Elizabeth Sherman: Life and Health Coach for Women in Midlife • Total Health by Elizabeth

Your Pathway to Optimal Health and Reverse Aging

Health Coaching for Women in Midlife who want to Reclaim the Vibrancy of their Youth.

Does this sound familiar?

  • You don't like what you see in the mirror.
  • You want to lose that midlife muffin-top, but you just can NOT tolerate the idea of dieting (again).
  • Hormones are messing with your mood and body.
  • At the end of a stressful day, zoning out on the couch with a glass of wine is about all you can muster.
  • Close friends and family are getting diagnosed with serious conditions, and you wonder, "Am I next?"
  • You wake up so exhausted, you wonder, "How am I going to get through the day?"
  • You know you "should" prioritize your health but can't seem to find the time - and you feel guilt about that.
  • With all the daily challenges you face, you're feeling like your health has taken a backseat to everything else.

Something needs to change; But it's not that easy. 

Between juggling family, work, and the never-ending to-do list, you're stretched thin. Everything feels flat, but you can't summons the energy to do anything about it. Although you'd love to lose weight, you recognize that your health is more than just vanity. It's about re-engaging with life, feeling energetic, and being your best you—for the long haul.

It's Not Too Late!

In the whirlwind of raising children and building a career, time for self-care often felt like a luxury you couldn't afford.

But now, as you step into this new phase of life, you might be feeling the effects of years spent putting yourself last.

It's important to know that this isn't your fault.

The expectation to 'do it all' didn't come with a manual for navigating the physical changes of menopause & everything else that happens in midlife. 

Yet, here you are, ready to seize this moment.

Your health and your future are still in your hands, and with this newfound awareness, you're on the brink of an empowering journey to realignment.

Can I Paint a Different Picture?

  • What if you could feel young again and like what you see in the mirror?
  • Imagine if you could feel sexy and confident in your body again.
  • Picture yourself waking up in the morning with energy and purpose.
  • Imagine picking up pickleball, enjoying the fun and camaraderie of a new sport and making new friends.
  • How would it feel to hike the iconic Camino de Santiago, experiencing the beauty of the trail with a sense of accomplishment and wonder? 
  • Imagine having the time and energy to cook healthy, exotic recipes from around the world, delighting in new flavors and nourishing your body and soul.
  • Think about taking salsa or ballroom dance lessons with your partner, laughing and enjoying doing something fun together.

How My Approach is Different than Other Methods

You've done the dieting and the fitness programs. You've even tackled the wellness books. But those are just pieces of a puzzle. When you choose to work with me, I won't give you another set of rules to follow— I will help you figure out how to make health fit into your lifestyle. Making it a customized, compassionate approach tailored to you and your unique life.

With nearly two decades of specialized experience helping women in midlife navigate life's challenges—from hormonal shifts to family demands—I offer a high-touch 360 degree to life method. I approach your health from a holistic point of view, addressing not only your physical health, but your mental and emotional health needs too.

I'm here to show you a new way of approaching health—one that goes way beyond just diet and exercise. With an approach rooted in understanding your body's unique needs to create the right set of habits that work for your body and lifestyle. Let me help you redefine what "health" means in midlife and start building a life that feels just as good as it looks.

Go From ...

  • Feeling overwhelmed by life's responsibilities and changes.
  • Neglecting self-care due to a busy lifestyle and family commitments.
  • Feeling disconnected from your younger, more energetic self.
  • Struggling with emotional eating and cravings for sweets.
  • Fear of not being able to regain health and longevity.

To ...

  • Embracing calm and control over your health and daily routines.
  • Integrating simple, effective self-care practices into your daily life.
  • Reconnecting with your spirit through enjoyable activities.
  • Developing healthy eating habits and overcoming emotional cravings.
  • Building a resilient and healthy body, ready for future adventures.

When I started working with Elizabeth, I was consistently having mini-binges, and then feeling terrible about it. Through the course of our work together, I learned how to take time for myself, and practice self-care, which eventually led to no more binging. At 59 I weigh less than I have in years!


I found Elizabeth after heart surgery, during a pretty critical time in my life. In working with her, I was able to learn how to stop blaming myself for my health, be kinder to myself and follow my plans for better habits.


The Next Chapter is Yours:
Prioritize Your Health for a Fulfilling Future

You've followed the rules and mastered the art of being the 'good' woman, always putting others first. But now, it's your turn to  reclaim your health, because a fulfilling future doesn't just happen – it's something that you create. Seize midlife as the opportunity that it is and prioritize your health to create the foundation of the next chapter you truly deserve.

Introducing your
Total Health Solution:

A six-month, high-touch personalized coaching program exclusively tailored for women in midlife who are ready to reclaim their health, energy, and self-trust. Learn to prioritize your health & longevity, and embrace a unique approach to your health that honors your body's changing needs and hormones. 

With nearly two decades of specialized experience in women's midlife health, I've helped 1000's of women to not just achieve their health goals, but to do it from a place of acceptance and ease. You'll learn not just to get by, but to thrive, as you rediscover the energy, body shape, and mental clarity you once felt proud of.

What You'll Get:

Remember the woman you saw in the mirror, the one who felt unfamiliar? Our deep dive into your habits and behaviors will rediscover her—energized, hormonally balanced, and feeling like your younger self again.

  • Master Self-Trust & Body Acceptance: Cultivate a deep sense of self-trust and acceptance. More than losing weight, success is about understanding your body's cues so that you can make choices that make you feel good.
  • Holistic Health Transformation: Learn to balance all aspects of wellness to achieve a harmonious state of health; not just physical health but also emotional and mental well-being.
  • Custom-Tailored Strategies: No more squeezing your unique life into one-size-fits-all advice. Get strategies built just for your unique needs, making it easier to prioritize your health even when it feels like you don't have the time.
  • VIP Treatment: It's your turn for some special treatment—unlimited text and email support, and a private podcast & website packed with resources, so that you feel taken care of and completely supported.

So if you're tired of your health falling off your to-do list, and if you're ready to make meaningful changes, these are the steps we'll take to reverse the aging process. It's not just about the next few months; it's about setting you up for a lifetime of feeling great and growing into your best self.

What Clients say

This is completely worth the financial and time commitment. If you put in the work, you will see results.

Not only am I more confident with how I look, but I have more confidence over all and am overall just happier and mentally healthier. Amazing experience overall!


My family has noticed my increased activity and healthier eating habits. After a while they started joining me too! I feel like I am firing on all cylinders again after wandering aimlessly for a couple of years trying to figure out how to be me in an older (but still strong ) body.


Hi! I'm Elizabeth

Master Certified Health & Life Coach for Women in Midlife
Podcast Host - The Total Health in Midlife Podcast

I'm glad you're here!

If you're a woman in your 50s or 60's juggling family, work, and life's ups and downs, you're in the right place. I'm a Master Certified Life & Health Coach, but not the cookie-cutter kind.

What sets me apart? Simple: I get you. Health is more than just green smoothies and treadmill miles—it's about your whole life. When you work with me, we go beyond diets and workouts. We dig into your body's hormones and unique needs, tackle harmful ways of thinking, and set you up for real, lasting change.

After helping 1000s of women achieve better health and balanced hormones over the past 17+ years, I've learned a few things, and I want to share with you the secrets that I've learned.

Ready to feel empowered, confident, and actually enjoy your journey to better health? I'm your gal. Let me help you .

There is hope. I can show you how.

  • Certified Life Coach - The Life Coach School
  • Certified Feminist Coach - Redesign Your Mind
  • Certified Health Coach - American Council on Exercise
  • Certified Level 1 & 2 Nutrition Coach - Precision Nutrition
  • Certified Women’s Hormonal Health Coach - Metabolic Effect
  • Certified Personal Trainer - American Council on Exercise

How It Works

You're not just signing up for another program; you're stepping into a transformational experience. My Total Health framework offers a 360-degree, non-linear approach that recognizes the interconnectedness of your health (physical, emotional, and mental) and every other aspect of your life. Here's how we get you from where you are to where you want to be:


Decoding Your Body’s Language
Learn to interpret and respond to your body's subtle signals, empowering you to address its needs and heal from within.


Clarify Personal Goals
Gain crystal-clear insight into what you want, forming the basis for sustainable health habits tailored to you.


Emotional Intelligence
Develop the ability to recognize and manage emotions, replacing unhealthy coping mechanisms with constructive behaviors that lead to better health.


Track Progress
Master the skill of recognizing your progress, maintaining commitment, and keeping your long-term health goals within sight.


Prioritize You
Overcome barriers to prioritizing your needs, fostering a meaningful relationship with yourself and enhancing connections with others.


Have Your Own Back
Cultivate the threefold skill of self-advocacy: setting realistic commitments, honoring your promises to yourself, and approaching setbacks with non-judgmental curiosity.

In essence, this coaching journey is designed to provide you with the tools, guidance, and personalized support to make the transformative changes you seek in your health and in your life.

You might be thinking...

I get it, six months might sound like a stretch, especially when you're already stretched. But here's what's different: I can give you your time back. This duration is designed to support you in sustainable change that quick fixes just can't give you. During our time together, life will happen—emergencies, celebrations, the whole nine yards. The beauty of this longer length of time is that it equips you to not give up on you, even when things get chaotic. Our initial consult ensures we're a right fit, and we'll create a tailored plan that gives you your time back, and enhances your life, rather than complicates it. So, if you're tired of short-term solutions that don't deliver what they promise, and leave you back where you started, this is your chance for real, lasting change.

Turning 50 and other personal events had me at a low place, which is why I originally scheduled the consult. I am so glad I did.

Working with Elizabeth has changed my life! I feel so much better, emotionally and physically, and know it will only get better. It was worth the investment in myself.


Your Investment plan

Total Package Plan

Start Your Personalized Health Transformation

What you'll get when you invest:
We kick things off with a 60-minute 360 health session, designed to:
  • Understand Your Current Habits: Get an in-depth view of where you are right now with your health habits, eating patterns, and lifestyle choices.
  • Clarify Your Goals: Figure out where you want to go and what challenges you'll likely face along the way.
  • Map Out Your Path: Design a tailored action plan that bridges the gap between your current reality and your desired state of health and well-being.
THEN, You get 18 half-hour coaching sessions & 6 community calls over 6 months to help you:
  • Stay Focused: Life gets tough. Sometimes you might want to throw in the towel. That's where your coaching sessions come in—providing you with the guidance, strategies, and moral support to keep going.
  • Tackle Obstacles Head-On: Be it mental barriers, emotional fears, or lifestyle constraints, we work on clearing the roadblocks that have been holding you back.
  • Celebrate Your Wins: It's easy to overlook your progress. In these sessions, we make sure to recognize and celebrate your wins, big or small, so you can clearly see how far you've come.
The Extras That Make All the Difference:
  • Text and Email Support
  • Optional Call Recordings
  • Exclusive Access to ‘Your Digital Health Library'



* Payment Plans Available

Elite VIP Plan

Start Your Personalized Health Transformation

What you'll get when you invest:
We kick things off with a 90-minute 360 health session, designed to:
  • Understand Your Current Habits: Get an in-depth view of where you are right now with your health habits, eating patterns, and lifestyle choices.
  • Clarify Your Goals: Figure out where you want to go and what challenges you'll likely face along the way.
  • Map Out Your Path: Design a tailored action plan that bridges the gap between your current reality and your desired state of health and well-being.
THEN, You get 18 45 minute coaching sessions & 6 community calls over 6 months to help you:
  • Stay Focused: Life gets tough. Sometimes you might want to throw in the towel. That's where your coaching sessions come in—providing you with the guidance, strategies, and moral support to keep going.
  • Tackle Obstacles Head-On: Be it mental barriers, emotional fears, or lifestyle constraints, we work on clearing the roadblocks that have been holding you back.
  • Celebrate Your Wins: It's easy to overlook your progress. In these sessions, we make sure to recognize and celebrate your wins, big or small, so you can clearly see how far you've come.
The Extras That Make All the Difference:
  • Text and Email Support
  • Optional Call Recordings
  • Exclusive Access to ‘Your Digital Health Library'



* Payment Plans Available

weight loss private coaching

Through my work with Elizabeth, I stopped binging on and hiding treats from my family. I can now have 1 or 2 cookies without having to eat it all. This has been transformational for myself and my family.


weight loss private coaching

I had an incredible experience with Elizabeth and I'm so, so grateful to her for sharing her experience and knowledge, for her patience, and knowing that she'd be there to talk things through and troubleshoot with! 


Your Next Steps:

Current Progress
Current Progress
Current Progress
Current Progress

Step 1.

  • Book your Call

Step 2.

  • Show Up for Our Calls

Step 3.

  • Feel Healthier and
    Proud of Your Success!

It's Your Time!

This is your sliding doors moment.

The choice you make now sets the stage for your future. Do you continue reacting to life, or are you ready to proactively take control of your health?

This future is not just a pipe dream—the door is open. All you have to do is step through.