the workshop

Email us your question at hello@elizabethsherman.com.


Get a hold of your sugar cravings & feel better in just a few short days!!